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DECEMBER:Is IT a Neverborn?


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(I will not spoil any story here, I mention this now because I will be saying things that you will likely say "duh, you read this", but not everyone has)

I have read all the stories in the book and in the E-magazines and I would like to have ideas thrown around as to what December is exactly. We know December is a being/creature of tremendous power from the Old World. I had one friend write that December is a Neverborn broken away much like Killjoy but even more powerful. December is suppose to be like a diety or greater Malifaux power but could he come back in another form temporarily. Hence his connection to Rasputina or others have suggested a slight posessing of Rasputina.

Let me know what you think or something else I have missed but don't spoil things if possible. Maybe direct message me. Book is so new I would hate to have something ruined for someone.

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After reading the stories my take was it was one of the original inhabitants that's power grew until it was a god. The neverborn wanted December dead for infringing on their power. Also December's existence along with those others resulted in the creation of that device in the story that corrupted Malifaux.

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The being could have taken the name from the mortals mind of winter and it falls in December.

Or this is the world of Jack Skeleton and Nightmare before Christmas and December is a badass Santa "Claws".

Or a Big bad being that grants powers to others or manipulates those that already have powers into believing it can give them more or IS the true source of their power so they worship him.


Then again maybe Raspy is really hard up and just doesn't want to date "normal" guys. :inlove:

(sorry, discovered the huge array of emoticons)

What I think:

I think that Malifaux was filled by another world much like Earthside is filling it now. Then when beings became more and more powerful they were able to work in peace for some time like it is currently that is and then it all went to full on war. These being were much stronger than current Malifaux residence are even to this day but they were able to be pushed back (+story) and now they don't have to be dealt with. The remnant of that other world that had their own breach were contorted over time into what is now the Neverborn. They just "were" in this world only according to the humans that came over. I think that soulstone is inheritantly evil as is sucks the souls of those passed without allow them to go where ever they need to (question is whether or not this setting believes the souls go ANYWHERE but there IS a soul to speak of). This world births this evilness in its very ground and therefore anything that stays there is twisted even more through every generation until you have the likes of the Neverborn.

Or the Neverborn really are just Demons that WERE and therefore never naturally born, but i like my idea better.

Or In a world of evil like Malifaux can anything that comes from it be used or turned for good?

Or its more like a gate to purgatory, limbo, or a plane of hell than just another plane of existence.

Or maybe if all greed with soulstones would stop and souls were not culled for their use then the world would gradually become less evil. But that would take a moral chaoice and humbling of appetite for power.

Or or or or ......how many more possible spins can I write......or maybe use them all!?!?!?!?!

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Possible Spoilers**** Don't read if you don't want to learn without readig on your own.

The story in the book is a great way to inverse in the world of Malifaux. In reading this it seems that December may have been one of the old geniuses of Malifaux who became basically a god by manipulation of experiments and magic. My guess is we will see more of the kind in the next book as playable factions or part of existing factions. There is a clue in the book of what they will be. Also the Great Spirit and Leviathon may be in the next book as well as the same type as December.

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Without spoiling anything, I'm very interested to see how the story progresses given what happened to December with Viktoria. I'm also really interested in seeing what happens with Molly given the final story in the book...

Curse you Redstripe and your well written story hooks!

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  • 1 month later...
....i thought the book made it pretty clear...


So there is absolutely nothing in this story that will carry on, link into, or twist from what was blatantly apparent in this book into the next book? Really? Not sure what novels, comics, movies, or other games you have played but plots tend to have twists.

Screw the hiding stuff, if you are a forum monkey you probably read the book so I don't care if I spoil something someone missed.

THe Neverborn could be all the old folks that were locked in there for ages, they could be something that went totally corrupt and sieged those people and consumed them (sounds the same but not quite), or they could be Demons from hell and the original evils that swallowed up the people before the first closing have yet to show up. Keep thinking because there are more possibilities than I presented.

December: Comes off as one of the old powers that was consumed by Malifaux's twisted nature. Could be a rogue Neverborn that seeks its own power. Could be a god and is trying to conquer Malifaux away from the grasp of the powers that ruled Malifaux and possibly still do. Could be pretty wimpy and is now dead, just a flash in the pan.

C'mon, really nothing else intrigued anyone in this story?

Maybe I think this story is better than it really is and need to broaden my reading horizon. Its no George RR Martin but I thought it Kicked A.

Nerdlemental got anything?

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Nerdlemental got anything?


No more than you.


Other than I agree completely and bet you'll be seeing more and more story develop that must include December. It's not just set up as a plot driven device. Consider the intrigue and cross-faction importance December's presence has provided.

It must be somehow linked to Neverborn past, quite probably one of the ancients that led to their destruction?

Linked to Rasputina, giving her powers, and she's an Arcanist (reluctantly?).

Seamus is involved with her and Molly can sense December better than even he realizes? Resurrectionist involvement?

Guild so far doesn't seem too involved directly, but showed up to deal with Seamus and might get more and more wrapped up in it.

Add in whatever the Gorgon's Tear does to the story and it would be really hard to argue that there isn't something that's going to "twist" in the future. I'm only speculating, but it would be kind of cool to consider how December and all of the Neverborn are perceived as nightmarish but wouldn't it be sweet if we learned December was kind of a good guy trying to save his people or something?

Just speculating along with you, Grotto.

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I always saw the key theme of the malifaux world centering around Malifaux as this big meat grinder, where human life is just cast away in droves to repower the soulstone veins. The Neverborn seem like the resident natives that occasionally let humans in and grow in power to kill tons more people and enrich the soulstones.

My impression was that December was a cannibalistic human who got so powerful, he became troublesome for the Neverborn, and would have seized that power for himself. So the Neverborn had to put him down. If December was a Neverborn, I don't think the other Neverborns would have cared. They only seem to get mad when humans are uppity.

If that's not what happened, then I'm gonna have to go with my Aqua Teen Hunger Force theory:

"THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO, before the dawn of man as we knew him, there was Sir Santa of Claus, an ape-like creature making crude and pointless toys out of dinobones and his own waste, hurling them at chimp-like creatures with crinkled hands regardless of how they behaved the previous year."

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  • 1 month later...


The book pretty much lays out that December is one of the crazily gifted previous occupants who they basically had to summon an avatar of death to keep from coming back.

He's one of many, the ghost attached to the Tear being another.

Somewhere its mentioned that Neverborn is a human-invented name.

Doesn't mean they were originally supernatural.

To me there seems to be no reason why the Neverborn can't be the original inhabitants / last bunch of gormless fools sucked through a Breach evolved into something nasty...and December was once one of them.

Their horrible devolution into nightmare feeding monsters is a natural side effect of Soulstone use.

Certainly Criid is a good example of someone running down that same path at full speed, the difference between her and what she hunts is Black Blood and she gets paid for it.

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