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Just finished my Titania


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14 hours ago, Vecks said:

I'll see what I can do later today. Honestly taking good pictures of miniatures,has never been my strong suit.

Off the top I would suggest trying the following things to improve your pictures:

1) Get an empty gallon milk jug, cut the top off (actually down as far as needed to include the handle). Next cut large U into one side. This will make a good light box when turned over and also provide a good neutral background.

2) Dont use the camera flash. Instead use more external lighting filtered through the above light box.

3) Move the camera as close to the subject as possible to aid in focusing, depth of field, and light metering.

These three things can do wonders for your miniatures photography. After that there are others things you can try though they are heavily influenced by what your camera is capable of.

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On 8/13/2016 at 9:00 PM, Vecks said:

Oh wow! Thanks for the tip. My camera is my phone's camera (Galaxy S7) which is pretty decent as far as phone camera's go. Will definitely use your technique when I get the chance!

Some phone cameras allow decent control over settings and functions. On the Samsung Galaxy you can try a few different things in the "Pro" setting. One of the easiest is to set it to the "Macro" setting, usually represented by a flower icon. This tells the camera that the camera will be really close to the subject, which automatically changes a few things to improve the results.

After that you can try working either the ISO setting or the Aperture setting (it will look like an iris). These two settings will effect the "depth of field" (how much of the composition will be in focus) however be careful with these as they can also blur your photos if they make the shutter speed to slow (the lowest reasonable speed for a hand held photo is 1/32 though I would discourage going this low). This is one reason I use so many lights in my setup, more light = faster speeds even when using really small apertures to increase the depth of field.

Hopefully some of that helps, let me know if any of it needs better explanation or clarification.

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You can use the milk jug outside with natural sunlight to good effect. If going this route I would recommend using a sheet of White "poster board" underneath the mlik jug to reflect the light back toward the model. This is a good thing to have anyway. In a pinch you can use a plane sheet of paper or a piece of card board primed white.

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