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Everything posted by artificer

  1. I will start right off the bat by saying that I do believe there are a few balance issues, but not quite as severe as the OP posited. One of the biggest factors that I feel affects in-game 'balance' is the random mission draw, and not just one but TWO (you+your opponent). THIS IS NOT A BAD THING, this adds extra depth to the game - two players sometimes working toward wildly different purposes makes for some cool dynamics. HOWEVER!, If you only have one master&crew, you are, in general, at a gross disadvantage to those who have the options of their entire faction. I play Neverborn the most, so I'll use them as an example. Pandora - I HATE Treasure Hunt and Reconnoiter with Pandy. I don't like it when my opponent has those either. She just isn't mobile enough with her primary crew choices to really make these fly. Lilith. She's our go-to for tricky situations. She's not the best against crazy ranged attacks (guild), but if I've got you in melee then I've eliminated your shooting (and probably already won). Her crew can be crazy-fast with the right cards, making assassination, treasure-hunt or Recon a dawdle. The only time I'd think twice is against Viki. The Ronin are just too fast and hit too hard... Pandora might be better in this case, depending on the scenario. Zoraida. She's not as offensive as Lilith, or as Passive-Aggressive as Pandy, but for certain situations she's aces. With the voodoo doll and obey she can be insanely frustrating to play against. Nothing is funnier than making a Ronin stab Viki over and over and over (or anybody else you need to get rid of). Her Silurid can be extremely fast and slippery to hit, making Recon and T/H pretty easy. They don't pack the wallop of the Nephilim though. Nearly every master in this game has bad matchups or scenarios that are just a pain. Some just have a bigger list than others of things that are difficult for them.
  2. That should minimize my chances of playing against 3 Victoria lists again...:gurney: Thanks for running this Fool, I had a blast.
  3. I cannot wait to get that Doppelganger. Woo & Hoo!
  4. One of the best Perditas I've seen yet! Looking through you other items on CMON is also a very big treat.
  5. at 1/8", or even 1/4", you can use a metal ruler and a box cutter (at least for straight lines). Score it deeply several times and bend it along the edge of a table or similar. You'll need to sand the edges a bit after, but if you either don't have/don't like power tools, it's the easiest way to go. For round cuts, you best bet is a jig saw or router. If cutting MDF or Masonite with power tools, use a mask. The dust is pretty nasty to inhale.
  6. very smooth transitions on Seamus. Excellent NMM and vinyl/leather on Sybil. Great work. I hope to see a lot more.
  7. I'm am totally down with the idea of the scarecrow. It'd be awesome. BTW: did anyone ready Terry Pratchett's 'Witches Abroad'? A 'scarecrow' could also work in the swamps with Zoraida Baron Sunday here I come.
  8. Such a cute teddy! Congratulations on achieving the preliminary stages of roping in the Sig/Oth. I think the cloud base will really sell it. Actually, black washes tend to muddy something like pink and red up too much. A wash built of a darker (near red) version of this pink, along with a touch of dk. burnt sienna, perhaps with the slightest touch of a dark pine green will really boost the 'shaded' areas of this mini. I know green would seem counter-intuitive, but it works amazingly well, using the colour-opposite on the wheel as a tint for shading. You don't want it to be the BULK of your shade, but with drop of it in a darker version of your actual colour, you develop a tremendous richness that cannot be achieved otherwise (without an amazing blending ability) In the Teeth area, For black lining, or the less cartoonish 'visual divide enhancement', I have totally fallen in love with Reaper's "Brown Liner". It's a VERY dark brown, but has a warmth and translucence that beats anything else I've tried before.
  9. Thank you for the input, Re: Teddy. I painted the first version with my face about 4 inches away from his belly, and it read really well. In the pic it looks pretty good too. From a distance of more than about a foot, though, it looked like the membrane that laces your flesh to your bones. It's a weird, white, slightly spongy material. I know from first hand experience. It just didn't read properly from a distance. Looked like spiderwebs or (if you're privy to it, that membrane). The newer version doesn't look as good close-to, I agree. From table top level though, it reads much more like wailing faces than the first version did. I was really disappointed about having to do it over, but I think it was for the best. As to what else is in the hopper, the answer is nothing until the end of March. I did these as a break from my big terrain project for Adepticon. I'm producing 40 tables worth of terrain for the convention at the end of March (24 days left, as of Tues). After that I have Lilith's Crew slated for paint, but unless something changes... I've got an (over) full plate until then.
  10. Thanks for the nice comments. The bases were made using strip cut basswood. I just trimmed the edges to meet the profile of the recessed area on the base and glued in using superglue. The nailhead marks were added with a small awl. Nothing fancy, but I have a plan for an eventual display base.
  11. Very nice, Crisp colour, smooth transitions. Man, she really is an ugly old bird. :puke:
  12. So, I know that the official word from on-high is no ******, and I don't mean to raise the thread, but I found this, and it would tie into Pandora's Crew Sooooooooo nicely.
  13. Not to post over myself, but I repainted Teddy's 'Tummy of Despair' and re-shot everything with a little better lighting and compression. Teddy (new belly) Pandora Front Pandora 3/4 Rear Candy Front Candy Rear Kade 1/4 Front Kade 3/4 Rear Sorrows 1,2,3 Share and Enjoy! comments and criticism are always welcome.
  14. They look great! Very smooth transitions, excellent cohesive look across the Crew, and wonderful bases!
  15. Here's my Teddy. I basically shot this out in two sittings. I'm calling him WIP because I'm not entirely certain I like the 'tummy of despair', or at least my current execution of same. anywho, heeeeeeeeeeere's Teddy! BTW: He isn't dull-coted yet, so the shine in various places is to be expected. Let me know what you think about the tummy.
  16. Rasputina and the Gamin look GREAT! Also, I didn't see it until just now, but our Pandoras are painted in nearly the identical colour scheme
  17. Marcus and the Razorspines look very tight. Nice work.
  18. Thanks, the blade is fairly bright steel, with a bad case of needing some steel wool and machine oil. It's the angle of the mini and light that shows only the rust and blood, and not the steel. I didn't even notice that until you mentioned it. I'll re-shoot him (and everything) when I have more time to properly set the lights and use my tripod. thanks, Kade was one of the biggest things that got me to buy into the game. I'm glad the veining came through, even though the lighting in the picture isn't the best. He's underpainted a pale greenish grey with the veining done in purple. The skin is actually about 6 or 7 semi translucent layers finished with a fairly opaque highlight. I really wanted his skin to have that porcelain look very young children have (but this time in a bad way).
  19. Very sharp. I love Rasputina's stockings!
  20. Hi all, in between phases of a massive project I'm working (read slaving) on, I found a little time to get my LoS box painted. Here Goes. Pandora Candy Candy (back) Kade Kade (back) Kade (top for base detail) Sorrows
  21. http://www.coolminiornot.com/go.php/go/articlephp/aid/310/page/3? The best colour breakdown I've seen yet for dissecting multiple skintone and hair types.
  22. I personally use rubbermade containers with a sheet of welding steel siliconed to the bottom (they stack nice and I can get them in any size I need) but box + magnets gets my vote too.
  23. I really enjoyed the Abney Park. I hadn't heard them before, but am now pretty well hooked. Does anyone listen to Dead Can Dance? They've got a few that can fit the Malifaux mood.
  24. I wanna go to heaven for the weather, Hell for the company. and Malifaux for a quick pick-up game. I suppose you can sign me up as well. It's not like my fingers EVER stop bleeding anyway.
  25. In general my favorite primer colour is grey. It's a nice balance between the instant shading you get with black and the ability to actually paint white or light colours over it without 3-4 coats. I tend to prime on a case by case basis. Black for Cryx, Skorne, Grey for Trolls, Death Korps, White for my old Space Marine army. I used rust red primer for my Adeptus Mechanicus project. I'll probably use grey for most of the Malifaux minis I'll paint. The big exceptions I can think of are Ramos and the spiders and possibly the Ortegas.
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