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Swine-cursed in limbo?


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I have not found any official word on this.    I've heard tale of a couple distributors saying it was pushed back a month, but nothing official since it was said they would be coming out at the end of February.

I asked around the Wyrd staff at Adepticon, but all they knew is that the Swinecursed hadn't been released yet, not why.

I continue to wait patiently.

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The Wyrd staff didn't know why they've been delayed? :( That sounds really peculiar. I asked the same question on here at the end of February and the word then was that they were pushed back to release in March......which has obviously come and gone. It'd be real nice to here something.

Models didn't pass quality control? Change to which of the original three would make it into the box of two? Last minute changes to the cards after some play testing?

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1 hour ago, Eorek said:

Have you guys seen that some box art contain a third swine cursed havr been popping up? Maybe box is delayed due to them adding another model to it?

I'm fairly sure that was an early preview art and then it was pointed out that they're Rare 2, so they removed one.

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2 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

I'm fairly sure that was an early preview art and then it was pointed out that they're Rare 2, so they removed one.

I think you're right. A lot of online stores seem to be using the original box art. Maybe Wyrd had to have the boxes reprinted? They seem to have had some real bad luck sourcing card and deck printing lately. Maybe the Swinecursed box got dorked up too?

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My guess would be something along quality testing of sprues or miniatures. It's been a hassle with some kits in the past. I recall the giant viks and female TtB kit back in the day.

We will just have to be patient and see how things go.

Just regard it this way: they are saving one of the best models for last ;) 

(same goes for banjonistas)

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3 minutes ago, Folomo said:

Why are Swine-cursed specially good with Wong? Is there some good synergy between glowy and them?

Wong's Glowy ability gives the magical condition to a unit, and his Ooooh Glowy upgrade gives buffs to models that have the Magical Condition.    Before Swinecursed, this just meant that you picked one unit to be good, and if you brought the upgrade that unit got to be really good.    Since wong was the only source of Magical.

Now, however, Swine-cursed have Magical built in.   So they're always decently good, but when Wong is the leader with the Oooh Glowy upgrade, they get a buff, in addition to the other unit that wong makes magical.

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