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Films with terrible endings

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How could I have forgotten Bridge to Terabithia! It was a good movie up until they killed the one interesting character, then the kid with no personality carries on without her and builds a bridge, but he still isn't interesting! The movie should have started rolling the credits as soon as the main character died. The other kid simply was incapable of moving past being a two dimensional character. Yes, he tried, but failed!

The one that immediately springs to mind is Unbreakable. I thought the first 4/5s of the movie was brilliant and should've ended when Willis' character embraced his role as a superhero. Cut to credits when he steps outside wearing his slicker, listen to the accolades rush in.

But no, Shamalamadingdong had to reveal a twist at the end. "I'm your archnemesis!" No you're not! You're a moronic wannabe bad guy for "telling" you're an archnemesis instead of "showing" you're an archnemesis... in the SEQUEL!

That's one movie where the sequel would've been brilliant, with the good guy (Willis) trying to hunt down the one causing pain to others, only to watch it lead back to Samuel L. Total waste revealing all that at the end of the original movie. Total waste. :banghead:

Another movie I forgot about. You're right, his is how it should have ended, but didn't. The plot device in the movie is there to move the plot along, not tell us what should have been revealed!

Edited by MrNybbles
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I didn't mind Unbreakable, but it was the first M. Pretentious middle name Shamylamylon film I saw. I was really disappointed when I saw the Sixth Sense. I think once you have watch one of his films all the rest seem really predictable and rubbish, though I did enjoy the Village.

If you want to talk about a bad M. Pretentious middle name Shamylamylon film, what about Signs. In the end it turns out the stupid aliens who are allergic to water, decided to attack a planet that is covered in 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters of water. That would be lame by itself. But the main characters are saved because God in his wisdom gave the daughter OCD so she kept pouring glasses of water.

BTW I don't mind spoiling that film as it will save you watching the steaming pile of dung.

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If you want to talk about a bad M. Pretentious middle name Shamylamylon film, what about Signs. In the end it turns out the stupid aliens who are allergic to water, decided to attack a planet that is covered in 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters of water. That would be lame by itself. But the main characters are saved because God in his wisdom gave the daughter OCD so she kept pouring glasses of water.

Yep, definitely another bad one. Sad that two of those mentioned are his.

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If you want to talk about a bad M. Pretentious middle name Shamylamylon film, what about Signs. In the end it turns out the stupid aliens who are allergic to water, decided to attack a planet that is covered in 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters of water. That would be lame by itself. But the main characters are saved because God in his wisdom gave the daughter OCD so she kept pouring glasses of water.

I agree with you on everything, but I still don't think Signs is suitable for this category, as that movie wasn't good at any point, the ending only made it worse. xDD

Otherwise it's certainly also worth mentioning The Book of Eli, the first 5 minutes were nice, didn't mind the following 10 minutes either, but the last 100 were just terrible.. Gotta be the worst movie I've seen in a while.

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Splice, OMG, did that just pissed the wife and myself off in so many ways. Bad, baaaaaad movie. Baaad.

Old Dog. Someone recommended that one to me. The first .. I don't know, ten minutes, was a pretty interesting movie. Then the whole father/daughter thing ... eeewww. That's left a scar.

The Mist was a fun movie, then the ending .. I was just like, ooooh, that is so messed up.

Resident Evil 4. First ten minutes .. yaaaay! Everything after that, which I consider the ending .. booo.

There are a few others that I'm sure just ticked the 'grrr' button that I haven't remembered for one reason or another.

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As others have said Old dog and human centipede. I swear the 2 people who came up with those 2 movies should be locked away. Thing is I like strange movies but those 2 left scars.

As a side note I think I am the only person alive who has enjoyed all the M. night movies. Not the best things I have ever sceen but I dont think any of them was so bad that I could not just go that was kind of cool at the end.

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The movie you're calling Old Dog is actually called Old Boy, but nvm :P

I must admit that I balk at the comparison between The Human Centipede and Old Boy. The former is a twisted, sick, scatophilia-centered splatter-movie, while Old Boy is an asian psychological horror movie.

Old Boy is nasty, yes, but it is nasty in a whole different way, and especially because it comes from a cultural background that is very different to the the western world. The ending is horrible (although not in the sense of "bad film making", but as in genuinely terrifying), but fitting with the theme. I understand that the whole incest theme might grate some people's nerves, I also think that it is a great means of instituting a whole different kind of horror. I really really like that movie, because it is so much different from the western horror movies! The asian storytelling technique is so much more horrific because it does not rely on seeing the monster, but imagining the monster. But I digress ...

The Human Centipede is an ugly brown stain on the whole art of film making. I cannot express how much I loathe that movie and all that it stands for.

It is naturally a question of taste, but putting those two movies into the same category is erroneous to say the least.


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Lol i saw him post it old dog and i followed along I am a sheep.

I was not trying to link them in any way other then the people who came up with them need mental help.

And for the record I liked old boy just wished I never saw it due to ending. The other one sigh.

What sucks the big one is Centipede was listed as segment one or some thing like that. What is scary is the movie made money. That means sooner or later they will make part 2. That gives me 2 options. Subject myself to the other half or wonder for the rest of my life how in the hell they came up with a second half that is any thing but the girl going to spend her life in a mental ward.

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Human Centipede 2 is in post production, as of 11/8/10, according to IMDb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1530509/ thankfully no pictures). Look for it in theaters soon... (straight to DVD?)

I am so delightfully happy that I heard rumors about the first movie before anyone could even approach me with a DVD. Though with my sick friends I will have to carefully check any DVDs they give me for tampering, as I know about the time they altered a gay-porn DVD to appear as a straight-porn flick for another friend's b'day present gag...

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I forgot about this one but as it's on TV right now: Drag Me to Hell. The ending is both horrable and predictable. One or the other I might forgive, but not both.

I agree. It's like Death Note (anime series) where they tell you exactly how the thing is going to end from the very start.

What's the moral of this movie anyway? If you don't give people a fourth loan when they have no way to play it back you should still be merciful? Or maybe it is even if you become a more compassionate person you can't fix your mistakes and are going straight to hell for eternity so there is no point in even trying?

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I agree. It's like Death Note (anime series) where they tell you exactly how the thing is going to end from the very start.

What's the moral of this movie anyway? If you don't give people a fourth loan when they have no way to play it back you should still be merciful? Or maybe it is even if you become a more compassionate person you can't fix your mistakes and are going straight to hell for eternity so there is no point in even trying?

The live-action movie, however, had a very well-played ending. You know, the way the series should have ended.

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(From IMDB, Re: Human Centipede)

Roger Ebert refused to assign this film a star rating for his review (not to be confused with giving it a zero star rating, which he hands out to the very worst films that he sees), saying it doesn't really matter whether the film is perceived as good or bad. He closes the review by writing, "[The film] is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine."

Edited by Doctor Amos
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