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campaign starting crews?


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I chose Smoke and Mirrors as my starting arsenal for the Nythera event. I don't know if its super competitive but it's what I want to run. My plan is to play keep away - as in keep away from my opponents' beaters while dropping a metric ton of scheme markers. It should work well for some strat and scheme pools but in others I'll struggle. I'll also have more AP than a beater heavy list. If going against a summoner Cassie is fast enough to get straight in their face. From this starting arsenal I'm thinking of adding a gunsmith next or maybe the Captain.

Cassandra w/ Smoke and Mirrors

2 Performers

2 Mannequins

1 Coryphee

1 Scrip leftover

Edited by FertileSpade
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I like Joss as a leader for the early games.  The threat of being Finished Off is pretty high, and with Joss you don't need to worry about that.  There aren't many models in the game that can take him out and his axe is fantastic at cutting through 'survivable' models.  

Campaigns really force you to play a different style of game.  You can't just trade pieces like you can in a normal game.  Joss staring down your henchman isn't "Does this affect VP?" anymore.  It's "Will I lose this model for good?"

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My plan is currently to go with:-

Howard Langston
2 x Coryphee
Practised Production

This gives me a fast, survivable Master who helps with Scheme Markers, a major beatstick and two Scheme runners who can also become a beatstick as needed.

The temptation of a Mech Rider is strong, however!

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I did a couple of tester games recently. I plumped for The Captain w/Patron's Blessing, Malifaux Child, Mechanical Rider and, because I couldn't think what else to take, 2x Metal Gamin.


Summoning really was quite powerful. Helped me have minions just to throw as roadblocks. Airburst and Wind Wall from The Captain helped protect my guys with cover and also in dragging enemies nearby to smack with his hammer. The Child was great for an additional Wind Wall and occasional Airburst. The one thing I really missed, mind, was something that could throw a good punch. I was tempted to sack off the 2x Gamin (as I was summoning them anyways) and Patron's Blessing for Joss, but that extra 1AP was just too good.


Hopefully, my Dark Carnival crew will turn up by tomorrow, very tempted instead to go Baritone Lola as my henchman and do a crew of Showgirls, possibly with the MEch Rider. Again, my problem is there that I don't have any real beatsticks.

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Yeah, it's the penguin in the tutu, Baritone Lola. Mercury and Thin Lizzy are the Performers. You've got the two Mannequins. Mr Cooper is Colette, and the Flying Monkeys are the Mechanical Doves. I'm really looking forward to them. I love the Colette crew rules, just wasn't that fussed on the minis/background per se. I'm all for creepy circus themes though and pleased there's gonna be a Dark Carnival Coryphee :-)


So yeah....think that will form the basis of my starting crew, with something akin to FertileSpade's list above.

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If I've read the rules correctly, I really like the idea of the Coryphee Duet simply because of how injuries are handled. The individual Coryphee's aren't considered to have been killed when they're removed from play, so you don't have to worry about injuries with them. At the same time, since the Coryphee Duet is technically a summoned model, when the game is over, it's not considered part of your arsenal, so even if it was destroyed during the game, you don't have to worry about injuries with it either....

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If I've read the rules correctly, I really like the idea of the Coryphee Duet simply because of how injuries are handled. The individual Coryphee's aren't considered to have been killed when they're removed from play, so you don't have to worry about injuries with them. At the same time, since the Coryphee Duet is technically a summoned model, when the game is over, it's not considered part of your arsenal, so even if it was destroyed during the game, you don't have to worry about injuries with it either....

doesn't work quite like that, if the summoned model dies whatever sacrificed to summon it is automatically finished off

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