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You know you are a Malifaux addict when...


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...when you spend your free time calculating the interaction of shipping schedules to try and guess when your new models will arrive.

...when you are willing to pay multiple shipping costs for buying things because you just can't wait to fill up your cart and make it, "worth it".

"If you've answered 'Yes' to any of these items then you're the perfect candidate for The Guild sanctioned counselling!" :P

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... When you drive through a tunnel and refer to it as going through the breach.

... When you faintly hope as you drive through said tunnel that you will end up in malifaux

... When you and your fiancé decided to blow off anniversary dinner plans to play a game or two instead

... When you comptenplate on a daily basis if you could talk the wyrd staf into writing a novel for each characters history or the whole universe in general

... When you consider calling out of work to catch up on painting the models you've had for almost a year that you keep adding too knowing you still have so many unpainted ones

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When you have so much fun making up new models for the game, that there is room for less than half of them in the book. :D

I Have enough to fill two books

when you post in a thread about when you are addicted to malifaux......

Yep :)

... When you comptenplate on a daily basis if you could talk the wyrd staf into writing a novel for each characters history or the whole universe in general

too true

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when you walk through your local hardware store thinking "oh man that would make some great scenery" *check price* *go home with twice as much as you needed*

When you play a game of poker and announce your flush as "Tomes"

when you spend countless hours trying to convert the Malifaux system to a paper and pencil RPG so you can play that too!

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