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My minis :)


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Ok, so here's what I've painted so far.

Down in the pipeline:

Executioner, Papa Loco, Peacekeeper

McMourning's Bodythieves

Pandora's Legion of Sorrow

Victorias' Mercenaries

Will keep you updated.


As for the minis, don't be too harsh, it's been years since I've last painted, but all the C&C will be very welcome.

I seriously admire some of these board's artists and would gladly hear any and all tips that would make my painting better.

Somehow, the Marshals came up on the photo much darker than in reality.

Maybe it's because of the bright background?

Any tips on taking photos so that the contrast stays as it should?

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  • 1 year later...

Ok, so a bit of threadomancy, but I guess there is no need to create a new thread if I can simply update the old one.

Some better pics this time and more models. Ryle is still WIP. I do have lots of Resser stuff waiting to be photographed and a Pandora crew as well, but I'm still experimenting with photography and really cannot seem to find a good way to take pictures of my models.

Currently on the workbench:

Over 100 points of gremlins

Cult of December



The Undertakers Lot.









And some Bayou madness as a bonus :)




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Hey Gals and Guys!

Thanks a lot for all the c&c!

I thought the pink on the pigs will raise some controversy. Gotta blame my girlfriend for it, because when I asked her how would she like to have her pigs painted, she demanded PINK

Of course, I really do like how they turned out as well. They are a bit harsh, but look kind of cool on the table.

@ispep: As for the eyes, I left them white, because I still have not decided on how to paint them. I will probably end up with yellowish-bone colour, but this is still subject to change, as I would like to have them the same on all gremlins and pigs and will have to wait and see how are the other colours coming out.

@dgraz: If you hate red and purple together, wait until you see my Pandora ;) I am really bad at choosing colours and my Pandora is a prime exaple of it. I really don't like how she turned out and recenty I have shown her to my friend, asking what's wrong with her. He said 'red and purple dude, just don't do it' ;] She is going to be repainted, but all the stuff waiting for their visit in the acid jar will have to wait for more urgent projects to be finished.

@Jaslyne: Thanks for the tip. That is also what I have heard. Actually all the pictures on previous page were taken using daylight, and they all came out very dark and extremely flat. I used to photograph my models using artificial light exclusively, because I was living in a very dark flat and now coming back and looking at them, they look much better. The colours are much more saturated and the contrasts better visible. Here are some of the old photos (taken probably 5-6 years ago):



The reason behind this might as well be the black background. I have very limited knowledge of photohraphy and do not know if it makes a difference, but it seems this might be the case. Also, the photos with the black background did not require any photoshop to help the colours, while the ones from the previous page were treated with Photoshop (the first post) and IrfanView (today's photos) autocorrect.

Just to make the things even less clear, here are some pics of my servitor a friend took for me. Artificial light, white background and all the colours look alright.Though the camera was much better.



I just want my models to look more or less as in real life, because as of now- none of my Malifaux miniatures photos resembles the real thing.

I will try to experiment with the lightning and camera settings tomorrow while photographing my legion of sorrow (gdaz, that is for you!).




One more photo I have just found. (from the forgeworld servitor batch)

This is a GameZone wizard.


She is actually in an acid jar now, because I thought it would be nice to make Sonnia Criid out of her (the Imp will have to go but a sword that will take it's place has already been chosen).

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I think the black background really helps the picture out in terms of not needing to photoshop it and bringing out all the lighter colors of the model, where as the white seems to just eat it.

I am also awful at photography unfortunately...

Mind sharing some tips/colors on what you use for skin? Even on the models where there's little skin showing yours still look amazing. I'm attempting a performer next and messing up her face and skin are my biggest fears so any tips would be appreciated. And thank you for the vallejo suggestion I'm adding it to my list of things to experiment with while painting, washes being at the top.

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Hey Jaslyne,

For skin, I am pretty much doing the same thing for years now. First choose a base dark skin colour. I used to use Citadel Dwarf Flesh for it, now I use Vallejo Carne Marron. Apply several thin coats so you do not obscure the details of the face. Then go for Citadel Chestnut Wash. A great wash, btw- fantastic for many things including instant rust on metal :). I still have mine in the pot with a blue cap- ancient times :). You can even mix it with a bit of black wash and apply it in the areas near the eyes, which helps bring them out a bit. After it dries, apply your base paint over the areas exposed to light, covering any unnecessary wash. Then highlight it with a mix of your base paint and citadel elf flesh/ vallejo elfic flesh with a final highlight of pure citadel elf flesh/ vallejo elfic flesh.

That's pretty much it. If you have any other questions, I'll be glad to help.

I will surely be looking out for your performer in your thread :)

Good luck!

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Ok, so as promissed , another update. This time, Legion of Sorrow with pictures taken using dark background and a phone camera. They turned uot alright, I guess. A bit too bright, but I can live with that.








And the Lady J just to compare the result using different backgrounds.


As always, C&C are very welcome!



Edited to fix one of the links

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Citadel chestnut wash was fantastic -very warm colour and great for skin. Sadly you cant get it any more as they did away with it when they changed their inks range. Of the new ones Gryphone sepia is ok but not as good and Devlan mud is very cold tone by compsrison.

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Hey all,

Many thanks for all the kind words. I am very happy you like my models.

@tattyted: Oh, darn, I did not know they have dropped it. It is a real pitty, as this was probably one of my favourite Citadels pots (next to Putrid Green, Chainmail and Tin Bitz). Anyways, thanks for the heads up. I will take extra care not to spill mine now.

My apologies, Jaslyne, for providing out of date info. I really do not know any substitutes for it, because I still have all my washes from the blue cap era.

Right, so the last update for today. Som'er and two Skeeters, that I have just finished. I need to confess, the Bayou stuff are easly the most fun models I have ever painted. They are so characterful and stylish (well, in their redneck, dorky way), it makes my happy simply working with them. So, thank you Wyrd for creating them. :kiss:

Glad I still have dozens of them to paint.






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Citadel chestnut wash was fantastic -very warm colour and great for skin. Sadly you cant get it any more as they did away with it when they changed their inks range. Of the new ones Gryphone sepia is ok but not as good and Devlan mud is very cold tone by compsrison.

The old citadel range is available by Cote D'Arms, who originally made the citadel paint before they decided to "improve" the formula. That is use less pigment, up the price and give you less.

Cote D'Arms is a very good range, has the old school boltgun metal as well.

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