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The Growing Battlefield

gunpowder saint

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In the past few games I've noticed something. That being that Wyrd seems to want to raise the point scale of the average battle game.

Not to say that they're making 25 point games obsolete. I think they just want bigger, more exciting games with ALOT more options to every player ya know?

in the past few days I've heard quiet a few comments from the LCB player about how he would work so much better in a 40 point game, or larger. Same with the Gremlin Player. And while looking at the Second Book I'm beginning to realize that might be feasible. If you look they already lowered the point requirement for Brawls allowing you to take two masters at 35 points.

so the point I'm trying to make is, 45-60 point games are going to raise in playability? The reason I always shied away from those games is A) lack of mini's, and B) lack of choice. IE to fill all 50 points I'll have to take one of everything in the first book, but now I feel like there are more options ya diggit?

[[.begin discussion now.]]

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How is wyrd doing this. Local groups may be but I don't see this being wyrd doing it. They added both high and low cost mini. The box sets don't seam to have way more points. I will grant they have a couple more then some of the first box sets that had so few points you lost ss in a 25 point game.

Most people on the boards look to be playing between 25 and 35 point games same as ever.

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My players still put casual games at 30 to 35 Stones. I think what happens is there a mentality with certain players to start wanting to field armies of models or several high cost models. I don't feel Malifaux is really meant for that.

I actually had a lot of negative feedback when I suggested doing a 40 Stone brawl for my December tournament. And the Adepticon Brawl is the slowest selling event I got going there(of course that might also because there is some stiff competition on Saturday)

Honestly I am surprised to hear that a Gremlin player wants more points, with 35 points you can run an entire village of Gremlins.

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It's a natural thing for game size to grow like that as more options become available. Nothing in particular on part of the company.

And, for the record, I always thought gremlins did better at 40 ss. They could actually get a cache.

I second this opinion.

It's not the companies that drive the games bigger (even if it helps the gains) - they don't have to. Average gammer suffers from very deeply rooted dislike for hard choices and wants to use all his toys. The more models appear on the market, the bigger the games get.

Personally I like 35 SS format the best. I tried 45 and the game was too slow to my liking. I also think 45 stretches the deck a bit. At 35 SS only the busiest tools see the fate deck getting reshuffled. At 45 it is pretty common.

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We play between 25 and 35pts normally at our club. I just ran a tournament at 30ss, and this was well liked. Personally I want to be doing scraps at 40ss to get more selection and a larger force, though I might think about a brawl as well. One problem I have found is that 30ss+ takes over 2 hours to get a full 6 turns, which some crews need to have to function properly.

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I agree with the OP. I think that this is an insidious plot by Wyrd, and they should be held accountable.

You can't convince me that they make these outstanding miniatures to be played with their addictive rules in a world so wondrously wylde, wyrd & inspiring purely by accident? No, of course not. This is just the tip of iceberg of their nefarious (not to mention, dastardly) schemes!

They know - you can't tell me they don't - that we'll only want more and more and more .....

(Did I mention the cards? I bought 2 decks: a 'normal' one & a puppet deck, so now I can't even decide which one to use!!! Damn you, Wyrd - can't you make something average for a change - I won't even try for mediocre!)

Can I have my medicine early tonight, Miss Pack? I think my dosage needs to be increased .....


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Players love to use all the toys. Nothing new there. 25ss is something i only ever play if pressed for time, as they are very constraining. I prefer 30-35ss. However, I don't think Brawls will ever get too popular, the nature of the game means it slows down very much after certain point is reached due to sheer number of interactions between powers and models.

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This game just doesn't seem balanced for big games or brawls. There are too many combos out there that would make the game just not fun (I'm looking at you Nekima+Lelu+Killjoy+Shaman).

Or what about a Hamelin with so many rats that you have no place to get into base contact with him or his rat catchers?

I don't particularly ever want to play a brawl. Stuff like Kirai and Nico summoning in 10 seishen and boatloads of Gaki by rekilling mindless zombies.

What about Zoraida with doppelgangers, Hamelin, and a pigapult wiping out an entire army from 24 inches away with 5+ obey casts?

This game is perfect for 30 or 35 soulstones imo. Any bigger than that is silly and the combos are just as silly.

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I actually really like the hard choices faced at 25 Stones, especially when playing an elite crew like the Viktorias. It really challenges you to squeeze the most out of your crew.

I'm running an exaclation tourney with 25, 30 and 35SS Games just for this reason. You can't take the same crew twice and really have to figure out what models you need to complete your strategy.

[shameless plug] If any of you are in the NYC area on Feb. 12th you should check out this tourney![/shameless plug]

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We still play 35pt games, as we always did. We tried a couple of 25pt games to see if they were fun (while confirming tournament rules) but didn't enjoy them as we didn't feel that there was the space to include a 'luxury' figure or two.

Of course, with the new book there's ton more toys to tryout, but people still want to use their old favourites that they just can't do without. But that's part of the fun :).

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Brawls are amusing, assuming you're just doing it to run both crews you have or to try out a new big figure or two and not trying to uber-max yur d00ds. I find the 25 end of the stone pool a little restrictive just because numbers need to round out. Larger pools allow for more flexability in the number of figures that you use to attain a given stone limit.

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