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What are your 2 Guilty Pleasure Movies


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Which 2 movies are your Guilty Pleasure movies? You know, the ones that are so awful they're good, or you're too embarassed to admit you watch/own. Or, do you have 1 or 2 movies that you feel got short shrift or are underrated and you want them to have a fair shake.

My 2:

Guilty Pleasure: Stone Cold [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-LCKfFacYI]YouTube - Stone Cold Trailer[/ame] (what an awful tralier, but it has Lance Henrikksen and a fat William Forsythe in it, so how can it be bad? Once when I was moving one of my buddies found the tape. I was more embarassed by him finding this than if he'd found some sort of adult entertainment.)

Underrated: Ravenous [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO98NMMgp0Y]YouTube - Ravenous trailer[/ame] ("HE WAS LICKING MEEEEEE!" - 'nuff said)

Edited by Keltheos
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"Willow" is a big family favorite, but not too many people I know outside of my family like the movie (that many short people in one setting intimidates most people that I ever talk to about it). It doesn't bother me, I always loved it. Its one of Val Kilmer's funniest roles :)

"The Wizard" is a recent addition to my collection. Its classic young Fred Savage. Its the movie about the little kid who is a video game expert with virtually no experience at all. It was also the first appearance of Super Mario Bros. 3 for the Nintendo. Best quote of the movie: "I love the Power Glove.....it's so bad...." - Lucas

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"The Wizard" is a recent addition to my collection. Its classic young Fred Savage. Its the movie about the little kid who is a video game expert with virtually no experience at all. It was also the first appearance of Super Mario Bros. 3 for the Nintendo. Best quote of the movie: "I love the Power Glove.....it's so bad...." - Lucas

How can I acquire my own copy of this classic of western cinema?

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Heh. Wizards is a personal favorite of mine. "They killed Fred!"

That and The Princess Bride and Stardust (Ok not sucky movies but they sure are guilty pleasures for me!)

Oh and of course The Emperors New Groove. That's my "I'm depressed and need to feel better" movie. Better then a tub of ice cream! (Now with 14% more ambiguously female references!)

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I'm pretty sure you can get both of the Wizard(s) films on Netflix.

Morf, I haven't seen it, but is the scene when they're out on the front yard in their 'costumes' as funny as it sounds?

Willow's a pretty entertaining film, man I haven't watched that in years. Val Kilmer rocks hard in that movie, so does Joanne Whatley...mmm...

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Oh man, I've got huge list of tetrrible movies I love. Where to start and what to actualy admit..

Fast and Furious, oh cmon... They are making a new one, it couldn't have been THAT bad...

Red Dawn

I own Big trouble in little China if that tells you anything

Snakes on a plane was way underated

Step up/Step up 2 the streets(I own the later on blu-ray, lol) but I like to dance so I'll stand by those

Zoolander Could be the most quatable movie of all time for smart asses like me.

My girlfriend watches 13 going on 30 all the time and I officially like it now despite the fact that its the female version of Big.

I better quit before I get banned from posting on the movies thread.

I can't wait to see that JC Vampise slayer!

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DUETS!!!!!! Infinitely quotable....

"Things are different now. I sing."

"Wow, I've never heard Freebird sung like that before" (After the dude singing it got blown away by the cops RIGHT ON STAGE!!!).

Check it out, you will never be sorry. Also, be as drunk as you can, it makes it 10 times better if you're on beer.

and.... I dunno. Oh yeah..... HUDSON HAWK!!!!!

I'm not even going to defend that one. It's just brilliance given celluloid life. Truly God himself breathed the genius into that film. I love it from start to finish.

Sorry if these have been mentioned. I got a sick kid crying at me and my daughter just stankified her third diaper in like 30 minutes so I haven't read the thread.

really gotta go. Adios.

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oh yeah.... fast and the furious tokyo drift is the hizow!!!!!

and yes jesus christ vampire hunter is that cheesey. gotta love it. you wanna see something real bad where the undead are second class citizens you need to see shatter dead. of course the end of the film has a sex scene with a dead guy, a live girl and a gun. icky.... but the rest is pretty cool

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