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Raspy and Co.


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The solid ice bases are unique. I don't think I've ever seen anyone try that before, at least none that actually looked translucent like real ice.

I like the two-tone gamin, it makes it more visually interesting.

Good job on the blending all-around. It looks especially good on the cloth of the December acolyte.

Excellent looking crew I would love to play against. Look forward to seeing your golem when you get the pic up.

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Sorry, but I must ask this: is he ice skating?

Your models are looking really good! The paint job is very strong and the bases look like a lot of fun.

Thanks for the feedback. Im sure these will wow the kids at club into submission (since I am an average gamer).

Now that you brought it up, even when I look at the Wendigo in person, all I see is him enjoying himself... might need to add some blood splatter to take away (or increase) the level of enjoyment he seems to be having.

@Shadowopal - thank you for the kind words. Had I the materials and talent, Im sure I would do something similar with clear resin myself. Hope you decide to do them and show us all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Am I the only one that see the ice skating Wendigo and scary rather than Cute?

Picture it. the ice rises up from the damp ground under your feet. You know something's up and turn to leave, but slide right down on your face.

As you roll over to try and get up, you see it whipping across the ice at a breakneck pace, all fangs and claws. You may never even get your feet under you before it's tearing your throat out...

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The bases are inserts from Dark Age, and beneath each the base was painted Ice Blue before gluing on the insert. The insert was then lightly dusted with white to pick out the edges, but keeping the majority clear.

The models look great but I think the bases could use a little more love (as is they look a bit rushed). Would suggest that aside from the dusting of white on the edges (which really brings out the edges), the crevices need some definition too (try a thin bluish-green wash). The snow also looks rough, try adding a little water effect (or gloss medium) to it and you'll get a more realistic (slushier) look.

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The models look great but I think the bases could use a little more love (as is they look a bit rushed). Would suggest that aside from the dusting of white on the edges (which really brings out the edges), the crevices need some definition too (try a thin bluish-green wash). The snow also looks rough, try adding a little water effect (or gloss medium) to it and you'll get a more realistic (slushier) look.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I will indeed experiment further with the snow effects from Woodland Scenix... however, Im leaving this crew for now and focussing on my "Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland" themed Pandora list...

Anyone got a good recipe for sandy blonde or rich red hair?

Pandy - Alice

Candy - Red Queen

Teddy - Chessur (cheshire cat)

Kade - Tweedledee/dum

Convict Gunslinger - dee/dum

Doppleganger - unsure, gonna try ice white hair and pale skin

Any suggestions and recipes welcome here or in my diary when I post it up. PM is also welcome.

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  • 7 months later...
How did you make the base on the Ice Golem? i have a Teddy, which I painted like a polar bear and want to put an ice base on it. All your stuff looks really nice. I have some figs done but can't post them because I'm entering the Rotten Harvest VI paint contest.

Sorry, I was just looking for this thread to show a friend and realised that I had no answered you.

The clear resin bases are from Dark Sword or Dark Age.

The snow is a snow flock mixed with pva/white craft glue

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Anyone got a good recipe for sandy blonde or rich red hair?

Any suggestions and recipes welcome here or in my diary when I post it up. PM is also welcome.

I do dirty blonde with GW colors in mind but any equivilent Vallejo or P3 color would do.

Basecoat - Snakebite Leather

Midcolor - Bubonic Brown

Highlight - One part Bubonic Brown; one part Bleached Bone

the tint of brown really makes it look like a poor hydrogen peroxide job done by a meth-monkey hair stylist.

As for the rich red:

Basecoat - Dark Flesh

Wash - Flesh Wash

Mid color -Vermin Brown

Wash - Flesh Wash

Highlight - One part Blood red; two parts Vermin Brown

Edited by Bleys_Bariman
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Basecoat - Snakebite Leather

Midcolor - Bubonic Brown

Highlight - One part Bubonic Brown; one part Bleached Bone

the tint of brown really makes it look like a poor hydrogen peroxide job done by a meth-monkey hair stylist.

As for the rich red:

Basecoat - Dark Flesh

Wash - Flesh Wash

Mid color -Vermin Brown

Wash - Flesh Wash

Highlight - One part Blood red; two parts Vermin Brown

Thanks for those recipes.

Though, for higher contrast I think I will paint the washes into the recesses for the Red. This should mean that my highlights pop on the raised bits of the hair.

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