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About Melvazord

  • Birthday 05/27/1980

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  1. Anyone that gets this worked up about a sports game is an idiot and frankly the world would be better off without them since they are clearly psychologically deranged. The people who volunteered to help clean up afterwards should be applauded. The rioters should be ashamed of themselves for being so sub-human.
  2. Im afraid I was being facetious in a poor attempt at humour that has apparently failed. Curse you god, for making me this way!
  3. Commando-Made in 1985. There was a war in Afghanistan, the conservative party was in power, the Irish terrorists continued their bombing war and we were in a horrible recession. So yeah, nothing like today at all. If only it had been made in 1986 then we could have had a nuclear disaster in to boot.
  4. waa waa waaaaaaaa http://www.thefilmpilgrim.com/news/blade-runner-remake-on-the-cards/2093
  5. Oblivion. Need to hone the blade ready for Skyrim.
  6. The end song from Portal. I can never get it out of my damn head. I love it but good lord its catchy.
  7. And yet I've already seen some pics online and the sprues are absolutely clogged with flash. I've aslo heard that it is really, almost unworkably soft. Won't affect me since I shan't be buying any but it still sucks how much GW have fallen from our embrace.
  8. 1. Did not need to be made. 2. Colin Farrell as Douglas Quaid. What an awful, awful choice. 3.Bill Nighy as Quatto. Yah OK, I can live with that. 4. Quatto is not a mutant baby coming out of Bill Nighy's chest. What...why would...FFS... 5.Bryan Cranston as Richter. Good actor, however: 6. Bryan Cranston < Michael Ironside. In fact: Earth < Michael Ironside. 7. Next you'll be telling me that Sam Worthington is going to play John Matrix in a Commando remake. 8. Wait, what?! He is?! 9. You might as well have Orlando Bloom play the Terminator in a remake of "The Terminator" 10. NO WAIT! Hollywood take no notice of number 9! Please for the love of all thats holy! CURSE YOU HOLLYWOOD! 10.1 KHHHHHHAAAAAANNNNNN!
  9. I really enjoy the badly made Eastern films. Saviour of the Soul is a great example. Just terrible yet compelling. "He is wearing bullet proof vest! Shoot his head only!" Hilarious.
  10. Absorbing bizarre amounts of pointless and unconnected information.
  11. Aye, theres a good reason everyone in Scotland dies of a heart attack. All that good living.
  12. I created my avatar as a sort of pastiche of The Laughing Man symbol from Ghost in the Shell:SAC. I call it Memento Mori Man.
  13. Lorne sausage is a sqaure sausage that tastes exactly like sausage would taste if it was made by angels. Macaroni pies seem to be an Aberdonian thing (North East for life y'all!) but if you can get one, smother the thing wi tomato sauce....oh momma!
  14. Funnily enough the in-laws brought down a hit of Lorne for us the other week. God I miss that stuff. That and macaroni pies. Mmmmmm.
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