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A Token Effort


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Dear Malifolk,

With the new version of the Malifaux, and the emphasis on a reduction in conditions, some of the tokens we’ve used have become redundant, and others have increased in popularity.

I’ve noticed a few people interested in getting tokens, and the purpose of this thread is to collate the knowledge of the community about tokens, so that the new, returning or experienced player can make, print, buy or collect some tokens to make their life easier.

Now, I’m far from an expert on the matter, so I’ll be populating this thread with what I think is a good baseline collection. However, I’m looking for the experts of the community to post their thoughts, corrections, and recommendations.

I know there are some I have left out: Chi, Pit Trap, Riptide, Flicker, etc. I don’t know enough to make even rough suggestions.

You might have noticed that I have suggested in multiples of 3; this is because many suppliers seem to sell in multiples of 3.

Finally, there are many fine manufacturers out there. Etsy hosts a few (Widget Wizards is liked by many players), and there are Art of War Studios, Customeeple, Broken Egg, Monkey Sword, Module-R, and Chimeric Designs. So, folks, what are your token recommendations for the various keywords, Masters, and conditions?

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You should consider these pretty close to essential.

(Markers without a specific size are 30mm)

  • Blast Marker (50mm): 3
  • Corpse Marker: 6
  • Faction-specific Scheme Marker: 6
  • Faction-specific Strategy Marker: 5
  • Neutral Strategy Marker: 5
  • Scrap Marker: 6


Not essential, but rather handy to have.

  • Shockwave Marker: 1
  • Blown Apart Marker: 1


You don't really ever need tokens, but if you use them, these are the ones you probably should get. Some manufacturers have dialled markers to increase values of conditions, as well.

  • Burning Token: 6
  • Fast Token: 3
  • Focused Token: 6
  • Pass Tokens: 6
  • Poison Token: 6
  • Slow Token: 3
  • Soulstone Token: 9


  • Adversary Token: 3
  • Analyse Weakness Tokens: 3
  • Distracted Token: 3
  • Injured Token: 3
  • Shielded Token: 3
  • Staggered Token: 3
  • Stunned Token: 3
Edited by Caedrus
Dialled markers noted.
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  • Academic, Elemental (Sandeep Desai)
    • If you're using Metal Gamin, +3 scrap markers (9 total).
    • If you're using Ice Gamin, get Ice Pillar Markers: 6.
    • If you're using Fire Gamin, grab Pyre Markers (50mm): 12
    • If you're using Poison Gamin, +3 poison markers (9 total). Another +3 if you use Kudra.
  • Augmented (Charles Hoffman)
    • Power Token: 15
  • Chimera (Marcus)
    • If hiring Paul Crockett, get a Dust Cloud Marker (50mm): 1
  • December (Rasputina)
    • Ice Pillar Marker: 12
  • Foundry (Mei Feng)
    • Scrap Markers: +9 (15 total)
  • M&SU (Toni Ironsides)
    •  Adrenaline Token: 6
  • Performer (Colette Du Bois)
    • Distracted Token: +9 (12 total)
  • Wildfire (Kaeris)
    • Pyre Markers (50mm): 12
    • Burning Tokens: +6 (total 12).
Edited by Caedrus
7/9: Chimera, Wildfire, Elemental, Performer updated.
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  • Augmented (Charles Hoffman)
    • Power Token :15
  • Elite, Mimic (Lucius Mattheson)
  • Family (Perdita Ortega)
    • Blown Apart Marker: 1
  • Frontier (Cornelius Basse)
    • Dust Cloud Markers (50mm): 9
  • Guard (Dashel Barker)
  • Journalist (Nellie Cochrane)
  • Marshal (Lady Justice)
  • Witch Hunter (Sonnia Criid)
    • Burning Tokens: +6 (total 12).
Edited by Caedrus
7/9: Cleaned up text.
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  • Amalgam (Leveticus)
  • Bandit (Parker Barrows)
  • Freikorps (Von Schill)
  • Infamous (Captain Zipp)
    • Piano Marker (40mm): 15
  • Mercenary (The Viktorias)
  • Obliteration (Tara)
    • +3 fast tokens (total 6).
  • Plague (Hamelin)
    • Blight Token: 12
  • Tormented (Jack Daw)
Edited by Caedrus
7/9: Obliteration, Infamous updated
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  • Fae (Titania)
    • Underbrush Markers (50mm): 9
  • Nephilim (Nekima)
    • +3 Corpse Markers (total 9).
  • Nightmare (The Dreamer)
    • If hiring Bandersnatch or Widow Weaver, get 3 Web Markers for each.
  • Woe (Pandora)
  • Chimera (Marcus)
  • Swampfiend (Zoraida)
  • Elite, Mimic (Lucius Mattheson)
  • Savage (Euripides)     
    • Ice Pillar Marker: 12
Edited by Caedrus
7/9: Nightmare updated, Fae updated & corrected. 9 estimated. Nephilim updated.
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  • Big Hat (Som’er Teeth Jones)
  • Infamous (Captain Zipp)
    • Piano Marker (40mm): 15
  • Kin (Ophelia LaCroix)
  • Sooey, Pig (Ulix Turner)
  • Swampfiend (Zoraida)
  • Tri-Chi (The Brewmaster)
    • +3 staggered tokens (total 6).
  • Tricksy (Mah Tucket)
    • Pit Trap Marker (50mm): 6
  • Wizz-Bang (Wong)
    • Glowy Tokens: 9
Edited by Caedrus
7/9: Tri-Chi, Tricksy, Wizz-Bang updated.
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  • Ancestor (Yan Lo)
  • Experimental (Dr. McMourning)
    • +9 poison tokens (total 15).
  • Forgotten (Molly Squidpiddge)
  • Redchapel (Seamus)
  • Revenant (Reva Cortinas)
    • Pyre Markers (50mm): 6
  • Tormented (Jack Daw)
    • +3 staggered tokens (total 6).
  • Transmortis (Prof. Von Schtook)
  • Urami (Kirai Ankoku)
Edited by Caedrus
7/9: Experimental, Tormented updated.
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  • Ancestor, Retainer (Yan Lo)
  • Foundry (Mei Feng)
    • Scrap Markers: +9 (total 15).
  • Honeypot (Jakob Lynch)
    • Brilliance Tokens: 12
  • Last Blossom (Misaki)
    • Shadow Markers: 12
  • Monk (Shenlong)
    • Wind Wall Markers (50mm): 3
  • Oni (Asami Tanaka)
    • Flicker Tokens: 12
  • Qi and Gong (Youko Hamasaki)
  • Wastrel (Lucas McCabe)
Edited by Caedrus
7/9: Oni updated
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1 hour ago, Caedrus said:

December (Rasputina)


1 hour ago, Caedrus said:

Savage (Euripides)

Use ice markers.

1 hour ago, Caedrus said:

Wildfire (Kaeris)


1 hour ago, Caedrus said:

Revenant (Reva Cortinas)

Use 50mm pyre markers.

1 hour ago, Caedrus said:

Fae (Titania)

Uses 50mm hungry earth markers.

1 hour ago, Caedrus said:

Infamous (Captain Zipp)

  • Piano Marker: 3


Needs at least 12; 15 is better.


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You didn't specify a Shockwave Marker. Sure any 30mm will do the job, but thought I'd mention it for completeness. I know at least one model (TT Misaki) can drop two at once.


Arcanist Chimera need a 50mm Dustcloud Marker. They've got Paul Crockett who is an Arcanist Frontier/Chimera.

Ten Thunders Last Blossom needs 30mm Shadow Markers. In my experience you rarely run out if you have ten. So 12 sounds reasonable.

Ten Thunders Monks need 50mm Windwall Markers for for their Wandering River Monks. Theoretical maximum is 9 (minion 3 model, potential Fast on everyone, hitting the windwall trigger every time). In practice I suspect 3 or less will be sufficient.

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1 hour ago, MrPieChee said:

Thanks, great thread!

I'm a newbie, but 

  • Foundry (Mei Feng)
  • Scrap markers (increase to 12/15)


If you play a Mei Feng crew, you are likely to want 12-15 scrap markers



With regards to the original post, can I suggest you change some things to tokens rather than markers. Markers have to be a set size, tokens are up to the player (and can easily be writing on a bit of paper) . It would be everything in the optional section and the burning and poison tokens

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Sandeep potentially wants Ice pillar markers or Pyre markers or scrap markers depending on the Flavour of elemental you play.

Ouctcast Zipp wants Pinaos as well.

You might want to marker Parker down with Enemy Scheme markers (And Possibly Dashel as well).

Tara will probably want 6 fast (3 seems a little too close to too few)

Performers want 9-12 distracted

Titania uses Underbrush markers and probably 9-12

Nekima probably wants 9 corpse markers

I wouldn't put 6 web markers in the dreamer list (I view it as model specific rather than crew specific, but it depends on what you want the list for)

Jack Daw wants more staggered

McMornign wants much more poison 15+

Brewmaster is probably similar

Mah wants 6 50mm pit traps Id guess

Wong wants glowy tokens I'd guess 9

Oni are probably about 12 flicker.

Horsemen are probably 9 fate token

Crossroads 7 are probably 9 sin tokens




You might want to mark conditions with a + value,  in which case, Burning, Poison, Distracted, Injured, Shielded and Focus.

(And token wise this would also work for Flicker and Brilliant and fate)


I personally wouldn't have put the dust Marker as one needed for Chimera, as only 1 model in keyword can make it, but then its a question of what you want the list for.

Likewise for Blown apart markers they are model specific rather than keyword specific.

I also wouldn't have Wildfird (Kaeris) in the guild list 

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1 minute ago, Caedrus said:

@LeperColony: As a Colette main, I'm more than happy to be guided here: What would be your best estimate of need?

I run straight performers and even Angelica, yet rarely do I have more than 5 on the board, and usually it's 2-3 max.  Other than Colette, there aren't a lot of free ways to apply Distract and it's rarely worth cheating the triggers, which is the issue of I've heard from other performer players too.

It's hard for me to recommend more than 5 as essential, but at the same time, when it comes to tokens I believe better to have and not need.


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