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This makes my heart ache. With sympathy, with rage, with confusion as to who would do such a thing and what drives them to it.

I hope you get all your models back. It may be a fool's hope, but I'm sending you good vibes for it to happen anyway.

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Was it from your house, and were they in storage cases? Keep an eye out for dumpsters in the vicinity, and let local pawn shops know about it. A lot of people mistakenly steal miniatures collections because our storage cases look like (and are usually just rebranded) camera cases, watch cases, basically cases for expensive stuff. When theives open them and see they've stolen a bunch of 'toys' they'll likely either throw them in the nearest dumpster or head to a pawn shop to quickly offload them.

Also keep an eye out on ebay, craigslist, etc. They pop up there too.

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That's a shockingly quick turn around.  Do you play on such a frequent basis to have needed to buy a crew immediately after finding out it was stolen?

I'm not trying to knock the situation, but I feel like I would be in a bit more dismay than to turn around and buy back into a crew.  At least I feel like I'd take some action to at least see if I couldn't recover said items, before dismissing the possibility and trying to start over.


Interesting mindset, I'll say that much.

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You have my sympathies, I know others who have gone through the same with miniature collections and it really sucks. I will also echo the advice to keep an eye out for at least a little while. If you have pictures to share of the items that shows what will identify them from other painted models the community can often help keep an eye out as they shop online locations for their own needs.

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12 hours ago, -Loki- said:


Also keep an eye out on ebay, craigslist, etc. They pop up there too.

Thanks, we're keeping eyes out everywhere, but I live in a medium to large city, and the guy we believe it is (have him on camera even, though we don't have a name) seems like he's at least familiar with the gaming world, as he was trying to pawn stolen magic cards that day.


11 hours ago, Tawg said:


Interesting mindset, I'll say that much.

I try to play several times weekly, and I've got a tournament I planned on going to next weekend.

Best case, we recover the bag and the new stuff is raffled off at a charity event we're running in July.

And honestly, I've seen these threads pop up before. I've never seen a"We recovered it! Everything is okay! " follow-up. I can stand still and hold out for a miracle or march forward and make the best of things. 

I don't think Ramos would stand still. He'd just build more spiders.

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3 hours ago, Fog said:

Thanks, we're keeping eyes out everywhere, but I live in a medium to large city, and the guy we believe it is (have him on camera even, though we don't have a name) seems like he's at least familiar with the gaming world, as he was trying to pawn stolen magic cards that day.


I try to play several times weekly, and I've got a tournament I planned on going to next weekend.

Best case, we recover the bag and the new stuff is raffled off at a charity event we're running in July.

And honestly, I've seen these threads pop up before. I've never seen a"We recovered it! Everything is okay! " follow-up. I can stand still and hold out for a miracle or march forward and make the best of things. 

I don't think Ramos would stand still. He'd just build more spiders.

I'd like the camera still if it's available to the public please. We had a similar yobbo being a pain around central CA recently (broke into at least one shop and stole M:tG cards on camera; possibly unrelated but another sizable theft of Malifaux minis including another Ramos)...actually that's all still on Facebook so I'll toss you the link there...point is, I'm trying to find out if it's the same yobbo on the other end of the country now, and if so get more material to charge him with.

And yes, Tawg, after someone posted the "what would you do if you had to start Malifaux afresh?" thread awhile back in the forum, I know I sure thought about what I'd do...guess Fog did, too. :(

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