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Sandeep Beacon Rules


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Hey everyone it's been a while since I was active here I just got to try my hands on Sandeep and he is awesome but I've been hearing some odd things about his beacon ability. The ablilty says:

  "Beacon: other friendly non-Peon models within 12" and LOS may take Ca Actions printed on this model's stat card at -1 Ca during their Activations. An action taken in this way may not be taken again via Beacon (by any model in this crew) until the next turn."

Ok seems clear enough Oxfordian mage 1 uses Arcane Storm now when Oxfordian mage 2 goes he can't use the same thing.

My confusion came when I read pull my finger they say: " Do be careful to note the wording of Beacon - once a friendly model has used one of Sandeep's Ca actions via Beacon, the action can't be used by any other model in the crew until the next turn - including Sandeep himself"

Why can't he use the abilities too? I don't understand were they are coming to that conclusion the ability only says is can't be used though beacon again and Sandeep can't beacon himself

Thank you all for your answers and I hope this gets cleared up

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Well, i have another question about the beacon. It states that the models using Sandeep's casts the stat will be -1. But! If i take an Essence of Power and rise the Ca of Sandeep, does that raise the other models Ca, or only if Sandeep uses the action? So in simple words, if i want to give some other model a Ca +1, where should the Essence stand, near Sandeep, or near the acting model?


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Near the acting model. 

The Bonus on the Ca actions for sandeep (In my opinion) is calculated when Sandeep calculates his Ca total. It has not just added 1 to all of his Ca values. 

(Will need to check the exact wordign of the essence, but thats what I expect based on other similar situations)


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5 hours ago, Bengt said:

Since it just says "Ca", not "Ca Actions" or "Ca Duels", it is a little unclear in my opinion.

That's my point and only source of dilemma with this mechanic. Well, in a couple months another errata will clear it i hope. Anyways, after a turn or two Banasuva would replace the essence. I haven't played with Sandeep yet, so that's not something i would be sure of, but currently it seems most likely.

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All evidences and facts of these two mechanics, the amplify and the beacon combined can be interpreted in both ways.
Either: The Ca stat another model has when using one of Sandeep's actions is considered to be the printed numeral on the original stat card, meaning it's Ca 5, which can be modified if Sandeep himself gets some Ca improvements
The model gains the action for one usage only with Ca 5, which means the user has to have the Ca boost to make the action stronger
Even if it sounds the least likely, any model, with any conditions or auras anywhere, using an action of Sandeep uses that with no more and no less than Ca 5.

I don't know what the correct procedure would be to ask for the help of the developers, i only hope, some of them might read these lines.

If it happenes, i thank them for the ansver.

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16 hours ago, Bengt said:

Since it just says "Ca", not "Ca Actions" or "Ca Duels", it is a little unclear in my opinion.

I don't think that anyone would disagree with the view that if the model casting the spell is in the Amplify Aura then it would recieve +1 to Ca when it casts a spell whilst using the Beacon rule. 

I Don't think that it should apply its bonus twice, so it shouldn't boost the base stat of the action (on Sandeeps card) as well as the casting model. 


I use a similar arguement with Sonnias "confiscated Lore" and the Malifaux child "just like you" t6o argue that the +2 isn't just added to the stat of the action, so the Child won't benifit from it. (This has also not been confirmed as correct, btu I think the counter arguement normally falls into an infinite loop which is a bad thing). 


The nearest we have on similar things is the FAQ on things like Von Schills cracked and power loop. (you copy the base stat on power loop ratehr than the modified stat. Questions 82 and 83)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2016. 09. 15. at 10:17 AM, Adran said:

I use a similar arguement with Sonnias "confiscated Lore" and the Malifaux child "just like you" t6o argue that the +2 isn't just added to the stat of the action, so the Child won't benifit from it. (This has also not been confirmed as correct, btu I think the counter arguement normally falls into an infinite loop which is a bad thing). 

Not only the Malifaux child can copy actions, the Wendigo also copies Ca actions from Rasputina with a -3 Ca. There was no problem with it ever because of obvious reasons :D The essence of power is the only model in the faction that can boost the Ca stat.

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