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Gencon: Where we'll be


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Yep, a couple ideas being tossed around in terms of painting, we should have word up in the forums if anything is happening, but bring along your brushes. At the very least I know I'll be there painting some wyrd minis most of the time I believe, and happy to chat while doing it :)

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Yeah, it largely has to do with space really. It's tough to really plan it out until we see the space, but the idea was to have a little table in back for me at least. Last year when we were sharing a booth we still found space to paint and I had 1 and even 2 others painting with me at one point. It was fun!

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yes, if only we could have Anders to give an hour long course on the Zen of Brush Licking. Next to him, I am just a novice

There is purely, only, the Lick. Zen Brush Licking is individual..do as you would yourself. Anders, I suspect, does differently than I do. I pick paints that taste good. Why I won't use Tamiya.

Alas, though, I will not be at GenCon. I try to avoid being outside in August. To the Wyrd doods there, have a joyous time!

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On the part of the map about general miniature painting area. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that is the location for the Paint and Take and GC speed paints, my guess would be the display cases for the contest entries will be there again also, but the classrooms for workshops are the opposite end of the building on the second floor (rooms 210 and 211). At least they are right now. I recall events getting moved around pretty dramatically at some previous GenCons, although that seemed to happen more with RPGs and board/card games than with mini events, for me at least.

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The only place I've been hit hard by gamer funk is the CCG hall, which I guess has a few too many people playing consecutive 8 hour tournaments rather than sanitizing at their hotel periodically. I've had the occasional drive by whiff, but overall I haven't found GenCon nearly as reeky as rumour would have it. ;->

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Thursday is the best day for cruising the exhibit hall IMHO - smaller crowds, more likely swag and hot items will still be in stock, and staff that haven't yet lost their voices or their will to live. ;-> Friday's not bad either. Sunday afternoon is decent crowd wise, but people are worn out and stocks are low. Supposedly you can sometimes get amazing deals from people who'd rather sell stuff cheap than pay to pack it back up and lug it home, but I think that was truer some years back when there were a lot more smaller companies showing up. People with exhibitor staff badges can get in the hall an hour early to prep, so if they don't need you for daily set up at the Asmodee booth maybe that would be a good time to sneak over and talk to Nathan? Really your main problem will be if the aisles between Asmodee and Wyrd have lots of booth babes or celebrities, those cause the worst traffic jams. ;->

My hat's off to all of you who work the floor, I have no idea how you do it without collapsing or running amok with an axe after a couple of days.

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Hiya Wyrd-ohs....

Ok, Day one of Gencon is in the books, I suppose, although, I am sure folks are still gaming somewhere.

The Wyrd booth was hard to get to, to be honest, but only because of the hordes of folks looking at the wares. Eric seemed busy painting, and I think Nathan was already starting to lose his voice. Anders paint jobs look incredible in real life..as did all the Studio Paint jobs. Cedric's especially looks much better irl.

Some of the Wyrders went out for a group dinner, but I missed them while shuttling someone off to the airport hotels....thats what I get for being a nice guy. Hopefully, I'll still get a chance to hook up again...we still got 3 more days of this!!

So far I've met Frustrated Father, R2J1, EricJ, Duende, Hinton, Wren....all incredibly nice folks.

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I have nothing to compare in my area.

Do you have any LGS or miniature association/club in your area? Most of these shows started out small (OK, some went straight to big because they're sponsored by majors :P). But I know of a few who every year gather miniature enthusiasts because through word of mouth people know they can see great things there.

Over here it's usually done through 2 ways :

1) an association/club runs a meeting on their own by renting a town hall area and have manufacturers and LGS come over to cover the rent fees, so this is rather of a small scale, but other clubs from all over the continent come (Greece, Italie, Russia, Spain, ... have come to the city I live in);

2) an exposition hall is rented for the gaming industry and associations/clubs can hold booths. This usually happens around Christmas.

If the interest for minis in your area isn't enough to organise gatherings like this, look into historical, miniature trains, radio controlled cars, mangas, video games, comics, ... gatherings. These often gather people who would be interested into minis and the organisers could like a joint hosting.

I'm not saying that you should organize this on your own or anything, but Rome wasn't built in a day, so simply trying to find organizations that can handle this and showing your will for it could get something going in New Zealand. It might take some time, but if you really want it, it's up to you to take the first step IMHO ;).

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