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A Difficult Choice?

Absolution Black

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Ok, A bit of a light hearted post, and I hope its not been done before (or at least recently) but:

I notice a lot of us run several different crews. But what if by a cruel twist of fate, you were only allowed to run a single master from now on.....who would you choose, and why?

For myself, even though I am still finding my feet in the game, I would definitely say Lady J for me. Apart from the stellar models and access to all that Guild goodness, I just find her easier to play with, and more fun too. I think she's a great starter crew, though if I was stuck with her forever, I would hope I could always find new tricks to pull off!

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Hell, despite having 5 other masters and a Henchman, I've been playing her almost exclusively anyway. :D

Just as Magicpockets said, she's got alot of depth and variety to her playstyle and a very large number of models to choose from. She's got the tools to take on just about any crew in any scenario and has been alot of fun to use in every game I've played.

For me, there's no question.

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If your sole deterministic character is how attractive you find a master, you may be in the wrong game. The game has a far many lovely women, and men for that matter. But that isn not the question of the thread. If you like, you should make such a thread.

Na, i love the game for what it is

I was making a Joke just for the sake of making a joke

and Viktoria really needs to put a coat on

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I would choose Lilith. I like Pandora a lot, but I have more games so far with Lilith. She has all the advantages of Lady J mentioned previously, but I feel she has more tactical flexibility. She is fun to play, and has a reputation in my gaming circle for scaring other players.

Whereas Pandora has a reputation of scarring other players for life.

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Let me guess Ratty


Nah, Hamelin has no character and is enslaving the Rat of Malifaux. I'm a member of the Rodent Liberation Front of Malifaux (not the Malifaux Rodent Liberation Front, SPLITTERS!). I think my favourite master is Seamus, because he is a complete nutter and you can go BANG and giggle lots, however if I had to choose a master to play I would probably go with Kirai as her play style suits me.

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