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Killjoy with daw, any reason to do it?


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While Killjoy is probably most effective with Tara (due to her being able to sling him across the field with abandon without the requirement of the death of your own models), I'm sure that there are ways that Killjoy can benefit from hanging out with our favourite, albeit twitchy, hanged man. 


Most synergies with Daw tend to land around having them Tormented, and Killjoy could benefit from those synergies. For example, with Writhing Torment he could be pushed out from an ongoing engagement to be able to use his 1AP-charge (against another target or perhaps against the same enemy he was engaged with) or he could hit someone an extra time or take a crucial walk via Twist and Turn. And Jack himself could borrow his Cleaver from time to time. 


The problem with Killjoy and Jack is that Killjoy himself can be quite a hazard and therefore begins buried, and before he unburies he cannot receive the Tormented characteristic. It's not entirely possible to control the opportunities of unburying the big stick, so you would want to have a guilty standing by to make him tormented when this happens. But if you manage to torment him, he becomes as synergistic with Daw as most other beatsticks.


Let's not forget though, that Killjoy can be quite killy enough without synergies. :P


To sum it up; he as synergy-potential, albeit a more tricky one to utilize. :P

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So far I have tested 'fat guy' with: Viks, Levy and Tara.


With Viks he was quite OK as when Blood killed something at the bottom of turn, he pop out and continue the slaughter. That also relieve some pressure from Blood as over the sudden opponent has 2 beatsticks at his face at the start of the next turn.


With Levy I had him once and he was performing not bad especially since Levy can kill enemy model easily dropping Killjoy after but I think he is a waste of space in Levy's crew.


With Tara he is well known to perform at his best.


Still I need to check him with Jack Daw although I don't really see him in this crew. If I need a beatstick there I would rather choose something from Strongarm/Bishop/Desolation Engine/Taelor.

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What zFiend said!  However, putting a Vik of Blood in somebody's face then saying go on kill her, you'll get a Killjoy for your effort is always fun and a fairly daunting prospect.


Killjoy always works well when you have to kill stuff.  Killing stuff scores VPs in plenty of schemes (plus Reckoning) and dead stuff can't drop scheme markers etc. which is always good!  I think the only time I'd never consider including him is when Murder Protoge is in the list because he is going to be your costliest model generally and he does go down fairly easily.

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What zFiend said!  However, putting a Vik of Blood in somebody's face then saying go on kill her, you'll get a Killjoy for your effort is always fun and a fairly daunting prospect.


I think this is exactly what happened as I don't recall Pokey and Killjoy the same time on the table.

Besides that was one of my first games in Malifaux so who cares :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little unfluffy, but Jack Daw can take Nix with Infectious Melodies and a Malifaux Rat.  The Rat gains Fast at the beginning of its activation, runs 15" up the board, and then sacrifices itself to pop out Killjoy.  Nix hiself isn't bad with Jack either since he provides lots of nice area control and can be a passable scheme runner with Incorporeal.


It's a tactic that all Outcasts can have fun with!

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A little unfluffy, but Jack Daw can take Nix with Infectious Melodies and a Malifaux Rat.  The Rat gains Fast at the beginning of its activation, runs 15" up the board, and then sacrifices itself to pop out Killjoy.  Nix hiself isn't bad with Jack either since he provides lots of nice area control and can be a passable scheme runner with Incorporeal.


It's a tactic that all Outcasts can have fun with!


Hm.. That actually sounds like fun! Oh the Kill Joy delivery systems in this game seems quite endless. :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like Killjoy because he gives my opponent a big something to worry about, but every time i take him I always end up with a dead Killjoy who didn't really do that much and maybe killed one or two things…

I think Ama No Zako is far better with Jack than Killjoy is anyhow. Extra obey like action, no killing your own crew, a devour action to take advantage of paralyzed models from your horror duels...

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