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Winning the game by tabling opponent?



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Can't see this in the little rule book, if I have 3 VP and my opponent removes my last model in turn 5 for instance, does he  win automatically, or does he get to play on and score VP for schemes etc?


We played with the rule that he won.


The only thing that not having any models on the table means is that you're going to have less models to activate and presumably shorter turns.  :)


You still finish each turn and flip to see whether the game's over when you get to the "Check for encounter end" step and then keep going until the cards say to stop.


Previous iterations: 



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Yeah, it's pretty unlikely, but it's entirely possible to, say, get wiped out turn 4 with a decent lead and your opponent is far enough out of position or needs some of your guys alive to score and can't surpass you even with a free turn.


...Though it would probably take a lot of distraction/alcohol/memory problems for a player to be good enough to table someone and not be able to win, unless they were just really lucky.

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I have won a few games with no models left but that was generally because the death of my models denied VP.  Such as Take Prisoner and Delivery the Message.  With him unable to gain those 6 VP he was stuck with the 4 from the Strategy and I had already gotten full or near full VP.


It generally in my opinion happens when one player forgets their schemes or got to focus on killing and did not score for Strategy.  When they forget their schemes they sometimes kill the model they were not suppose to kill, or kill it with the wrong model.  When they get to focus on killing they sometimes forget to score for Squatter's rights, Reconniter, or Stake A Claim early enough and can not gain enough VP from the Strategy to seal the deal *generally failing to get a Turn 6 or 7 they need*.

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Yeah, it's pretty unlikely, but it's entirely possible to, say, get wiped out turn 4 with a decent lead and your opponent is far enough out of position or needs some of your guys alive to score and can't surpass you even with a free turn.


...Though it would probably take a lot of distraction/alcohol/memory problems for a player to be good enough to table someone and not be able to win, unless they were just really lucky.


NAh, I've been tabled by good opponents and still won, because I actively traded models for time  right from turn 1, and by the time he finished killing my stuff he didn't have time to get enough squat markers to score (and he hadn't focused on killing the models, he would have probably had a lot of prblems with them runnign through his forces, and struggled to disengage.


Its all about the VP.

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I recall vividly my first game of Malifaux. I got it explained and played Raspy. At the end of the game both crews where tabled. I was up in VP and won as well. That got me hooked, and now I am drowning in crews :)


Think it's one of the definining things about the game: killing models help you winning, but it's not the victory condition in itself. <3

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I did a game vs a player last year. My Lilith crew vs his Sonnia crew. He was hell bent on killing everything, especially Lilith. So, I played hide and seek the entire game with her while the rest of my crew scored.

Game ended 10-0 to Lilith. I had no models left on the board. He had his entire crew left (he resummoned 3 Witchlings over the course of the game, replacing the ones I killed). Needless to say, he was not a happy camper. :D

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Yeah it is really not all that difficult to win with few (or no) models left on the table while killing very little.  That is basically my plan in every game of head hunter.  Let you kill my models, pick up my own heads, then kill off my own stuff once I have a good lead to deny you points from the strategy.

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