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Mah or Som'er


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it seems that after GenCon I want to add to my Gremlins with yet another Crew Box and the hottest contenders are Mah Tucket and Som'er

While I don't own piglets (yet) I feel more towards Som'er (especially with having 5 Bayou Gremlins already), though Mah be in the unique ability to my first Melee Master in Gremlins and I heard the Roosters I got are very strong with her.


What do you think. What would Ophelia, Wong, Brewmaster, some Bayou Grems, Sammy, Merris Slop Haulers, Burt, Gracie and McTavish and an upcoming Sparks* more?


* I plan to play him in my Mei Fang crew, so I can always Gremlin :D

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I don't like mah, too niche. It maybe good, sometimes...

But somer is the most versatile of the green master...so you will play him much more than mah.

Only pity is that trixiebelle is an awesome piece, extremely strong and versatile...much more than lenny.

Definitively somer

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eh *shrug* I've won tournaments without Trixie, I've beaten good Gremlin players where they're using her and I'm not. I think she gets a bit overhyped (unlike Sammy who deserves the hype FITE ME). Part of why I don't use her is a] I sold her so I essentially got a half price mah box and b] I really hate her sculpt.

Also given that the objectively best master in the game is Som'er Teeth Jones I'm gonna say grab Som'er's box. 9 Bayou Gremlins is a sweet spot imo, it's enough to play Summon'er fairly spammy. You also get Lenny who is fairly good.

Although on the other hand... I do love Mah too... The clear answer is to get both :P

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7 hours ago, Kobayashi said:

While I don't own piglets (yet) I feel more towards Som'er (especially with having 5 Bayou Gremlins already), though Mah be in the unique ability to my first Melee Master in Gremlins and I heard the Roosters I got are very strong with her.

Somer works extremely well with the Roosters as well.

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Piglets are amazing at the Distract family of schemes and I think a box is very useful to have just for the occasions when those schemes come up. Now that I have Ulix and some experience with him I don't tend to hire piglets with Som'er very often, but I think that's a shortcoming of mine, not because they're not very good. Plus I gave all my piglets little hats.

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I feel the same way about Som'er's box that most people feel about Mah.  I only bought it to get Lenny.


I will say, I've now used Som'er a bit, and I enjoy him and I'm good with him, but he isn't my go-to master in situations yet.


I use Mah all the time.  Wong, her, and Brewmaster are the ones I use mostly (though Brewmaster hasn't been working out as well for me as he has in the past).  I find her to be very flexible in her crew.  If you're playing Som'er, there are certain models that you essentially are forced to take to run him effectively.  There's play styles that dodge that of course, but most people will run at least a couple of Bayou Gremlins and at least 1 Slop Hauler.  Not exactly breaking the bank with stones, that's barely 10, but I prefer complete flexibility.  Besides, a good opponent will crank down that Slop Hauler as fast as they can, and an opponent familiar enough with Som'er knows that if those 2 or 3 Bayou gremlins are dead, your summoning stops.  Of course we can protect them with various techniques, but it's still an added concern.


With Mah Tucket, I run her with whatever crew I feel like running.  She can go off on her own killing and causing mayhem, and the rest of my 49 stones go towards whatever I need my crew to do.  I've run scheme running crews with her, kill heavy teams (both melee and shooting) and had very good success with all of it.


I understand why people love Som'er.  I do, too.  I had a match a few weeks ago where Von Schill ended the game on the board alone completely surrounded by Bayou Gremlins, Lenny, and Som'er.  It's a very funny visual (especially when he rips off the shirt in a last ditch effort to terrify them all).  However, I prefer Mah Tucket personally in a lot of situations.

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I apologize.:P I'm not big into summoning in this game for some reason.  My Dreamer is about Chompy.  Som'er is about the only one I enjoy it with, but it's still not my favorite way to play.  The one time I did well with it, I had Sammy take the upgrade so Som'er could just raise Hell, and she summoned two in a turn.  It's definitely effective.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just adding to this, since I started it all

How would the other Mastes I did not name (read: Zoraida and Ulyx) fare. What would you consider essential buys with them. What can I leave home without (i.e. Zoraida without a Nurse), granted on a less great performance, but still on the OK department. 

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Zoraida doesn't absolutely need anything. She can do just fine with whatever's at hand. She loves Roosters and Pigs but works fine with other stuff as well.

Stuff specific to her would be Nurses and Waldgeists - they both give options to Gremlins that they don't normally have and are really good models. Some also like Iggy with her but I feel that the Merc tax makes him a bit of a so-so model. Certainly not bad but not essential.

But the main problem with Zoraida is that her box is useless for Gremlins. Silurids, though great, aren't needed in Gremlins and Bad Juju without his signature Upgrade is really bad.

Ulix needs Piglets (four or more) and War Pigs (one, preferably two). Other than that, all Pig models work nicely with him but aren't absolutely necessary.

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Essential buys for Ulix are Slop Haulers, Piglets, a War Pig and The Sow or Gracie.

Essential buys for Zoraida will be the Will O' Wisps when they are out. A Nurse or Iggy are good with the Voodoo Doll, but I wouldn't call them essential. I like Waldgeists, McTavish and Bayou Gators with her too, but they aren't essential either.

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12 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

But the main problem with Zoraida is that her box is useless for Gremlins. Silurids, though great, aren't needed in Gremlins and Bad Juju without his signature Upgrade is really bad.

I fathomed as much, that I would only have the box and have to bring everything else to her. And she doesn't lend herself to Gremlins like a Som'er or Mah purchase would do, but she would be a funny angle.


15 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Ulix needs Piglets (four or more) and War Pigs (one, preferably two). Other than that, all Pig models work nicely with him but aren't absolutely necessary.


14 minutes ago, Izzinatah said:

Essential buys for Ulix are Slop Haulers, Piglets, a War Pig and The Sow or Gracie.

Slop Haulers I have and I guess Piglets would be good down the line. War Pig I don't have as also not the Sow, but nothing that can't be afforded with the box.

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Gonna disagree with the comments calling Nurses nice but nonessential. IMO the ability to hire a Nurse is one of the best things that Zoraida brings to the table. You're not going to want one 100% of the time, but it's very rare that I find myself not taking one, and I think you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't at least consider a nurse in every Zoraida list.

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In regards to Ulix you will want a War Pig since he can summon them, same with Piglets. I like the Sow over Gracie but each has a place. Slop Hauler is ubiquitous for the faction but I would also strongly recommend a look at the hog Whisperer. Reactivate is a really nice thing to be able to throw around.

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10 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

Gonna disagree with the comments calling Nurses nice but nonessential. IMO the ability to hire a Nurse is one of the best things that Zoraida brings to the table. You're not going to want one 100% of the time, but it's very rare that I find myself not taking one, and I think you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't at least consider a nurse in every Zoraida list.

I think that they are nonessential in the same way that Roosters are nonessential for Zoraida. You can play Zoraida without a Nurse but it will certainly be a great asset to have one. So I suppose that we agree on everything except the definition of the word "nonessential" :D 

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