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What 3 masters in total / Pandora included


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I got THAT curse. Now I want to play other factions, not only Outcasts.

If I want to start Neverborn, and play Pandora and 2 other masters. What would you recommend?
My plans in long term are Pandora + Jacob + Zoraida/Lilith in this order.

Besides masters boxes, those separate models: Waldgeist, Teddy, Doppelganger, Two Mr., Stiched Together and Insidious Madness. (random order)

Did I missed something? Any changes?

I am trying to avoid Lilith on purpose. Is that good approach?

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Pandora/Jakob/Zoraida actually gives you a nice spread of options between a control/area denial Master, a damage-focused Master and a mobility/support Master. So you've picked well!


There's nothing wrong with avoiding Lilith. She's great - kind of a guerilla fighter who can isolate and annihilate models, while also being tricky to pin down. But the Masters you've selected are great too. ;) Mind you, it might be worth picking up her box just for Barbaros and the Terror Tots. Barbie is surprisingly great with Pandora and a Poltergeist, the Tots make for cheap, fast objective grabbers. 


Anyway, off the top of my head here's what I'd recommend as first purchases for each of your three Masters, in approximate order of priority;



- Teddy

- Primordial Magic

- Insidious Madness

- Beckoners

- Doppelganger


Pandora is about area denial and activation control, and just murders anyone foolish enough to get near her thanks to her Wp-based attacks. Pandy's weakness is a lack of mobility (helped by the Insidious Madness...could also throw in Terror Tots) and a reliance on those above-mentioned Wp duels. The latter is why you always have a Plan B (ie. non-Wp based damage output) on hand. In the above case it's Teddy and Kade, but Bishop is also worth mentioning for his ability to switch between Wp-based and Df-based attacks.


Jakob Lynch

- Beckoners

- Terror Tots

- Mr. Tannen

- Depleted

- Mr. Graves


Your killing crew - Most of these play off the Brilliance characteristic but alot of Lynch's crew is quite costly (average 7SS each). Hence why you need some cheap bodies in the form of Tots and Depleted.



- Iggy

- Teddy

- Waldgeists

- Nurse

- Bishop


Zoraida is an excellent support Master who works well with whatever you give her. She's got little to no killing power herself though, so the above selections aims to address that as well as plays into her other strength - the Voodoo Doll. :)




I'm sure others will disagree on the specifics, but the above at least gives you a good start. :)

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Wp 4 or less Living models. It's an important distinction. ;)

True. Makes a large difference.


Rathnard makes a good case, and nothing there is wrong.

Personally I prefere Gupps over Terror tots, but we don't know when they'll get a plastic release. If you are buying a pack of Terror tots, its probably most cost efficient to just buy the lileth box. (I guess it depends on why you are avoiding lileth, but the whole box isn't much more than the Tot box, and Barbaros can be useful with the masters you've picked).

I prefere leap to sprint, and they are swampfiends for eternal Bad juju. Also they grow up into Silurids.

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I don't want to by Lilith, from one single reason.

Look of Nephilims :(

From my newbie perspective, 3 masters per fraction can easily cover mostly all schemes.

But I don't know what mix is the best for Neverborn. I like Pandora and her playstyle. I want to add two master to be competitive. For my it’s not a big difference if that will be Lynch or Dreamer.

I added Jakob and Zoraida based on minions they have in starter boxes (Illuminated and Silurids), because those two can act as great scheme runners or tanks :) 

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Good choices. With the current plastic releases, not buying Tots denies you access to a cheap, fast Scheme runner. Insidious Madness and Gupps, the alternatives, aren't even on the horizon yet. Silurids can cover for Scheme runner purposes, but they aren't cheap.


If you keep this handicap in mind, there's no reason not to start like you proposed, and simply wait for the alternatives to be released.

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This forum is great. Thanks all for help, especially Rathnard for long, detailed answer.
I like this game, but currently cannot find “faction for me”. Outcast was wrong choice. Maybe I can get along with Neverborns :)

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Why was Outcast the wrong choice?

As for Lilith, may I suggest tracking down her metal version (or a suitable proxy (very easy to find!) if you aren't playing in official tournaments)? She doesn't really need the Nephilim.

Getting the Pandora, Jacob, and Zoraida boxes you can build a plenty powerful crew for Lilith. Maybe add Waldgeists and Primordial Magic to the mix. My long term suggestion for you would be (in rough order of importance):

Pandora's box

Jacob's box

Zoraida's box


Metal Lilith


Primordial Magic

Insidious Madnesses and Stitched Togethers once they are out

Oh, and a Teddy of course :)

Graves, Tannen, Tuco, Nurses, Gupps, Beckoners

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Why was Outcast the wrong choice?

ses, Gupps, Beckoners

I want to stick, more or less, to one theme. In Outcasts it's not so easy to do it. VS and his team, then some chicks with Katanas and at the end Jack Daw and his tormented crew :)

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If you want to stick to 1 theme, its pretty hard in any faction to do that and use multiple masters.

Depending on what you choose to mean by theme.


Because if your theme was mercs for hire, then Vonschill and the chicks with Katanas fit togetehr well, but if its appearance based, its less so.


If you want a range of Masters that look like they have a visual tie together with a wide range of the factions crew, then the slight uniformity of the Guild may well work for you. Its not a large strentch to explain why any single model is workign with any other model, and you can get at least a common colour theme running through most of them. (I have picked a shade of Blue that even the less guildy looking models have somewhere on their person, like Sidirs sash belt, or a wastrels handkerchief)


Or possibly gremlins. They are pretty much all small and green, or Pig shaped.

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