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2015 Tournament Results Research


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I'm doing some research for an end of the year wrap-up blog post, and am hoping people can help me out. I'm creating a sort of award show (the Musies) for 2015 awards for factions/masters that did well during the year. I'm thinking of going through who had the best results in tournaments to do this for some of them, but could also do a "most improved faction" in 2015 or something equally off the wall if people are interested. So, to start with, was wondering if people could help me find info on who won the biggest tournaments of the year, namely:

Adepticon-Outcasts-Levi and Daw

Gencon Avatar of Malifaux-Guild-Sonnia

NOVA Open-Guild-Sonnia

UK Nationals-Joe Wood-Ressurectionists-Kirai

UK Masters-Ant Holt-Ressurectionists

Nythera Event-Guild


Life Free or Die Cheating - Ressurectionists - Weakland

Captain Con - Ressurectionists

Mali-Fest- Ten Thunders - Adam Talbot

Templecon- Guild-Perdita

Connecticon - Outcasts - Levi

Isle of Faux - Jake Barlow - 10 Thunders - 

Cow Wars - Mark Ruckuss - Neverborn - Dreamer

Haul of Eggs - Mark Ruckuss - Neverborn - Dreamer

Scottish GT - Maria Wieland - Outcasts

Deliverance - Martin Wodehouse - Arcanists - Collette

Play More Games Malifaux - Mark Henderson - Gremlins


And, also, what the other MAJOR tournaments of the year in the UK/Europe and US metas might be to include them in the process. 

Thanks in advance. 

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Here are all the 'ranked' events that were entered into the system. http://warscore.net/rankings/13/view.html

  • At Live Free or Die Cheating (26 players), Rezzers (Kirai) won (mono-masterd I believe by @Guy in Suit all day)
  • At CaptainCon (30 players) Rezzers won by Blaine Williams (@Aluwin) (can't find his forum name), last round was won with McM (vs Levi), believe Yan Lo (round 1) and  Seamus, Kirai in previous rounds
  • At Mali-fest (32 players), 10T won by @lawgivera554 with Lynch (vs Hoffman), Shenlong (vs Sonnia), Misaki (vs Lilith)
  • At Templecon (20 players), Guild won by Jonah Zimmerman with Perdita mono master (only know final round was vs my very own NB Lucius).
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Connecticon had a Nationals Qualifier with totally awesome prize support from Angry Mojo, Gamer Grass, Widget Wizards, and others, but the turnout ended up being slightly small with around 15 people.  It was won by Dean Bils who played Oucasts with Leveticus and possibly Viks.

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From a UK point of view the definition of 'biggest' could be taken 2 ways (in addition to the Nationals & Masters) - number of players and 'significance'. For the latter I'm thinking of the ones that provided golden tickets for the Nationals (which I think were Isle of Faux, Cow Wars, Deliverance and the Scottish GT - OldManMyke would know), whilst number of players could be 24+ or 32+ dependant on how many events you want to encompass.

My Nationals qualifier was Cow Wars 2 (22 players) won by Mark Ruckuss playing Neverborn (fixed faction, but Mark probably used Dreamer throughout)

My biggest tournament was Haul of Eggs 3 (30 players) also won by Mark Ruckuss playing Dreamer - Neverborn

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On 30 December 2015 at 9:00 PM, Clousseau said:

From a UK point of view the definition of 'biggest' could be taken 2 ways (in addition to the Nationals & Masters) - number of players and 'significance'. For the latter I'm thinking of the ones that provided golden tickets for the Nationals (which I think were Isle of Faux, Cow Wars, Deliverance and the Scottish GT - OldManMyke would know), whilst number of players could be 24+ or 32+ dependant on how many events you want to encompass.

My Nationals qualifier was Cow Wars 2 (22 players) won by Mark Ruckuss playing Neverborn (fixed faction, but Mark probably used Dreamer throughout)

My biggest tournament was Haul of Eggs 3 (30 players) also won by Mark Ruckuss playing Dreamer - Neverborn

Did I get a golden ticket? Can't remember, ha!

We had just shy of thirty people at Deliverance and it was won by Martin Wodehouse, who I'm pretty sure mono played Colette.

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Ant Holt won the UK masters with Ressurectionists. (16 invited players)

I think it was mainly Seamus, but wasn't there


(and if you were doing the UK golden tickets, Jake Barlow won Isle of Faux with 10 Thunders, 28 players)

UK GT was 88 players

Scottish GT was Maria Wieland with Outcasts (33 players but over 2 days)

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There's stricter gun control in the UK than US, right?  Maybe the guild just can't get enough guns there.  More Bullets will keep any corpse down.

Cool article.  It's interesting how Outcasts stay upper-mid-pack while Guild and Ressurs vie for the top.  For some reason I expected Neverborn to win in the UK.  I'm pretty excited to see Gremlins in full bloom this year.  I've played against some brutal Gremlin lists like heavy peons and a pigapult for Collect the Bounty and such, and they can only get dirtier with all their masters.  At least it's harder for those filthy Ressurs to find corpses in the swamp...

Thunders shall strike from the shadows this year.

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Cheers for that, it is an interesting read. 

One thing it doesn't pick up on, (unsurprisingly) is the sheer number of medium-large events in the UK. I think we probably had over 70 events in the year, and most of them had at least 20 people (largely based by looking at the UK ranking site, and Maria's record, as she probably attended the most events by far -  33 ranking events! and 20 of those were 20+).

Neverborn put a strong showing in most events (I think they were 2nd, and 5th in the UKGT). But for example, the top two guild players of 2014 were Joel Henry and Joe Wood, neither of whom played Guild at any of the bigger events this year (to the best of my knowledge). So whilst the factions are interesting to see, there is a large degree of it depending on what faction the top players decide play, rather than the faction (at least in my opinion).

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Right, and I expected there would be serious holes this time. Next year, when I can collect data consistently and determine things as it goes along should help. 

I guess my question re: the guild would be why the UK folks aren't choosing Guild at the top. That's what I'm going to start emailing folks to find out.

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