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Schemes & Stones Master Spotlight Seamus


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I loved this podcast. Really opened up my view of Seamus and all the possibilities. Builds, tricks, going into why you use X, Y, or dont use Z, A, etc. When it's best to do G, H, I, etc. I like that. Because most reviews of rundowns just list "dont use this". "use this". "auto include", and that is not helpful for new or existing players. 

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Do you ever consider corpse bloat on Seamus? I"ve used it many times and regretted not taking it the times I've left it home. It's there mostly for the Red Chapel Killer Upgrade -- this usually means that I've left Mad Haberdasher off, which does hurt. Also, you have to set up the corpse a turn before you're planning on jumping. At least you can use the corpse for a Belle if you don't end up jumping that next turn.

What do you think? Too corner-case?

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I use it on occasion, and it can be effective. I tend to find though that it's very existence on Seamus complicates its use. If the enemy knows Seamus (or someone in his crew) has it, and has experienced it before, they don't tend to cluster enemies in such a way that multiples can be hit by the ability. In much the same way that it can be difficult to hit multiple enemies with blasts from Sonia and Raspy if the enemy has felt the sting before. I tend to find the damaging portion of it isn't especially effective mainly because even with a high TN you can't count on forcing the dmg through, or on the model you want to effect.


The dropping a corpse for Red Chapel Killer can be good, but as you said it can be tricky to use effectively because you need to set up the corpse the turn before you jump, and can't do it the turn you do, so you can't keep setting up the ability to jump. It's nice on Seamus because he can keep healing back the dmg done, but if you are mainly using it as an escape clause for back ally, I'd almost think about putting it on an enforcer or henchman who is somewhat speedy who can get to Seamus and drop the corpse for him.


I'm not saying it isn't a worthwhile consideration, but I personally haven't found it especially useful. To be fair though some of the same criticism can be leveled at the hat. It can often feel too expensive because the enemy isn't directing attacks at Seamus, so the hat doesn't feel useful, though its the fact that you have the hat that often is one of the additional factors that discourages the attacks.


It's all sort of down to what you can make work. If you can get away with using Corpse Bloat and it feels worthwhile I'd say keep going with it.

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  • 7 months later...

It was mentioned somewhere that Strumpet prefers The Hanged as summons rather than hires. Unless I am missing something fairly obvious, how is Seamus able to summon The Hanged?

I thought the most he is able to summon is Rotten Belles, Dead Doxies, (and with a little help for Spare Parts) Guild Autopsies and Rouge Necromancy.

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7 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

No it wasn't. It is a all inclusive statement, as in I don't like the hanged, period, with any master at all, unless they are summoned. The practical upshot of which is I don't like them with Seamus as he can't summon them.

Right, gotcha.

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Thanks, understood.

I played my first game with Jack Daw today, and took a Hanged. He wasn't much use against a Rasputina list as Frozen Heart is very annoying, but incorporeal allowed him to get quickly to a Stash Marker that was in a room (we were playing in an asylum that our henchman had made) so he held that objective all game. The marker was actually blocking the door so that nobody else could get in. They could score off it, but they couldn't stop him scoring off it.

I did lose Jack, Jakuuna and Johan to some rather savage blasts from Rasputina directed via her minions, but it ended as a 10 all draw, so I'm not complaining.

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