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Shootiest Crew?


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I'm trying to find a good ranged crew to play with. I know the Ortegas are pretty shooty, but I am a big fan of Lady Justice and her ability to destroy things at close range. I was wondering if taking her with some ranged support would be a good idea.

If so, can you recommend some good shooty models to take along with her? I was thinking of Nino for sure but beyond that... I'm just not sure.

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I highly recommend Nino, a pair of Guild Austringers, and the Convict Gunslinger for ranged models.

You might want another model who is also good at melee with Lady Justice such as Samael Hopkins or the Judge. Any time you have a valuable model like Lady Justice isolated from the rest of the crew it invites your opponent to swarm in and kill that model. I do this with Colette, Mechanical Doves, and Coryphee Duet as much as I can.

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I would agree wit Odin, Gremlins are far shootier. As for Shooty guild, Odin's list minus the Judge-that spell drops the cb to 3. 4 cb 3 attacks at 8" I wouldn't really call effective shooty.

One big guy missing from the list is Ryle. I would place the models in order of for best general shooting line, taking in bang for ss cost:

1. Nino - 16" range at cb 9 2+ possible attacks, possible single shot killer

2. Guild Austringer 1 cb 7 at 18" or 2 cb 7 12" (no los - huge benefit) only one you can take 2 of.

3. Ryle - 3 cb 5 attaks at 12" with repeat damage flip trigger (this is huge one attack could produce 3+ damage flips)

4. Sammuel Hopkins 2 10" cb 6-8 attacks with a max weak dmg flip at 6

5. Santiago 10" range at cb 5-7 paired 2+ attacks

Honorable mentions:

Lucius 16" attack, Trapper with Nino can do some great routing actions, your two elderly blast shooters - Papa and Abuela, Convict Gunslinger.

Again the ranking does not imply that I will always take Nino first, Austringer second and Ryle third. It is more that if you were wanting to play a general list shooting line this would be the order of models I would take.

If you are going to create a firing line with Lady J the best thing you can do is keep Lady J back for a turn. Mr. Nybbles points this out well, but if you keep her back at least one turn can help her survive and make her more effective especially if you can soften up their army before closing the distance. Ryle and Santiago work great as shooting options that will walk in to the fray with Lady J. Most strategies require you to move your army to the middle of the battlefield, few who play Lady J keep her back a turn. I have tried this and it makes a world of difference allowing me to get that melee expert attack off before being hit.

35 ss Shooting list I like with Lady J:




3x Death Marshals

7ss cache used strictly to for defense, damage prevention, and healing flips.

Push Ryle forward with Death Marshals keep Lady J at least 20" of opponents, let Death Marshals and Ryle take shots. If you want better melee 4 ss support of Lady J than can replace some or all Death Marshals with Witchling Stalkers.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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Blades and bullets doesn't drop your combat with the judge the bullet and blade spell does however the problem with blades and bullets is it is a 2" range to activate.

Correct which means that the Judge is most effective in melee and is not really in range.

Judge is a beast if he can close the range. I love him as a model but I won't take him with Lady J because I like to leave all my masks for Nino and Lady J. If I don't take Nino then I will take the Judge. Judge is also pretty tough to kill with hard to wound and 9 wounds. Also if he is in melee range his slow to die will give him a chance at 2 strikes back. So not to discredit the Judge's abilities, but he does deserve credit as a shooty option for Lady J.

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I didn't mean to leave Hans out but for 9ss he doesn't seem worth taking for a guild crew given what you take in his place. Guild have great shooters. I would only take Hans in an outcast crew.

I could also see him being worth taking him in a Neverborn or Ressurectionist crew if card advantage was important. Against Hamelin for example, a couple of headshots against key models like Nix or Ratcatchers could help clear out his hand.

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I have to say, if I am going for pure shooty in a guild list (minus master) I look at the following:

  • Nino (7)
    • Nino is out sniper, and a very good shooter. Hunter plus headshot plus trigger happy makes things very nice. Add in (0) in my sights and he is a top choice every time.

    [*]Samael (8)

    • For pure hitting power, Sam is the man. He is a strong second choice for me in shooting lists due to hunter and (0) flaming bullets. He only gets better if I can face off against a caster. If I flip a :masks then I enjoy Ricochet, but I rarely cheat for it.

    [*]Santiago (7)

    • Santiago is a good addition to a shooting list. He has (2) Rapid Fire and Trigger happy, which can result in a large number of shots going off with the right flips. In addition, paired peacebringers works well for getting triggers going.

    [*]Ryle (8)

    • Ranged Expert and Automatic Fire. These are nice as finishing moves, especially when the enemy groups up against us. Very nice for shooting a sorrow-hive or Seishin cluster. Add in the additional damage from Severe and/or fully automatic and things can get rough for the target.

    [*]Austringer (5)

    • A great compliment to Nino, along with a good way to start adding damage to models slightly out of range or out of LOS. While his damage output is not large, he is a great range finder for Nino. Launch an 18 inch raptor strike, and if the target is 16 inches away, deliver orders to Nino and take another round of shooting.

To tell the truth, I prefer to add in Perdita with this type of ranged crew. At the end of the day, either Perdita or Lady J can work well here. J has more soul-stones (the above is a 35 point list), Perdita is tougher to kill.

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Ryle is someone you should add if you want any sort of shooty list. the 12" movement and still getting off a shot is good but also the ability to walk out of combat so he can shoot someone again without having to be grabbed works well for him and then you have the Armour which really helps as he is generally seen as a target to be taken down.

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Austringer are great cheap long range models but there one shot doesn't make them very helpful, so I would say one is necessary. Ryle and Nino can produce the most strikes but Ryle has the lower CB so using him first is a great way of making your opponent burn through control hand, no one wants to let one of his shots hit. Once you get your opponent to burn through the control hand than that frees up your higher CB shots.

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Until you run up against a good levi list and then with 1 or 2 austringers in your list he doesn't want to move towards you to do things with his master at all do to you capping the waif and then levi is all lonely by himself facing down the rest of a shooting crew.

Austringers are amazing they probably should cost more than 5 points say 6 points. You just have to use them right. The 18" is for waif's or other high priority totems, or low wound guys.

If nothing is near them worth using a 18" strike then use both ap for a 12" shot to weaken something down on a close approaching model to the front yard line of your ranged guys (you know the one's with 8 or 10" range).

Not too mention his (0) deliver orders if your using like 2-3 or more family members can be amazing. Activate him use it then companion up the family up too 24" away if one of them is in los of him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmm...something like this had crossed my mind while fiddling with random lists. Question though, would anyone consider taking Von Schill? I know he'd be 10ss and if you don't take any other 'korps with him he looses some synergy, but he does have one of the best ranged dmg spreads in the game, he's fast, and has use ss.

The question you would have to ask yourself is quality over quantity as you couldn't take both Von and Ryle. I only ask because I already own Von Schill and he can be a beast.

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I would have thought you could Obey Ryle. It doesn't need to target a 'friendly' model, so his rule won't kick in.

I think you can Obey him you just can't auto fail the Obey like you could if you were say doing the Obey on Nino. You would still have to flip and flip for Ryle so it doesn't go off automatically.

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I would have thought you could Obey Ryle. It doesn't need to target a 'friendly' model, so his rule won't kick in.

The way I read it originally he can't be targeted but it isn't that he can't be targeted it's that he can't be classed as friendly to anything that states "Target Friendly Model" As Obey says "Target Non-Master Model" he doesn't have to be friendly so he can be targeted.

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