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Top Spaceships of All Time?


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Since we're being all spacetastic, I'd be really interested in people's top few spaceships of all time - defined as broadly as you like and from whatever source (as long it's pictured somewhere).

This isn't just an idle question and there might be similar ones as time goes on, if people are up for it.


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I do love the solar powered TIE fighters from Star Wars... The Interceptor was my favorite. The Death Star was pretty bad ass also....

SERENITY!!! now thats a cool ship. Especially with Wash at the helm.

Or take it back to like 5th grade with the RPG Robotech:SDF-1 Macross, I used to think that thing was so cool.

Nostromo from Alien was pretty sweet to. So was the dropship in the Aliens "We're on an express elevator to hell, Going down!"

Event Horizon was a freaky ass ship! That one scene where the guy is holding his own eyeballs in his hand and says "liberate tutame ex inferis" freaked the crap outta me for sure! This quote is pretty cool: "I've been listening to the distress signal, and I, um, think I made a mistake in the translation. I thought it said "liberate me" - "save me." But it's not "me." It's "liberate tutame" - "save yourself." And it gets worse. There - I think that says "ex inferis." "Save yourself... from hell." Look, if what Doctor Weir tells us is true, this ship has been beyond the boundaries of our universe, of known scientific reality. Who knows where it's been, what it's seen. Or what it's brought back with it."

I could go on and on...

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Several of my favourites

X-Wing, Tie (Fighter and Interceptor), Star Destroyers. Even if the movies are essentially crap, they had very nice spaceships in star wars

USS Enterprise-D (sleek design) and Borg cubes (anti-sleek design) from Star Trek TNG. The D'deridex class romulan warbirds and the Ferengi marauders are pretty awesome as well.

those pyramid ships from Stargate are a pretty nice concept.

My all-time favourites though, are the HUGE, witty, selfconscious spacecraft from Iain M. Banks' culture novels.

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"It's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere. I'm all alone, more or less." (Love Red Dwarf)

"Gold fish souls, nibbling at my toes. Fun Fun Fun in the Sun Sun Sun."

Red Dwarf is smeggin great!

"Ahm not drunk, Ahm jus lattly pished."

I have always been partial to Souja. Anyone seen Tenchi Muyo Riyo-Oh Ki?

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I'd have to agree with Eric, The last starfighter with its full on Death Blossom was totally bad a$$.

Serenity was awesome for being a realistic starship that wasn't all pristine and clean. The spaceship and Fighters from the Wing Commander movie (the humans man, not the others.) And the Colonial Vipers.

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