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Puppet Wars


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Consider it sold!

At the absolute least, those puppets will make great voodoo dolls / wicked dolls. It'd be nice to be able to put down a puppet that actually looks like the minion I'm targetting with conduit. ;)

I like this idea. If they're not too expensive, I'll get one each for the models my friends usually play and use the appropriate models from then on.

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  • 11 months later...

Told my girlfriend about the game tonight while she was eating dinner and perusing on her laptop. She looked up info and pix for the next 45 minutes while a delicious meal went cold.

Total buy - in just from feedback, rules and pix alone.

We're selling a rivals board game (we never play it, it just hulks around the house taking up space) so we can buy all the extra models at the same time too. Can't wait, looking good Wyrd crew and staff!

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  • 5 weeks later...
I almost wish these were the actual Malifaux minis because they're so cool and fun.

Will definitley be picking them up when released in the near future.

Any reason why you couldn't use the equivalent Puppet Wars mini in Malifaux? It's not like model size really matters in Malifaux (i.e. you use Ht. stat and base-to-base for LOS).

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You can.

Button Bases are even made so that if you want to play Malifaux, all you have to do is fit them into a 30mm round base for most miniatures if you wanted to (gotta get creative for those that should fit on a 40mm or 50mm base, but you can do that with base stacking if you 'really' wanted to).

Is that an official tournament stance?

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