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I'm back baby! TONS of questions


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2 hours ago, -Loki- said:

Question about Vassal since a couple of us want to try it to get games in. I've installed it and been playing around with it. It seems that it doesn't actually do any of the game tracking itself, is that right? It's literally just a way to represent the board digitally?

So you need to flip your cards, tell each other the results via the in game chat, compare to physical cards, and manually apply damage, conditions, manually move models while making sure they don't move too far, etc? Doesn't seem like there's a 'start game' and 'end game' eaither, you just figure out your lists, put them in your deployment zone, and agree when you start, etc?

Do people find it better to just have a fate deck beside them or use the in game fate decks?

There's an in game deck for both players and you can track scheme points with the scheme tokens/tiles.

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Yes, but it's all manual correct? You know you have 2 AP, so you move a model 5" with the keyboard or by using the measure tape and dragging the model (and like in the table top game, it's up to you to not cheat and move further than you are allowed to), then tell your opponent that you're using whatever Attack action and they need to flip and tell you the results so you can figure out who won the duel and such?

Even things like tracking victory conditions, you need to check at the end of the turn to make sure that you qualify for the VP for the scheme or strategy and manually add the point to the objective tile?

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4 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

Yes, but it's all manual correct? You know you have 2 AP, so you move a model 5" with the keyboard or by using the measure tape and dragging the model (and like in the table top game, it's up to you to not cheat and move further than you are allowed to), then tell your opponent that you're using whatever Attack action and they need to flip and tell you the results so you can figure out who won the duel and such?

Even things like tracking victory conditions, you need to check at the end of the turn to make sure that you qualify for the VP for the scheme or strategy and manually add the point to the objective tile?

Yep, all of that's manual.  There's a strong argument to be made for starting a Skype session or whatever to run in parallel with Vassal so you don't have to type as much and so it feels more like playing in person.

In a perfect world, there'd be a way to include card images or something for reference, otherwise things work a lot better if both players have all of the cards for reference.  Trying to automate all of the actions, or even the flips for the actions, would be a -lot- of data entry and probably miss a lot of special cases.  :(

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Huh interesting. All this information on Vassal is good to know. I don't know if I will give it a go just yet as I have a ton of painting to do right now but Ill certainly keep all this in mind. As for some of my old models I think I will keep my old Guild Guard Captain and use him as the Guild Sergeant, then Ill just pick up Captain Dashel in a single online if he is available.


Are there any new tokens and markers needed for the game or is there a list to see what markers I need? I am going to have a friend with a wood dye cutter help me out and make some custom ones soon.

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29 minutes ago, 7thSquirrel said:

Just throwing this out there... there is a player in Rochester still holding my alt Guild Sergeant from the black friday sale if you are interested in buying that instead :) 

Oooooooo I will keep that in mind here after my birthday in late January if it is still around. How much would you willing to part with it?

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On 22/12/2016 at 10:24 PM, JisaacT said:

Dang so my Avatars are kinda useless now aren't they, other than looking cool :( Oh well I still like the models I have painted up at least for my collection.  Is the campaign made for single player or multiple people? I know nothing about it so right off the bat it is a little confusing. It seems like a lot to learn and I feel like I have a ton of catching up to do.


I will certainly be picking up the generic upgrades 1 & 2 now as well as the Strats and Schemes Deck.


Can the Effigies and the Emissaries be used in the same game or is the "upgrade" you mentioned just for fluff purposes?


Thanks for the quick reply and help! I really appreciate it.



I didn't see answers to these, so here goes. 

Campaign is intended for a group of reagular players. You start with a small crew, and then week by week buy more things, and find more things to chaneg what you can use. Think Necromunda or Bloodbowl league. 

Generic Upgrade deck 1 contains the gernric upgrades in the wave 1 and 2 arsenal decks, so if you have all the arsenal decks, you don't need Generic upgrades 1. 

Effigies and emmissaries can be used together, from a rules point of view they are seperate, its just the story that has them evolving during the Shifting loyaties story. Who knows, maybe Zoraida made more than 1 of each effigy, and only 1 got changed... (not supported by the story but if you're looking for justification...)

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So what exactly is the Crossroads Seven? It looks like there is a model for each faction. Are the others mercenaries at least for them to work together? Does the box set include anything else? I remember the Transmortis Set had some sort of story encounter. Does this have that sort of thing as well? After looking at the generalist upgrade decks do I need to get both the first and second set? I have Wave 1 and 2 cards for my given factions so im guessing that has similarities to general upgrades deck one? Any recommendations on what goes on with those decks?

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Crossroads 7 are all mercenaries. They've got a special rule that you can play the whole box as its own 50ss crew if you like, but I reckon it's not very competitive. It contains a few story encounters too.

Generalist Upgrade Deck 1 has upgrades from first two waves. So if you have wave 1 & 2 arsenals you don't need the first generalist upgraded deck. Wave 3 had no upgrades. Generalist deck 2 is for wave 4, so you'd still want to buy that.

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