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Alright You Silly Guildies - Tell me... Why Justice When You Can Just McMourning Instead?


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Seems that some late metal minis was scaled down to plastics size like Lady J or Avatar Colette. Other looks even bigger like alt Viks, which are great sculpts just a little large (at least painting their eyes is not so painful).

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Hmm, I was contemplating buying Justice.  I like the models and fluff, and other models in her crew work well with the guild models I already have (Perdita crew, Executioners), so it's a bit of a money-saver that way.  Death Marshalls are great for the models I have, and of course Wyrd were cunning enough to set their prices so that if you want to buy the predominant group-minion in a box set, you may as well just buy the flapping box set (yeah, thanks! :P).


But then again, my other crews I'm currently running are Viks and von Schill.  So I already have 3 crews with a very straightforward playstyle.  Viks - run at stuff and kill it (the only real difficult part is not overextending and dying in turn 2).  von Schill, stand in the middle, let stuff try to kill you then kill it.  Perdita, stand back and kill stuff.  All very killy, and the buffing/tricks/support is around that.  So there's a bit of a similarity there.  Thus, I figured that buying Justice would leave me with another crew that pretty much does the same thing my other crews do.  I think it's time I went for something with a very different playstyle.  I do have McMourning in an unopened box set, but I just know that as soon as I open him, I'm going to start wanting to expand into Ressers :P


But would probably be a good way to get into a master with more 'tricks'.  Start to feel like I'm missing a chunk of the game with some of the cool things other masters can do.

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I do have McMourning in an unopened box set, but I just know that as soon as I open him, I'm going to start wanting to expand into Ressers :P

As you should, Ressers are best!  If you want a Master with tricks in Guild then you want Lucius/McCabe (and Hoffman too although I'd say the other two have more tricks as Hoffman is mainly limited to Constructs for his).

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As you should, Ressers are best!  If you want a Master with tricks in Guild then you want Lucius/McCabe (and Hoffman too although I'd say the other two have more tricks as Hoffman is mainly limited to Constructs for his).


I blame my newfound desire for tricks on the last tournament I went to.


'Oh, Jakob Lynch is my opponent.  Cool, I wonder what he does?'

'Muahaha.  Oh, look, a Killjoy (or insert other presumably somewhat difficult to kill model here).

 Too bad I have 45 aces!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA'

'Where'd my Killjoy (or insert other presumably somewhat difficult to kill model here) go?

....and repeat


And I probably don't want McCabe because the person I usually play against has McCabe and he's better than me.  So I'll just feel embarassed.  I can kind of envision the look of '...really dude?  Are you sure?' pretty much every time I do....anything, beginning with crew selection....lol

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because the person I usually play against has McCabe and he's better than me.  So I'll just feel embarassed.  I can kind of envision the look of '...really dude?  Are you sure?' pretty much every time I do....anything, beginning with crew selection....lol


Well you could also take it as a learning experience if your opponent is a good guy and really wants to play fair and square he'll advice you how to play McCabe better. You get experience and learn from that and he gets a better opponent in time which should benefit you both. :)

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And I probably don't want McCabe because the person I usually play against has McCabe and he's better than me.  So I'll just feel embarassed.  I can kind of envision the look of '...really dude?  Are you sure?' pretty much every time I do....anything, beginning with crew selection....lol

I agree with ZFiend, this is a great way to learn.  I enjoy playing games against Masters that I own and haven't got on the table yet a lot as it allows you

 to learn their tricks and playstyle (which is especially helpful with a Master that has such tricks).

I think we established well enough that the Ressers don't compare well to the Guild, mate.

Well .... but .... ummmmm ... I hate you.

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I agree with ZFiend, this is a great way to learn.  I enjoy playing games against Masters that I own and haven't got on the table yet a lot as it allows you

 to learn their tricks and playstyle (which is especially helpful with a Master that has such tricks).


HAha, true.  I haven't played agaisnt a lot of Masters, so I enjoy tournaments for that very reason (though naturally I usually have no idea how to play against a particular master first time I see them :P).

At the tourney I mentioned I had just been schooled by Lillith, and my next opponent asked me if I wanted him to play against Lillith or Lynch.  Naturally I chose Lynch.  Somebody walking past the table laughed hysterically at that.

I laughed too.  About an hour later I started to cry :P

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HAha, true.  I haven't played agaisnt a lot of Masters, so I enjoy tournaments for that very reason (though naturally I usually have no idea how to play against a particular master first time I see them :P).

At the tourney I mentioned I had just been schooled by Lillith, and my next opponent asked me if I wanted him to play against Lillith or Lynch.  Naturally I chose Lynch.  Somebody walking past the table laughed hysterically at that.

I laughed too.  About an hour later I started to cry :P


Reminds me of a time back in Mordheim, I asked my group which warband they thought was the weakest and was told Marianburgers.  So I made the Gun-Ho Guns and tore them a new one with that.


Or in 1.5 One of our Guild Players was frustrated with Lady Justice Vs Lilith, so I had him play a Lilith list of mine he thought was good and built a Guild list with Lady Justice to show him how I would play it differently.  Ended up being a good game, largely because Lilith was a demi-goddess at Treasure Hunt.  I ended up willing using one of the Austringer's old triggers to manipulate my deck as my last activation to insure I had a turn 7 *used Distract to put the card I needed back on top of my deck*.  The look of surprise on his face at doing this was great as he had never considered it.  Justice ended up cornering Lilith that game and put an end to her.


Suffice to say I have offered many in my group to play any master they want, whether they want to see other ways to play their own masters or want experience against certain ones.  It was also a good learning experience for me, as I got to play a lot of different factions and get to do different stuff.

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I'm not sure a tournament is the best setting to learn against an opposing Master to be fair!  Because of time limits and how much you have to focus on your own crew you don't get the time to think about what your opponent is doing or ask them any questions.


I would agree. 

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Those people who have had success running Lady J as a flanker/anti-scheme runner, could you give a quick rundown on what you do?


When do you get her stuck back in?


What happens to the rest of the crew? (and it's usual make up {or just the key models}, if you have one)



Da Git

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