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Som'er Paint Schemes, and Gremlins in general


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So, I've been eyeing up all that sexy Gremlin goodness for a while, and I've finally jumped in with Som'er Teeth's crew box.  I'm also going to get Wong's and probably Brewmaster's, and maybe Zoraida, but that's the limit of my aspirations for now.

Problem is, I'm a visually-orientated perfectionist, with zero painting skill.  Okay - maybe 5 or 6 out of 10 painting skill, but still - I'm not under any illusions of painting up awesome figures anytime soon.  Still, I'm keen to give it a crack - I just lack a cohesive idea for a colour scheme.  Oh - when I said "visually-orientated" before, what I meant is that I like looking at pretty, pretty things - not that I'm really wicked-good at picturing stuff in my head. Sigh...

So, would any of you kind Gremmer-istas mind volunteering pictures of your Gremlin paint schemes so I might have a few references to work off?  I don't want to be rude and suggest that I'm going to copy anyone - I just want to see what other people have done with Som'er, the Skeeters, etc to help me dial in my own ideas.  The only thing I've got locked in so far is that I want to go vibrant green with my Gremlins' skin tone.  I'm a bit of a fan of bright colours for the gaming table, to make the models stand out  :-)  


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Picking colors is always the hardest thing for me, too. Zipp and crew are being done like DOOP officers, otherwise I just have to play around. Most of my gremlins are about 80% done with some things still needed. Som'er is done other than his gun and some extra details. So I'm going to piggy back here and keep an eye out, too

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Okay I wanna preface this with: I am not a good painter. I don't really care enough to put the time or money in to learning to be better. However, the comment I always get about my models is that people really like the colour scheme and the checked pattern, so I figure I at least have the right idea just not the skills to back it up.


Lenny was the first mini I ever painted so he has this marble effect that I never really replicated (I had a slightly different vision for my gremlins back then). But basically I have a pastel green for the skin, a dark sort of denim coloured blue and a very vibrant deep pink. IMO they work really well together. I also do a black and white checked pattern occasionally when I feel like I've used the other two colours a lot. I wish I could give you actual colour names but I'm cheap and I don't buy special mini paints, I just use regular acrylics.

I also prime white, which is a bit more unforgiving than black, but it really helps out with making the bright colours bright.


(also damn my desk is so much messier now I really need to clean that up)

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Here are some of mine (apologize for the ones that are a bit blurry they were taken to emphasize a technique and not showcase the entire model).










I can post a few others once I locate where I put them (to bad the old galleries couldn't be migrated really wish I had the ones of the Pigapult, Som'er on his porch, and the rest of my boys, so many of them).

I can also provide the paint recipe for these if you want them.

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First off, Green is boring, so I tend to paint my Gremlins Yellow. After that I use brownish, greyish, reddish and blueish tones and sometimes and off tone, for that Gremlin that found sth. fashionable and whacky.

Green is my Gremlin hair (if they have any). Exception for Sammy, who has red hair (and purple elements) <3. Master are also an exception to the rule (Ophelia has pink elements on her hat and gloves... because why not?)



(Rooster is now based and has two sibligs).


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My Lenny - totally agree with the idea of mismatched cast off clothing as well. I gave him a UGA shirt cuz go Dawgs! and cuz I'm in GA lol



My Sammy - really hard to get a pic of her face due to the hat



Burt Jebson! with a superman T-shirt ^_^

you can see more pics of my crew etc on my thread http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/110976-guildys-malifaux-crew-wip-and-yknow-stuffs/?page=1


I haven't really gotten one of them all together yet =/ sadly. I have some Bayou Gremlins I'm repairing (again, I've lost count) and the pigapult and piglets still to paint. And a completely unopened Creative Taxidermy box lol

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Good stuff, peeps! I like the varied skin tones and crazy freehands! Also, those Taxidermists are bonkers! Sweet!

I should really take photos of my Gremlins but here's a couple.

The idea is red jeans and pants and overalls and such with the rest of the clothing mostly khaki. Kin get something black and Tri-Chi wear orange. I like a very down-to-earth green for the skin and all in all seem to be aiming for a less flamboyant look than most here, it seems.



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Now that's a Slophauler =D


I just got a couple metal malifaux gremlins off ebay cuz I love metals. One is Francois and I think the other is Rami (although I do very much like Rami's plastic model). And I got a couple more bayou gremlins - aside from the fact that ones staring at the wrong end of his rifle which is hilarious, if you start running a summoning crew it's very nice to have a couple of different ones, in addition to the four plastics.

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Love it!

Thanks all for coming to the party - it's definitely given me some ideas.  I've seen one guy online has painted his Gremlins with regular skin tones, and while it's well done, I just can't bring myself to do that!  Making them look human?!  Green may be boring, but it's just...right.  So I went out and bought a pot of "Fluro Green".  Hmmm... ;-) 


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Love it!

Thanks all for coming to the party - it's definitely given me some ideas.  I've seen one guy online has painted his Gremlins with regular skin tones, and while it's well done, I just can't bring myself to do that!  Making them look human?!  Green may be boring, but it's just...right.  So I went out and bought a pot of "Fluro Green".  Hmmm... ;-) 


The original Bayou Gremlin sculpts (talking about the ones in metal) were very human looking...cant seem to find the sculptors page anymore.

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