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Rhurbarb Pie? poll

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Did you see what they did there!? Came in here and jacked with the poll, just like in a Florida election!

It's an example of the oppression inherent in the system!

Do you see them repressing me?

I'm being repressed!

How is it like Florida? there are no Hanging or Pregnant chads its pretty distinct which one you click

Edited by goblyn13
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You were probably fed an under-cooked rhubarb product at some point.

Like people who throw up after drinking a certain type of liquor, you're turned off it for life.

Raw rhubarb has some chemical in it that builds up in your liver too fast for it to process.

Dr Wombats prescribes a liver transplant.

Rhubarb goes awesome in a apple crumble-style set up.

I would strongly suggest shaved orange peel in there and even some strawberries if its a dry-ish one.

Rhubarb and strawberries go together in a surprisingly good way.

I don't think anyone should hang Chad, he's a bit of a spanner, but a public lynching is just giving him the attention he wants.

Maybe you could "borrow" Chad's non-rhubarb allergic liver and forget to give him a new on. Two birds with one stone.

This is progress.

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sorry Nerd, I voted C)

however this is based on my liking for Rhubarb CRUMBLE, as I have never tried R pie.

If this discounts my opinion, please amend the voting and I apologise for wasting your valuable time. (I hope this argument wasnt the reason for January's mini release being delayed?)

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