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Beating Teddy with Guild


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Pretty much, shoot it a bunch until it falls over.  You're looking for something with good minimum damage.


Don't engage in melee unless it's already activated and/or you're sure you can kill it in one go.


Otherwise he's pretty easy to hit, just Impossible to Wound can be rough if you rely on damage spikes.

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As Vilicate states.

I will also add that if you plan of targeting it then you want to go all in because he regen but other then regening, a glorified hard to wound and a good numbers he is fully killable. I know that sounds like a lot but it is not when you factor he is defense 3, Death Jawa will kill him easily.

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Useful models for dealing with Teddy according to me:

Pinebox, Burning + Samael, Executioner, Peacekeeper, Lady Justice, Wardens. 

Anything with weak dmg 4 or more is usually nice. Use a hunter to slow Teddy if you can't wait to attack him. It has the bonus of taking him down to 9 wounds which is very doable in one activation with a weak dmg 4 + crit strike model. Nurses and perfomers also paralyze it easily. A peacekeeper should be able to go toe to toe with Teddy unless it has Retribution's eye.


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42 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

...unless it has Retribution's eye.

Doesn't it always? :P

But seriously, throw ~15 stones worth of attacks at it in one round and just about anything will die. It's just a matter of manufacturing the two-on-one position. To that end, anything with Accomplice or Companion will help take it out, and any friendly movement tricks you have to cheat your board state will help. Something like Stand For Judgment, or a couple of Nurse Heartsbane's triggers can help set up teddy's fall.

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McCabe throwing upgrades and companioning into Francisco can usually hit just about anywhere you need it. They're both at puny 3 weak damage unless you stone or cheat so you might have to work a little for it but with promises you should be hitting fairly reliably or drawing big cards from your opponent's hand.

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I don't know. Killing something gets it off the board for one game. If you want it gone from their list, you have to regret making them take it at all. Bouncing straight-flip blasts off of its poor defense and onto the rest of the crew, O.S.A. copying Gobble You Up... right back at them (I haven't faced the local Teddy in months after merely threatening with that one. Note to self: find more punishing counter to Nekima), the pine box with a side order of damaging conditions ticking away on it, that sort of kill.

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19 hours ago, Gnomezilla said:

I don't know. Killing something gets it off the board for one game. If you want it gone from their list, you have to regret making them take it at all. Bouncing straight-flip blasts off of its poor defense and onto the rest of the crew, O.S.A. copying Gobble You Up... right back at them (I haven't faced the local Teddy in months after merely threatening with that one. Note to self: find more punishing counter to Nekima), the pine box with a side order of damaging conditions ticking away on it, that sort of kill.

The only way to really punish someone for using Nekima would probably be using a doppleganger to copy Lorelai. For extra laughs you could then bury the dopple with a marshal and use the emmissary to copy the dopplegangers action to copy Lorelai again. I'm not sure on the general effectiveness of that list however. ;)

Anything else that hurts Nekima is probably going to hurt other big models as well so not really dissuade them from using her. Sonnia's own totem or her flamewall upgrade might come in handy since it disallows soulstone use, if you take that away from Nekima she will be a huge liability as a blasting point for Sonnia but the setup could be tricky.

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Dita, frank, judge, papa, austringers x2

I think that was it.

To be fair, my list was a little lacking and I DID kill judge, frank and papa. I think I lost like 3-7 but Perdita did most of the work. With her min dmg and not needing to take the horror tests.

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I'm very new to the game at the moment as well, and play a Sonnia crew each time (figured if I stuck to one master it would help me get a grip of the rules quicker). My opponent however has about 8-10 different masters and, I have to say, I've only played against a Teddy once and it totally dominated one side of the board. However, this may have something to do with me running pieces around the board (without any notion or form of a plan) and trying to set all enemy model's on fire. I'm finally starting to get a little better at competing and actually won the other week (vs Ironsides), but interestingly the two match-up's when I've felt totally up against it have been against Jakob Lynch and The Dreamer. The thread has had some interesting pointers.

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Maybe I've just had good luck but I have never struggled to kill ANY model when I need it dead. High minimum damage, flurry and rapid fire and/or chain activations will ruin teddy's day. As a great man once said: "If you fear the Teddy, then he has already won".

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4 hours ago, Flynn said:

HeMany combinations will be out of my hands at the moment anyway as the only models I possess currently are the Sonnia box set, 2 Austringer's and 2 Witchling Handler's. Plus I hate to proxy models so I guess it's a case of 'all in good time':)

That should be fine for a lot pf pools. Sonnia controls the board quite nicely and with a handler a witchling is a decent-ish schemer that gets help from the austringers deliver orders. I'm a supporter of starting with a small model count and working with that to learn. Buying everything will lead to never trying to squeze the most out of models.

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