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Basilisk Sighting?


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It's been pretty much confirmed on A Wyrd Place on FB that it's the Arcanist model from wave 3 that's a hybrid beast/construct. I think the only thing that hasn't been clarified is whether it's still called the Basilisk or whether they renamed it to "Scorpius" like some people noted in the URL.

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Didn't the rules on that beta basilisk get changed and sort of gutted by the end? I didn't follow it closely, kinda remember it had fire and poison and some of that got taken away? Maybe this is a case where the rules changed so much that the model stopped being what they originally had in mind and they turned it into what the rules had become.


Edit to say, the idea that if something has hypodermics is must therefore be resser is just as odd as the one band guy not being Outcast because he has a cowboy hat on and those can only go on Guild models.

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Mmm, Malifaux is a big melting pot of very different archetypes, it works as long as they're solid, consistent and well defined, if they start to melt all together and it becomes difficult to recognize at least one of the Factions the models belong to, the result is quite a mess.
Since there's no accounting for tastes, I will keep buying models that satisfy me in this way, and will add Resser-Outcasts Scorpius to the No-Buy list, together with Guild-Arcanists Komainu and Neverborn Jorogumo.

Probably better this way, because with all the other wonderful shinies around, last thing I need is one more to buy xD

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I think the fluff is that it's some kind of hybrid creature that got out but Marcus was able to get back under control.

There is just a rather slight line that Leveticus crosses to do abominations, different than Ramos' body modifications. I prefer to keep that line defined and not blurry at least on the Arcanists side (Leve can already mix and match all Arcanists Constructs and Abominations at will), so an abomination is a no-go in my Arcanists, fluff isn't enough for me in this case. A "natural" giant scorpion, with its own poison and mechanical claws implants could do the work, though. Depending on how attractive the rules of the model are, I will think about this

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