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How to start with Arcanists


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I played a bit with Ten Thunders at the start of M2E. Now i wanna go back to Malifaux and I decided to start with Arcanists. I goes through models, core rules, models cards and forum. I like most of the Arcanist models. I just don't want to take Marcus and his stuff for now (I like more wizards and constructs than beasts). I like the Rasputina, Ramos, Colette and theirs starters the most. Ok, so it's time for questions. I want to buy starter and 1-2 another boxes and start playing just to get the rules, learn objectives etc. than go to the second master. Which Arcanist starter is nice to start with (some models usable with other masters would be great)? And which one is good to pair with (Both in my opinion should have different play style and cover others weaknesses. Using the same additional models would be nice.)? Could you recommend some additional models to expand starters (again some versatile models usable with bunch of masters would be nice)? Should I avoid to buying some models (I mean the very situational ones or the similliar ones. It looks like Rail Golem and Howard looks similliar so I think that one of them is enough for start).

I'm not afraid of buying hard to play models (It's even better because I'm really excited when I discover new trick and learn game). Also I'm not afraid of buying a bit more expensive stuff as long as I'll be putting it on table (I just don't want to pick specific counters even if they are great but rarely see the table).

What about Outcasts for Arcanists crews? Johan looks like obvious choice, some other recommendations?

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I don't play him myself but the Ramos box gives you howard an Joss who fit with most crews for certain strats and schemes.

Johan i great I dont particularly like taking mercs but he synergises well with our units so well worth a look. Lazarus can be good in a ramos crew.

You'll want an extra box of arachnids then maybe some ranged so either Willie or a box of acolytes would be my advice.

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Rasputina and Ramos are good and easy to start off with, Colette's a bit trickier.  If you start off with Rasputina, I'd make my first purchases Snow Storm (her awesome Henchman) and either Silent Ones (healing) or December Acolytes (good ranged damage and access to Slow).  If you went with Ramos, definitely a second box of Arachnids (the one with 6 in it) and probably Johan too.

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there was a thread some months ago about what 2 crew boxes do you buy, and the correct answer was the master that interests you and the ramos box. The contents are great for 8 other masters to make use of. Howard and Joss are both very solid and powerful models, and the arachnids are a very good minion for 4 stones. 

From what you say I would go wiht Colette and Ramos, as the both contain models the otehr would look at using (Cassandra and the performer are useful for a lot of schemes/strats). 

You may well find that if you play Ramos, you'l need more than the 6 aracnhids that come in the box, so he probably would like you to get anotehr box of arachnids. Its rare I get to more than 6, and rare that I form a swarm, but it does happen in games often enough that You will eventually want to do so. 

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On 6/7/2016 at 4:38 PM, Adran said:

there was a thread some months ago about what 2 crew boxes do you buy, and the correct answer was the master that interests you and the ramos box. The contents are great for 8 other masters to make use of. Howard and Joss are both very solid and powerful models, and the arachnids are a very good minion for 4 stones. 

The only must buy in Arcanists, as a generalist purchase, is the Ramos box. Because everything after that is seriously a play style choice.
Joss & Howard are just about the best models in the faction, and you'll be hard pressed to play, build, or even find lists that don't include at least one of them.

Rasputinia is a safe choice because she is a take-my-thematic-models and go kinda master, who doesn't play as well with the rest of the faction, but is still a good choice. Easy to learn. Easy to Master, but there is a bit of a skill plateu where she isn't as good (for sake of counter play) then she gets better again. 

If you like casters. Grab the Ironsides box. Ironsides may be a tanky brawler, but the oxfordian mages are awesome, and the captain is also one of the most manly man who has ever man'd (tied with Joss)

Personally I went all Union themed. So Ramos, Mei Feng (Might as well be union still) , Kaeris, IronSides

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3 hours ago, decker_cky said:

The correct way to start Arcanists is to buy the Marcus, Waldgheist, Silurid, and Spawn Mother sets. All of those models are useful for any Arcanist master that matters. 

Not sure what you're on about, Ramos doesn't use any of those. ;)

Also, forgot the Blessed of December.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really just chiming in here to second a lot of what has already been said.

The Ramos box is just general great value for most Arcanist players you could easily grab that, Collette and an extra box of spiders and have a field day to start with. Collette is a master where you just take the models best suited to do the job in faction and she makes them better at doing it so you can start cherry picking what you feel like.

I love Raspy and play her a lot but I find I dont use much of the construct and M&SU stuff with her but use a few beasts and Angelica in addition to her Frozen Heart models

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3 hours ago, osoi said:

Collette is a master where you just take the models best suited to do the job in faction and she makes them better at doing it so you can start cherry picking what you feel like.

Colette's box set is also a bunch of tools that can be applied to any crew, as much as the Ramos box set (performers + angelica vs joss + howard is pretty close to a push IMO, though the arachnids are better than mannequins).

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I started with:
-Ramos box + more spiders,
-Colette box,
-Mechanical Rider.

After 7 games with Ramos (Ramos, Joss, Howard, brass, arachnid, Mechanical Rider) i feel that it's great place to start (I should just replace arachnid with mobile toolkit). I'm lacking the variety of Mechanical Rider summoning (missing electrical creation and gamins), but it's still super fun to play. I didn't try Colette yet.

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29 minutes ago, decker_cky said:

Sorry...got the names muddled in my brain. Meant Cassandra. She's a rock star.

Yes, that is indeed true.

And then I'd sign your comparison. Although, one could always do it the 'Malifaux' way - just get both boxes. :-P

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In terms of including toolbox models, Ramos, Colette, and Marcus are great boxes (Howard, Joss, Cassandra, Performers, Myranda, Cojo, and Sabretooth). 

Kaeris and Ironsides starters each have a nice henchman, but aren't really boxes that will contribute a ton to most arcanist lists. 

Mei Feng and Rasputina's boxes are full of specialists that other arcanist masters won't use much. 

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I use railworkers quite often with Toni, Kaeris, Mei Feng and Ramos.

Raspy the only models I use from the box is Raspy, and Ice gamin and the wendigo

Toni, 2 mages and captain are regulars

Kaeris, all I sometimes use is Firestarter and fire gamin are Mech rider summons only

Colette, as said good toolbox boxset

Ramos, also great toolbox boxset where I have use every model in the box

Marcus, mainly Myranda but as she shapechanges into Cojo or a cerberus with some frequency its worthwhile

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