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Need Help Before I Buy


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Hi Guys,

I just discovered Malifaux at game shop and wanted some detailed help before I buy, but first a little history.  I love succubi, vampire movies (not twilight) and dark role playing games.  Malifaux sounds like my kind of game.  I did watch a few online videos about it and glanced at the rules.  So I am ready to buy.

I would like a sexy girl set that lure, controls, and drains the life out of their victims.  The Beckoners look like a fun set to build around. I loved the story about them in the rules.  So where from there?  Can you guys recommend a set of figures that would make up a competitive squad?  I guess after I choose one I would like some guidance on a tactics to use that particular set.  Also if there is a better girl seduction set please tell me.


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It sounds like the Neverborn faction may be for you... to which Beckoners belong.


Regarding what you may want to check out (I've provided links):

The first model that comes to mind is Lilitu, one half of the demon twins that are Lelu and Lilitu.  She's got a whip with an outstanding reach.  She's also got a lure ability.

The next is Lilith whom is a master capable of leading a crew.  She's known as the Mother of Monsters.  A little too bland for my tastes, as she just looks like a lady with a sword, but the models she usually hires in a crew are of the nephilim or nightmare variety.

The last is Nekima who is Lilith's sister but actually looks like a nephilim.


Other models you may be interested include Coppelius, Barbaros, and the models that represent the young-to-old spectrum of the nephilim lifecycle (Terror Tot, Young Nephilim, Mature Nephilim)... which are all models Lilith loves to bring to the table.


OUTSIDE of the Neverborn faction, there's Bete Noire and also Yin the Penangalan whom is quite literally a vampire.

There are a LOT of zombie ladies in this game, also.

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and doppleganger is also a great model to have, she does everything.

As far as competitive teams go, malifaux is 1v1 so the site would be like http://usa.malifaux-rankings.com/#/

...if you lived in the US, just go to tournaments in your area, but maybe first find a local henchman or group that plays near you.

Welcome to Malifaux!

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After doing some research, what about mixing Lilith box, Jakob Lynch box, Beckoners, and a doppelganger?

OR maybe Lilith set, waldgeists, beckoners?

I am just confused on what combinations work to get a good synergy. But would this mix give me a strong crew with the feeling I was looking for?  Can you suggest a crew?  I can add more figures, i just don't want to keep buying to test builds.

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First off, Welcome to Malifaux and I hope you enjoy the game. :D

It's rather hard to give a set "crew" as what you need or want will likely change game to game due to the variation of strategy and schemes per game. That said, the Lilith and Lynch crew boxes work well together. Illuminated from Lynches box work well with any Neverborn master in and of themselves, because they are so resilient while still being able to pack a mean punch. The Terror Tots and Barbaros are also good with most crews, Lynch in particular loves the Tots as scheme runners as that's the main thing his box lacks and these are especially attuned to him with his Ace mechanics to allow them to Sprint more often than normal successfully.

As for things to get for one or both crews, my primary suggestions are:

Doppelganger - #1 most recommended, and most used, model in Neverborn. She's a toolbox that allows you to copy most non-leader actions (minus actions that name a target, such as summoning) in the game, friend or foe, she has good movement, can interact while engaged, can cheat initiative flips to go first each turn, etc.

Primordial Magic - Totem that works very well with Lilith and Pandora if you decide to ever pick her up, though not with Lynch as Hungering Darkness is his Totem and a much better value by far, but is restricted to him alone. Gives an additional Rush of Magic (card cycle at the start of each turn), can make enemies insignificant (unable to interact, such as dropping scheme markers to score), and can count as a scheme marker itself.

Lilitu - Solid enforcer, large melee of 4", Regeneration of health, and has a Lure to pull people out of position. I prefer her, even in Lynch crews, to Beckoners, as she is more resilient and has a higher casting Lure, so it's easier to achieve, though Beckoners can work very well with any crew, and for starting models will work nicely in both Lilith and Lynch crews. She's also an Enforcer which means she can carry upgrades for Show of Force scoring as well.

Waldgeist - Tanky style minions who can drop soft cover terrain. They are armored, which is something Neverborn has little access too, so can catch an opponent by surprise with their resilience. They work well in any crew, to be honest, as they are just solid little models who can run schemes, hold areas, or create cover to help protect your models from projectile attacks.

Mr. Graves - Solid hitting enforcer. He's hard to kill, also armored, and has a push ability to move friendlies or enemies around. He works very well in any crew, especially with the Doppelganger as she can copy his push, thereby making your own crew more mobile by pushing people up field early as needed, or pushing enemies away which can help control table quarters or turf war sections (movement and board control play heavily into my preferred style of play and can really screw up your opponent). 


You can make a decent 50SS list for both Lilith & Lynch crews by picking up their boxes, Doppelganger, Mr. Graves, and a box of Beckoners which will give you quite a few various things to build around once you start mixing and matching the boxes together. Those few purchases make it as least expensive as possible to start (taking into account if you want to buy two crew boxes as once) while also giving you access to models that are highly useful in just about every Neverborn Crew, no matter the master.

I would also suggest, though not as necessary straight away, that you pick up the General Upgrades #1 & #2 boxes so you have all the generic Neverborn faction upgrades (Namely Wings of Darkness for Lilith, Retribution's Eye for enforcers, Mimic's Blessing, Thousand Faces, Fears Given Form, etc that are all highly useful for you guys).

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I always suggest Lilith for beginning Neverborn players. She's easy to use but deep depth. Another benefit, she's fairly independent. You can run her with her standard Nephilim buds, but it's hardly required. Her ability to manipulate terrain and pushes makes her control game surprisingly strong.

Oh. Lelu and Lilitu box is probably something you want. Lelu is a Vampire and Lilitu is a succubus.

But as asrian said, there's no set crew.

Another thing you could do if you have the big books, go on Vassal and try out different Crews and models and see how they feel.

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9 hours ago, asrian said:

First off, Welcome to Malifaux and I hope you enjoy the game. :D
You can make a decent 50SS list for both Lilith & Lynch crews by picking up their boxes, Doppelganger, Mr. Graves, and a box of Beckoners which will give you quite a few various things to build around once you start mixing and matching the boxes together. Those few purchases make it as least expensive as possible to start (taking into account if you want to buy two crew boxes as once) while also giving you access to models that are highly useful in just about every Neverborn Crew, no matter the master.

I would also suggest, though not as necessary straight away, that you pick up the General Upgrades #1 & #2 boxes so you have all the generic Neverborn faction upgrades (Namely Wings of Darkness for Lilith, Retribution's Eye for enforcers, Mimic's Blessing, Thousand Faces, Fears Given Form, etc that are all highly useful for you guys).

Thanks!! This gives me a point start to buy.  I will pick them up midweek and start to assemble and paint. Thanks for making a build with my wishlist of Beconers and such.

Meanwhile can anyone give me a strategy and tactics for playing this group?



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Well, as has been said the Nephilim are basically sexy (for the most part) demon-vampires.


And there's also Pandora.


Titania's not too bad for being dead, either.


"Killer hot monster babes" is.. actually kind of a Neverborn gimmick, really, alongside "quirky, whimsical horrors".


Welcome to the fun side of the Breach!

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On 9/19/2016 at 3:32 AM, Butch said:

If you like converting than maybe Ressurrectionists would be an alternative.

You have Nurses and Rotten Belles. I think the Seamus box could be played as Dracula with female Vampires.

You got my attention!  Wicked grin.  I bought Seamus (Shadows of RedChapel),  and will be looking to get the Nurses soon.  I am not sure what would be a good totem.  Copycat Killer seems weak.


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6 hours ago, VampGirl said:

You got my attention!  Wicked grin.  I bought Seamus (Shadows of RedChapel),  and will be looking to get the Nurses soon.  I am not sure what would be a good totem.  Copycat Killer seems weak.


The Copycat Killer can be devastating. His .49 Flintlock should not be underestimated. Add to that his ability to teleport to Seamus, and he can be pretty much anywhere you need something shot.

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an alternative if you want a sezy girl set that lures and controls you could look at the arcanists and collettes crew. yes she doesnt do the bloodsucking but is a very much lure and control type of crew.

also within arcanists you have Rasputina (female leader of basically a cannibal cult), kaeris (winged fiery mistress), ironsides and mei feng (both tough female beaters) as some of the masters.

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True, but if she goes Ressers she can have:

Molly, who synergies well with Belles with two distinct thematic builds. And while she doesn't suck blood, she coughs it up in great quantities.

Kirai, Angsty Japanese spirit master, who likes summoning a nasty killer in b2b with models that hurt her.

Tara, Undead southern cowgirl with a cthulu style sub theme.

Reva, Mysterious cult figure whose followers fight on for her even after death, who hits very very hard.


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Everyone's already hit most of the important points on what to get and where to look for info.

My two bits of advice for new players are first, find out if you've got a local henchman, and hook up with them to meet the local players. If you've ever played any other tabletop games, go into your Malifaux experience assuming these people are nicer than your other games were. 9 times out of ten it's true.

Second, don't buy much more than the couple crew boxes and couple loose models that have been suggested for you here. It's very (VERY) easy to want to rush in and buy this cool guy and that cool thing and before you've played two games you own 90% of one faction and other stuff from 3 other factions. That's great if you like to paint but honestly really terrible if you're learning to play the game. For your first handful of games, stick to a small core of models and no more than 2 masters (preferably 1 in most cases). If you constantly switch in new models and masters and upgrades, all you're ever learning is how that new model works, and it distracts from learning to play the game as a whole once you have down what the specific models you're using can do.

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