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Everything posted by Terk

  1. If my model stands on the vertical rooftop (of climbable terrain), does the whole base have to be supported by terrain or just a part of it?
  2. How about: AFTER SUCCEEDING These Triggers happen after the Action is complete, but only if the model declaring the Trigger was successful in the duel and is still in play. If the Trigger has a target and that target is no longer in play, the Trigger has no effect. If a Trigger does not list a timing, it is treated as an After succeeding Trigger. Ricochet is resolved "after the Action is complete" so my understanding is that isn't part of an action? Other way for Hard Throw (R: Hard Throw - When resolving, the target suffers 1/3/5 damage.), it modifies the action effect so there are no doubts it's modified by Accuracy Fate Modifiers.
  3. 1. Is the damage from trigger with variable profile (for example Ricochet trigger) affected by Accuracy Fate Modifiers? 2. Is the damage from trigger with variable profile (for example Ricochet trigger) affected by Focus? Ricochet: Choose another model within 3" of the target. That model suffers 1/2/4 damage, which cannot be Cheated. Accuracy Fate Modifiers: Accuracy Fate Modifiers occur when there is a variable flip (often a damage flip) as the result of an opposed duel. Focus: Before flipping in an opposed duel, this model may lower the value of this Condition by one to receive a + to the duel (and any resulting damage flip this model makes).
  4. Faction book is useless for playing game and is great if you want to dig into the lore. Core rules will be available in PDF for free so buying copy is totally optional. After the 3ed release shops will add the 3ed stat cards to 2nd edition boxes so if you want to wait 3 more weeks there is no point in buying faction card pack too. Anyway picking discounted 2nd edition stuff and the card pack after release is good too. I would recommend to take a look over factions, choose one visually (there are ~8 leaders per faction with pretty wide playstyle options), then pick the single crew box that looks the most fun for you. Repeat the process for other players in your group. Then play few games with chosen box at 35pts level (use latest beta rules). After 3-5 games you will probably catch the concept of the game and you will be able to go through the factions again (both visually and rules-wise). At this point you can decide to make futher purchases for previously chosen faction/master or go to the new one.
  5. Big update of M3E Helper. Possibility to sign in and use the tool on different devices, history of games, options for faction, leader and crew choice, display of yours and your opponent score, rules section expanded... All kinds of feedback appreciated! If you want to report a problem or share any ideas how to improve the tool, post it here, send me a PM or reach me via email. https://m3e.nazwa.pl
  6. There is no reason to keep app online since the official app exists. App was removed.
  7. I started with: -Ramos box + more spiders, -Colette box, -Mechanical Rider. After 7 games with Ramos (Ramos, Joss, Howard, brass, arachnid, Mechanical Rider) i feel that it's great place to start (I should just replace arachnid with mobile toolkit). I'm lacking the variety of Mechanical Rider summoning (missing electrical creation and gamins), but it's still super fun to play. I didn't try Colette yet.
  8. Hi, I played a bit with Ten Thunders at the start of M2E. Now i wanna go back to Malifaux and I decided to start with Arcanists. I goes through models, core rules, models cards and forum. I like most of the Arcanist models. I just don't want to take Marcus and his stuff for now (I like more wizards and constructs than beasts). I like the Rasputina, Ramos, Colette and theirs starters the most. Ok, so it's time for questions. I want to buy starter and 1-2 another boxes and start playing just to get the rules, learn objectives etc. than go to the second master. Which Arcanist starter is nice to start with (some models usable with other masters would be great)? And which one is good to pair with (Both in my opinion should have different play style and cover others weaknesses. Using the same additional models would be nice.)? Could you recommend some additional models to expand starters (again some versatile models usable with bunch of masters would be nice)? Should I avoid to buying some models (I mean the very situational ones or the similliar ones. It looks like Rail Golem and Howard looks similliar so I think that one of them is enough for start). I'm not afraid of buying hard to play models (It's even better because I'm really excited when I discover new trick and learn game). Also I'm not afraid of buying a bit more expensive stuff as long as I'll be putting it on table (I just don't want to pick specific counters even if they are great but rarely see the table). What about Outcasts for Arcanists crews? Johan looks like obvious choice, some other recommendations?
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