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Constructs abound, eventually.


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Hello all. This blog will probably feature quite a few constructs, since it'll be for Ramos, Leveticus and Collodi when he's around.

So far I've managed to completely finish a converted Ramos, converted Convict Gunslinger, and one Steampunk Arachnid. Another 6 Arachnids and a swarm are nearly finished, a Rusty Alice conversion is started, and a Steamborg is awaiting touchups and basing, not to mention the December Acolyte and Leveticus awaiting paint.

As such, here's what's finished. Apologies for the slightly bad photos, I'll try and take some more later tomorrow when more is finished.

The crew so far -


Ramos himself - I used a Captain Nemo head from Warmachine for a look closer to Einstein, plus I added a couple of mechanical limbs and an orb rather than flames, donated by a kind Necron Lord.


Convict Gunslinger - converted Hasslefree miniature with Alastair Caine guns from Warmachine, plus a shirt and suit jacket added.


The spider.


With any luck, I should have Alice and the Spiders finished tomorrow, along with some progress on the scrap counters.

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Certainly, though as with the earlier pictures the lighting's a bit.. off as it's flash used indoors. It looks like I need to hit the guys up with some matt primer too, aftering seeing them this close. For some reason the coat's a slight bit redder than it's supposed to be, but I hope these are alright -




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Cheers for the mass of replies everyone, it's quite different to some other forums which are a tad... slower with comments. Blimey.

My aim is to finish Alice, the Spiders and Electrical Creation next, plus maybe Meveticus if the weather is good for priming.

Also, just made a signature. Excellent.

Edit: Going through my photobucket album, I found a picture of the 'old' Gunslinger, when he was a character I converted up for the Spirit of the Century campaign I took part in, a merc weapons dealer called Derran Gerald. This shows him with his old hands and a different base, but shows the colours of the jacket far more accurately - I also added the trenchcoat belt on the back, as the original model doesn't have one.


I also found a picture of my Steamborg Executioner on the old base, and before his colour scheme touch-up (which is changing the granite to a darker charcoal). Here's he's known as F.R.A.N.C, Friendly Rapid Autonomous Neocortal Construct, for my Supersystem evil scientist gang called Cultured Clash. The figure next to him is a slightly stripped down Mortenebra, known as F.R.A.N.C:I.S. Same name as Franc, with added Insanity Service.


May as well post my actual evil scientists. These are all Cephalix Overlords, and the reason I had spare mechanical arms. From left to right, Clement Stree, the leader 'Mad' Simon Trist, and Eugene Naious. I derived great enjoyment from my friends groaning at their names.


The penultimate member of Cultured Clask is a Dark Age mini, renamed to be the Ion Maiden-


To round everything off, here's my original Ramos, when he was in my Supersystem gang as Physics Ian -


Edited by Geckilian
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Best laid plans and what not.... I only managed to do a tiny bit of work on my spider bases and electrical creation, plus prime Leveticus, as my local game store needed someone to paint the Skaven half of the upcoming Warhammer set by Tuesday. I offered, and have 11 done of the 50 or so. I should hopefully have a Malifaux update in another couple of days.

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These look excellent dude, I love the headswap especially. Badass Einstein!

Nice use of Sabre from Dark age too. I've got her kicking about since she's such a nice model but as of yet haven't found a decent use for her (I play Forsaken for Dark Age, well, Followers of the Heretic to be more specific).

What hasslefree mini is that? Is it the one that's quite blatantly Marv from Sin City?

Edited by DangerousBeans
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Aha, update time! I've managed to finish Rusty Alyce, an Electrical Creation, an Arachnid Spider Swarm and 6 more Arachnid Spiders.

Alyce herself -



All the Spiders, including the first -


The Electrical Creation - I wasn't overly keen on the original so converted this one. I still need to blend the mid line transition from grey to black, but it's essentially done -



Everything so far!


Leveticus has his coat done, so only metal, blacks and details to go. I just need to rebase and touch up 6 Mechanithralls for Steampunk Abominations, and I also have an alternate Desolation Engine ready to paint.

A few extras arrives, so I have a second Arachnid Swarm and the Brass Spider to base and paint up now, and the poor Steamborg Executioner is still waiting patiently to the side for basing and touchups.

More importantly, my counts-as Joss is almost ready for paint, I'm just waiting on a fig to arrive from America so I can nab the head. Getting there!

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