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Brainstorming Henchmen Hardcore lists


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So of the Henchmen we currently have, I believe Snowstorm, the Captain, Cassandra and Joss are the best candidates. I'm hesitant to include The Firestarter, as I think he make's a better scheme runner, which doesn't really fit with the hench hardcore format. There might be a list that he'd be decent in, but I just can't see it currently. Also I think Myranda is just out of the question given how she plays. Again, I might be wrong, but I just don't see her winning over the other henchmen in this format.


So which list looks best for each henchmen, or the best overall? I'd love some feedback or maybe some hidden gem's I may have overlooked. 


My Snowstorm lists look like this:

List 1

-December Acolyte

-December Acolyte

-Silent one 

List 2

-Blessed of December

-December Acolyte

-Ice gamin


I'd look at dropping one of these lists against guild and gremlins due to the bullet proof from snowstorm.


My Joss lists look like this:

List 1

-Large Arachnid

-Large Arachnid

-Steam Arachnid Swarm

List 2

-Bleeding Edge Tech

-Powered by Flame

-Rail Worker

-Rail Worker



I'd probably drop one of these lists against neverborn and ressers due it it's melee prowess and overall tankiness. 


My Cassandra lists look like:

List 1

-Imbued Protection 




List 2

-Arcane Emissary




I'd probably drop one of these lists against gremlins and guild due to it's speed and ability to attack WP (gremlins).


My Captain lists look like:

List 1

-Warding Runes

-Imbued Energies

-Ox Mage + upgrade

-Ox Mage + upgrade

-Ox Mage + upgrade

List 2





I'd probably drop one of these lists against any faction. The Mage spam is a little more gimmicky, but I think it would be amazing at board control. The other list is just full of M&SU all stars that can deal with just about any situation.





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I've only played Snowstorm in Henchman Hardcore so far but I think she's great at it.  I like your Snowstorm list 2 best because I think you really need a heavy hitter and BoD is decent for the role.  When I last played a HH tournament I ended up going 3/1 with Snowstorm / Ice Golem / Ice Gamin / Silent One (Ice Golem does really well when its getting heals, teleports, and there aren't many enemies to beat on it).

For the others I'd say Joss list 2, Cassie list 1 (but IMO the Mannequin's a bad idea, you're going to need non-insignificant bodies like the Arcane Effigy maybe by the center point), Captain list 2.

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One that I've liked is Joss, Howard, a Metal Gamin, and the Arcane Effigy. Effigy and Gamin are both reasonably tanky for 4SS and can hold the middle, and Effigy gives a cleanse, which can be invaluable. Also, since it's 0 action states leader not master, it works on Joss. After that, there's not that much that can stand against Joss and Howard up close.

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A pity that Kang is not a 'true' Arcanist. Still, I felt like he's worth a mention, because he seems insane in this format. He has access to a push, multiple short range buffs, and the HtW + HtK + 0 tactical action combo, is superb for surviving assassinate.

I wonder how some kind of 'Push' spam list would fare in the format. Get in the Turf War bubble, and push everything that isn't mine, outside of it.

I'd include Angelica. She could end up with a very accurate attack (up to Ml 7) that pushes enemies outside the Turf War section, and she can't be charged in response, which in this crowded game type makes her a pretty safe choice. She also gets a free walk at the start of the game and can either walk twice more, or push up to two of your models into the Turf war section for that 1VP in the first turn.

This would be my list:

- The Captain w/ Patron's Blessing
- Union Miner
- Blessed of December w/Imbued Energies
- Angelica

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On 16/07/2016 at 3:22 AM, BFOmega said:

Isn't that 24SS?

Unless something's been errata'd out or changed, my total seems to be 20 on the dot:

The Captain w/ Patron's Blessing - 2
Union Miner - 5
Blessed of December w/Imbued Energies - 7
Angelica - 6

I hope nothing was Cuddled so hard it is 4 ss more expensive?

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In Your second Snowstorm list, how bout swapping Blessed of December for Myranda + Imbued Energies and then shapechange during the game? not only You get better mobility and more activations (Myranda 2x Wk, shapechange, Blessed Leap and even 1x Attack), You'll get 4 cards extra.

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10 minutes ago, Emeryt said:

In Your second Snowstorm list, how bout swapping Blessed of December for Myranda + Imbued Energies and then shapechange during the game? not only You get better mobility and more activations (Myranda 2x Wk, shapechange, Blessed Leap and even 1x Attack), You'll get 4 cards extra.

Not 100% sure, but in Henchmen Hardcore you cannot summon models. So after shapechange nothing will happen

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16 minutes ago, Emeryt said:

In Your second Snowstorm list, how bout swapping Blessed of December for Myranda + Imbued Energies and then shapechange during the game? not only You get better mobility and more activations (Myranda 2x Wk, shapechange, Blessed Leap and even 1x Attack), You'll get 4 cards extra.

Summoning is not allowed in Henchman Hardcore format.

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