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Guild McCabe - Aionus and Brutal Emmisary List building


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I built a similar list a while ago for the Before We Begin contest, but I got comments it should have McCabe as the leader to fully utilize Aionus. My problem is that I can only get 1 upgrade on McCabe and I know his strength lies in giving upgrades to other models.

Here is my list what do you guys think I can switch around so I can add at least one more upgrade? I currently have 1ss remaining to buy upgrades and I want at least 2ss to buy Elixir of Life.


50ss Crew

Lucas McCabe -- 3ss
 +Badge Of Speed - 2ss

Aionus - 13ss

Brutal Emissary - 10ss

Death Marshal - 6ss

Hunter - 7ss

Mounted Guard - 7ss

Watcher - 4ss


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22 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

You do realize that Emissary also gets one of McCabe's upgrades for free?

I would also take Luna instead of the Watcher, and maybe drop Mounted Guard or Hunter for two Hounds, as they have pretty good synergy with Aionus.

I don't have the cards in front of me so I did not know.  bythetree.net didn't allow me to select a free upgrade. I guess that works for me if it does.

I'll have to compare the Watcher and Luna, but I like how durable she is compared to the Watcher.

I still feel like I'm low on upgrades for McCabe.

I'll try out the hounds with Luna, but I don't know how I like them. A hunter is a lot stronger from my experience. Mounted Guard I haven't used a lot, but I do appreciate what they can do for my movement on both Hunters and Aionus.

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18 minutes ago, Hagisman said:

I don't have the cards in front of me so I did not know.  bythetree.net didn't allow me to select a free upgrade. I guess that works for me if it does.

It's generally considered a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules of the models you are building your list around.

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Just now, Myyrä said:

It's generally considered a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules of the models you are building your list around.

It was a list originally made for Lady J, all the models in the original list I know mostly by heart. I was recommended recently to try it out with McCabe because he has better synergy. I'm learning McCabe and my first game with him is tomorrow, hopefully.


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McCabe's actually got a Cache of 2, so if you wanted to put Promises on him, you actually can with your current list.  Personally, I like a higher Cache on him, so I'd actually consider dropping The Watcher, Hunter, and Death Marshal for Luna, 2 Hounds, Promises and Elixir of Life on McCabe, and have some extra stones left over.

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Since the mounted guard doesn't have a model you could swap it for two hounds. The watcher should definetly be Luna unless the entire board is some sort of flyers dream where you can reach untouchable places. That leaves room for promises and a 2+1 cache. The hunters work so well with nimble and reactivate that I would be hesitant to swap it out. Slow for everyone and messing up enemy positioning is just too nice. Can't remember what Aionius does or if you had some specific synergy in mind with the guard but ai figured the marshal was a staple so I krpt it in.

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2 hours ago, Ludvig said:

Can't remember what Aionius does or if you had some specific synergy in mind with the guard but ai figured the marshal was a staple so I krpt it in.

Aionus has an aura, within which a friendly model can discard a card equal or greater to its soulstone cost when it activates to gain fast. He can also attack buried models.

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59 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

Aionus has an aura, within which a friendly model can discard a card equal or greater to its soulstone cost when it activates to gain fast. He can also attack buried models.

Cheers Myyrä! That strengthens my recommendation for hounds. Give them the glowing saber, make 'em fast. Preferably charge someone near a scheme marker for 4 attacks. Reactivate them and do it again!

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6 hours ago, Ludvig said:

Since the mounted guard doesn't have a model you could swap it for two hounds. The watcher should definetly be Luna unless the entire board is some sort of flyers dream where you can reach untouchable places. ... Can't remember what Aionius does or if you had some specific synergy in mind with the guard but ai figured the marshal was a staple so I krpt it in.

Yeah the watcher is just my go to for scheme running. I kind of auto include it now, but will likely swap out for Luna.

Mounted Guards have the Cavalry Charge ability which allows Aionus and McCabe to move with their charge. And if you get a :mask on his melee he can chain activate any nearby friendly model. They are on par with the Hunter in my opinion as far as minions go.

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35 minutes ago, Hagisman said:

Mounted Guards have the Cavalry Charge ability which allows Aionus and McCabe to move with their charge. And if you get a :mask on his melee he can chain activate any nearby friendly model. They are on par with the Hunter in my opinion as far as minions go.

Cavalry charge doesn't work with masters.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/6/2016 at 5:54 PM, redarkham said:

Honestly I've tried Emissary with a lot of the Guild Masters and it worked well with only two. Lady Justice and Lucius. 

What did you observe as far as their abilities synergizing with the other Masters?  I've yet to use the Emissary with Lady J or Lucius, but I've fairly extensive experience with Perdita and McCabe.  Both have benefited well from him being on the table, and has died and lived through most of my games, which ended in victories with these 2 Masters.

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I've found the Emmisary good with every master I regularly play in guild. The bury and pop up by any scheme marker is golden  keeping a key model out of the way then dumping it somewhere, I often drop a scheme marker backfield in my deployment to dump an enemy model an activation Away from the centre unless it'll cost me vp.

Lady J:. Unless neutralise the commander is in the pool. Justice in a box enough said.

Sonnia:. (0) burning without los, ignores los against burning targets for the ranged attack 

mccabe: free McCabe upgrade and can pass it out like he does. 

Perdita: mask for obey spam.  Can hold up models with its 3" melee to shoot with the other Ortega's as it doesn't get hit with Circular.

McM: (0) blasts for poison, pos flips against poisoned, good if including some poison elements, always hand my to have anyway, any enemy wounds lost for a (0) is a bonus  

havent played with Hoffman or Lucius much since book 3 it out to comment on them.



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Hoffman can powerloop it, which is all you need to know there.  Lucius actually can play his weird stabby-stab build, but I'm about as excited about it as anything Lucius related.  The generic is probably good with him though.

It's just a good model; period.  Guild has so few master specific synergy requirements that in general; a good model is good regardless of who you play it with.

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I am interested in hearing from someone, anyone who's tried out Lucius' emissary upgrade. Changing the suit must not decrease his reliance on high numbers, which is sad, but it is such a delightfully weaselly thing to do, saying "no, it's this suit, because I said so".

22 hours ago, LunarSol said:

It's just a good model; period.  Guild has so few master specific synergy requirements that in general; a good model is good regardless of who you play it with.

This is true and I had not noticed it particularly. We do have some flexibility after all. Makes me feel better about playing in this faction. (The idea of being on the side of law and order still makes me itch in uncomfortable places, though.)

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1 hour ago, Myyrä said:

Maybe as a faction, but the individual masters definitely are not.

Except Lucius--and the Brutal Emissary itself. It's wielding a victim in a cage as a weapon. It doesn't get much more Lawful Evil than that. Even Justice and Perdita have totems in chains. Even Hoffman has an avatar with a greatsword that's an un-ornamented tool of slaughter. They might not match as well as the rest but you can't deny they match aesthetically.

8 hours ago, Freman said:

If it's any consolation, Guild are Lawful Evil. :)

It's really not. It's the Lawful part that itches, but if anything, playing Hoffman also makes the Evil feel kind of squirmy to me too. Or maybe I'm just looking at the Avatar of Amalgamation and getting completely weirded out. Very subtle, but still, body-horror that some days I just can't overlook. I'm never going to be able to face putting this thing on the table. Horror checks against yourself are supposed to be a Lucius thing. :(

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