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Christmas Wish List


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Nathan has turned to the dark side! :firedevil

My wish list has no miniatures or paints or anything on it... What I want most of all is a couple of more hours on each day, so I have time to paint all the stuff that's on my desk and shelves.

But... I wouldn't say no to the new Drune cavalry from Rackham! :dance:

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There's toooooo much. I'd like the Wyrd Bishop and Victoria, a bunch of Spyglass girlies, that cool Ilyad barbarian lady, and maybe some Hasslefree and more Rackham stuff, and one each of the new stuff from Scibor that's being cast, oh and maybe some GW stuff even (quelle horreur!!). But doubt I'll get any of that.

I guess I could buy it with my own meagre funds and could say I'm buying it for my son for his first birthday, but I doubt that argument would hold up to serious scrutiny.

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oh, good idea Anders, heck, I'd even just settle for a couple extra hours a day on weekends :)

My mini list is actually pretty short now days, as I pretty much only paint things people send me :D

However the one big thing would probably be a winged Forgeworld Hive Tyrant, for the basis of a conversion for a duel entry I've been thinking about.

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My wish list consists of the four King Diamond CDs I need to complete my collection (for those interested: House of God, Voodoo, Graveyard, The Spider's Lullaby) and the Confrontation 3 rulebook so I can marvel over it because I am sure as hell not going to play the game :D

Then there are four books (I bought them for myself, got home and my mother seized them at once so they could be given to me on christmas. What a nice thing to do. Would have been even nicer if she could tell me what I am supposed to read now.) and Kendo Gear (which I wanted to buy. I was allowed to buy it so I could be given it to christmas. Let's keep on training with no shinai! Or kama! Or gi!). There's some more stuff I bought which I have to sneak in and not tell anyone about until christmas is over so I can actually use it NOW when I NEED IT.

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Miniature-wise, my list is pretty eclectic. Some Hasslefree, Freebooter, the newest Dark Age Dragyri, the latest WarCrow Dark Elf, Rackham's Royal Guard of Doriman, some of the new Reaper, and definately the set of Frother's Sculpting contest winners.

More paints are always a good idea, too. Can never have enough!

Time to go to the mall and climb in Santa's lap and read him my list. Except I don't think I've been good enough this year to get everything on my list. :(

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My 11 year old son participated in a Dark Age painting contest for the first time the other day and he enjoyed it tremendously ! He didn't win anything even though the judges were 2 buddies of mine but now he has the painting virus !

I had to buy him a Wolfen figure from Rackham on the spot, and now I'm teaching him (and myself at the same time) how to paint.

His wishlist for Xmas : more Wolfen and a few Dirz figures

So i had no choice but to add a few figures of my own to the list !

I'll wait for the Wyrd minis line to extend a little before I order from Nathan for shipping to be more cost effective...

One thing I would like is a rotating paint rack, I think it's called Paintier in the US, where you can basically store your paint on your painting table while saving a lot of space, 'cos quite often my table is full of paints and I have very little elbow room for the actual painting...

Cheers !

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One thing I would like is a rotating paint rack, I think it's called Paintier in the US, where you can basically store your paint on your painting table while saving a lot of space, 'cos quite often my table is full of paints and I have very little elbow room for the actual painting...

Yep, it's Paintier. I would suggest you look more closely at the Paintier 80 . I have two of them (ordered through the paintier shop).. and am glad I did.

Though sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't order a third one -just to be on the safe side- as the collection of paints rises from quarter to quarter. I wonder why :bird:

My own list: Waking up on christmas eve and being able to paint correctly :flypig: No more fuss with blending, no more fuss with layering. But that'll be a dream I guess so...

-Finishing the pirates I have here

-Finishing the Freebooter I have here

-Finishing the Hasslefrees I have here

-Getting my Eldest to paint/finish his Lizardmen


-Getting my Daughter to finish her sceletons

and (finally)

-Getting my wife more interested into the painting/playing process.



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Hehe... true.

As long (and as fast) as Kev is pushing drop-dead gorgeous models out of his queue each month.. I know I'll

never be able to finish. Because I buy them...and then they are waiting here...and then there a new ones coming....more exciting than before....which I buy then.... A heck....you know what I mean. Admit it: you do exactly the same :thumb:


I do like a Shiraz now and then. The nick though was chosen from a totally different purpose though.

Some years ago I started to write a novel for my wife. The story takes place in and around the Shiraz Empire. Back when I didn't know there was an Aussie Wineregion with that same name.

And glad I could help with the Paintier.


I do not know about paint-shaker. Would you care to enlighten me, please ??

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I do not know about paint-shaker. Would you care to enlighten me, please ??



This is the one I got. Pretty cool doohicky. I recall Vincegamer saying he found one that shook up 'nail polish'. One minute or so and this thing shakes a bottle of paint MUCH better than you could by hand.

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