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What Malifaux Model do you connect most with?

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I think Criid more than anyone (McMourning comes... close). Trying to do 'right' with the world, walking the razor's edge between sin and samnation, trying to keep the overmasters happy, follow the rules, keep people in line, and yet still serve them all as best as one can. Eternally tempted by the evils which you fight against, giving in a centemeter at a time until your soul sways under the strain.

....sounds about right.

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I have two or three

First is Leveticus, I'm a bit of an outsider, I also like Rusty Alyce ;)

Second/third the dreamer and lord chompy bits, I'm bit of a daydreamer and slightly childish and some connection to lord chompy bit's because well not sure really

Out of the two, though, which would you say you're most like?



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I see myself the most in C. Hoffman, I think, only without the cool technopathy-thingamajingys. And the polio.

I prefer Seamus though, since he's such a counterweight to my personality. People are like that, I suppose, preferring the exact opposite of their actual selves. Alter-ego business.

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I think I connect best with... Abuela Ortega. Not because of the age (I'm only 25) but because of her ability to roust her family to her aide. She's this little old lady who puts herself in harms way to try and help her family, and they are very protective of her.

Also, the thing with the shotgun... flying back when she shoots it... totally me :D

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