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Ophelia anyone?


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I used it in my demo game and I did rather well with it, they are a quirky crew but the gremlin helping abilities they have really shine, ie they can engage folks and shoot folks and not worry about hitting them etc. They have some good teamwork synergies like the Ortega's but they can really move across the field and swarm things as well.

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Out of the box you are going to be short a few points for a standard game, but with a few additions they are great. In a 30ss game I usually take 3 gremlins, a slop hauler, and all of the kin. That leaves me with 4ss for my cache, which is a little lighter then I like but has not been a problem so far.

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Yes, but only in a Brawl with Somer as the Master and Ophelia as a Henchman.

This is probably a stupid question, but I don't have book 2 available right now to double check.


..Can't you hire henchmen in a scrap, as well? I rather thought that was the point of giving them a SS cost and specifying that their 'Henchmen Resources' don't come into play when not taken as a master.

IE - in a 40 point scrap or somesuch, could you not take Somer as a master, hire Ophelia and her crew, and hire a warpig?

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This is probably a stupid question, but I don't have book 2 available right now to double check.


..Can't you hire henchmen in a scrap, as well? I rather thought that was the point of giving them a SS cost and specifying that their 'Henchmen Resources' don't come into play when not taken as a master.

IE - in a 40 point scrap or somesuch, could you not take Somer as a master, hire Ophelia and her crew, and hire a warpig?

Yep. Henchmen can be hired into any size scrap or brawl. They can also still connect to totems per totem rules and can use soulstones. Huge but costly.

Read page 35 of RP for everything you need to know about Henchmen.

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regarding henchmen and another master in a brawl. Ive been looking to take ophelia and somer to a tourney in a few weeks and couldnt find this ruling anywhere. If i have teeth as one of the masters and ophelia as the other do i get the soul stone resources still? It only says it does for the scrap not the brawl.

cheers in advance.

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regarding henchmen and another master in a brawl. Ive been looking to take ophelia and somer to a tourney in a few weeks and couldnt find this ruling anywhere. If i have teeth as one of the masters and ophelia as the other do i get the soul stone resources still? It only says it does for the scrap not the brawl.

cheers in advance.

N/M I see what you are asking now. :poke:

I am going to say yes the same rules exist. But this question is better asked in the RP rules forum. You wil get quicker results.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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I was FINALLY able to pick up my Gremlin box. They look great. I espescially like Rami with the piggy counterweight on his rifle.

One thing about the box did have me scratching my head.... There's a little blurb on the back of the box titled Born on the Bayou. The last sentence reads...

"There's little doubt the LaCriox barely make do with what they're good at - annoying the Guild"

What the heck does that mean and was the person writing it sipping from som'er's jug?


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I was FINALLY able to pick up my Gremlin box. They look great. I espescially like Rami with the piggy counterweight on his rifle.

One thing about the box did have me scratching my head.... There's a little blurb on the back of the box titled Born on the Bayou. The last sentence reads...

"There's little doubt the LaCriox barely make do with what they're good at - annoying the Guild"

What the heck does that mean and was the person writing it sipping from som'er's jug?


If you will notice, all of the gremlins in the box have grudge against family. Meaning Perdita and her family.
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I had my first run with her last weekend vs marcus. Ended up a draw however I think I only lost 2 gremlins. I ran Somer with her regular crew and he tended to compliment her well whilst creating extra gremlins and healing the Ophellia crew.

She has some nice wee triggers that can be deadly & added to that her instinctual ability and some great (0) actions and you have alot of gremlin fun happening.

The models themselves are fantastic. I don't think I have enjoyed painting figures so much as these wee guys. Like a good book just couldn't put them down once I started.

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