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The Zinc Lich's Malifaux Personality Test

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Collodi certainly likes to turn Malifaux into a co-op game...


I would love to play him, but I would feel pretty hypocritical considering how much I hate playing against him. He's in the same boat as Jack Daw in that regard.


Really great analyses though, and I'm having a lot of fun following this thread.


You know, they say, "what you hate most in others is the shadow within yourself". I say put some time in with Collodi. The best way to figure out what gives a master trouble is to play a few games in their shoes. Give in to the filth.


I am having a lot of fun doing this thread, but I think that I am sort of hitting the point of fatigue. I will be back after I've taken a few days to not think about Malifaux. In the mean time, how about we switch things up a little? I'm going to post all of my favorite games, and you all can tell me what I should play next. Give me a PM with your answer, and I will buy whatever crewbox is the most popular answer. I've been meaning to seriously put together a local slow grow league, anyway!


I spent a lot of time in my youth playing fighting games with people, typically of the 2D variety.  Guilty Gear was my favorite series, though I didn't really love any of the characters until Testament got his traps in XX. I am sad to see that he hasn't made it in to the most recent iteration of the series. While I should like Blazblue in theory, it never grabbed me as much as GG did. I do have a soft spot in my heart for Mu-12, as she combines my love of robots with my love of abusing set-up shenanigans.


I've played pretty much all the Capcom and SNK games of old. I have a deep love of slow fireballs, so I played Guile in pretty much every game he was available in. In Street Fighter 3, I played Aegis Reflector Urien and Tengu Stone Oro pretty much exclusively. Hibiki and Bison A-ism made up my CvS2 team, although I don't play them in either of the games they are from. In 3D fighters, where there is less cool stuff to do with fireballs, I tend towards grapplers, actually. Marduk in Tekken, Goh in Virtua Fighter, Stun in Bloody Roar. Voldo is my one true love in Soul Calibur, and he is not a grappler, but he is, in all ways, a singular and different character. 


I don't actually play a ton of RTS games, though I sort of read about them recreationally. My favorite army in any game ever is Supreme Commander 2's Cybran army. Just go and look them up on the wiki, I like everything about them, though I especially enjoyed being able to take my naval units onto land to siege enemy bases. The new Goo faction in Grey Goo might just unseat it, though. I played all NOD, all the time in C&C, and I played Russians in Red Alert 3 to abuse Sickles, Terror Drones, and, once again, boats with spider legs.


For a long time, in RPGs, I played magic using characters, though I have more or less come to terms with the fact that I am much more likely to enjoy playing a rogue than a wizard. If you can combine magic and stealth, I am a happy camper; I really enjoyed the Deus Ex games and Dishonored, both of which I went full stealth/zero kills on. I have an illusionist sitting around in Skyrim because I can't bring myself to steal everyone's possessions to level up my rogue-ing. It's been a long time since I really devoted myself to a JRPG, but I have a lot of fond memories of Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, and the various Persona and Breath of Fire games. Some of my favorite characters from them are Tera and Edgar (FF6), Frog (CT), and Naoto Shirogane (P4).


In other tabletop games, I have been lusting over the Convergence of Cyriss over in Warmahordes land, and for a short time I flirted with a Clan Skyre Skaven army in Warhammer fantasy and Tau in 40k. In Magic, I am a staunch Blue Green Wombo Combo player, ramping into efficient green creatures while controlling the enemy with blue. My favorite single magic card, however, is Savra, Queen of the Golgari. I have won a lot of Commander games thanks to her.


In LoL, I find myself playing Jungle or Support almost exclusively, and Nautilus is the champion that I probably have the most hours logged on. Dredge Line is just so gosh darn flexable. As you can probably tell from my Avatar, I would love to be 1337 enough to play Rubick in DotA, but I keep flubbing spell steals. Instead, as I mentioned earlier, I play Slark, who has everything I would want in a character, except for the fact that he has the stats of an Assassin, which is not a role I traditionally like. I build the Eye of Skadi 100% of the time because, while Slark does like the slow, it more importantly comes with a pile of stats that makes him a little less trashy squish-bate. If anyone remembers Dawngate, I loved pretty much all of their tanks. I have a lot of fond memories of Desecrator, Renzo, Marah, Petrus... even Freia. A shame EA pulled the plug on it.

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I am an enormous fan of Mass Effect. Liara is easily my favourite character from that series. Jack is a close second.

I main Viktor and Riven in league of legends.

Warhammer 40k: Adeptus Mechanicus. All of them. Skitarii, Knights and Cult. I like the min/maxing that that army does -- they are high damage and either high survivability or high speed.

Warhammer Fantasy: If I ever started playing that game, I would play Skaven.

Warmahordes: I played Convergence of Cyriss for a while before I discovered Malifaux.

MagicTG: I play white/black. Taxes, Discard and Removal.

Tabletop RPG's, I tend to play characters with a decent amount of board control,  whether that involves being able to clear areas or obstruct / tarpit them depends on the character.

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Ah such things are so interesting and even better... I get to talk about my favorite games! :D


- Mass effect(!!!) -   pure Biotic all the way, best characters: Mordin Solus > Liara > Samara

- Gothic 2 - Mage

- World of Warcraft - Rogue

- Leaque of Legends - Ahri, LeBlanc

- Warcraft 3 - Nightelfs (and Humans but only because of mass teleport ;))

- C&C - Nod!

- MagicTG - Blue and Black

- Starcraft - Protoss


I like casting, mobility, damage and I like to play mean (well ingame..., I hope I am a nice Person to play with ;))


Looking forward to your 'judgement' ;)

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Ah such things are so interesting and even better... I get to talk about my favorite games! :D


- Mass effect(!!!) -   pure Biotic all the way, best characters: Mordin Solus > Liara > Samara

- Gothic 2 - Mage

- World of Warcraft - Rogue

- Leaque of Legends - Ahri, LeBlanc

- Warcraft 3 - Nightelfs (and Humans but only because of mass teleport ;))

- C&C - Nod!

- MagicTG - Blue and Black

- Starcraft - Protoss


I like casting, mobility, damage and I like to play mean (well ingame..., I hope I am a nice Person to play with ;))


Looking forward to your 'judgement' ;)


Hah! If he tells you

Ramos, Mei Feng and Rasputina
I'll ... not be surprised.
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Thank you for your patience, everybody! I'm back and rested up, ready for some more fortune telling.


(snipped for length)


Magic: My favorite (long gone) deck was my deck based on black/green Fungus creatures. Thelon of Havenwood was my fave back before I knew what I was reall doing. Nowadays, I have only one deck - it's mono-red, but works heavily with artifacts to secure the win. The commander (it's a Commander deck) is Daretti, Scrap Savant. 


Yu-Gi-Oh!: I really like the general Fiend archetype, especially what was used during the Battle City arc of the anime. I like cards like "Dark Ruler Ha Des", "Dark Necrofear", and "Goblin King". But my favorite card archetype ever has to be anything havig to do with the card "Helios - the Primordial Sun" because the aesthetic is really nifty :D


Pokemon: My favorite generation is Gen 3 (ruby, sapphire, et al). My favorite pokemon in that generation is Cacturne, but my favorite pokemon in general is Marowak. 


Dragon Quest series:  An evil jester is such a cool trope. 


Assassin's Creed: Haven't played it but enjoyed watching people play Brotherhood. I really really like the Barber, the Harlequin, and the Doctor characters' aesthetics.


Kingdom Hearts (1, 2, and Chain of Memories): Allies I like are Jack Sparrow, the Beast, and Goofy (as long as I don't have to hear his voice). My favorite stages were Wonderland, Halloweentown (1), Hollow Bastion (1), Port Royal, Timeless River, the Underworld, and The World that Never Was. My favorite enemies were Luxord, Trickmaster, Axel, Barbossa, Grim Reaper, Sephiroth (2), and World of Darkness.


LARP: My main player-characters were a Steampunk cleric who became the "avatar" of a steampunk god of progress, a disease mage commanded the group of mercenaries we played as and who got executed due to making a Faustian-style pact with a demon, and a blood-mage lich with a "condor" for a familiar (actually a meat puppet held together by a number of botflies who are, as a hivemind, actually his familiar) and necromantic tendencies.



Well, you can't have Daretti and Thelon in your top two Magic slots without some kind of summoning ability. Considering you have a lot of "darkness" themed enemies (YuGiOh, Cacturne, Grim Reaper and the Hearless, 2/3 of your LARP characters) and "gambling" themed enemies (Luxord and the Trickmaster), I'm going to recommend the Dreamer with his Summoning upgrade. You even have Chainer listed on your favorite characters. He has the ability to summon and buff large numbers of minions, like Thelon. He can do pretty much everything that Daretti does: he controls your hand with his Otherworldly upgrade and the Stitched Together's Game of Chance, he cycles out Daydreams to summon bigger dreams, and he can re-summon minions that get blown up (especially the famous Stitched Together).


Ah such things are so interesting and even better... I get to talk about my favorite games! :D


- Mass effect(!!!) -   pure Biotic all the way, best characters: Mordin Solus > Liara > Samara

- Gothic 2 - Mage

- World of Warcraft - Rogue

- Leaque of Legends - Ahri, LeBlanc

- Warcraft 3 - Nightelfs (and Humans but only because of mass teleport ;))

- C&C - Nod!

- MagicTG - Blue and Black

- Starcraft - Protoss


I like casting, mobility, damage and I like to play mean (well ingame..., I hope I am a nice Person to play with ;))


Looking forward to your 'judgement' ;)


Hah! If he tells you

Ramos, Mei Feng and Rasputina
I'll ... not be surprised.


Right kind of master, wrong faction, my friend. Mass Teleport, Ahri, Leblanc, Protoss, Rogues, and NoD all bring with them the gift of asymmetrical combat. You get to choose when you go in, and from what angle, and the enemy just has to deal with your choice. You approach from angles the enemy just doesn't have the ability to cover. That is 100% Neverborn play, right there.


Combine that with the predilection for pure spellcasting and burning enemies to a crisp, and I'd say you should take a look at Pandora. While I wouldn't particularly say that she bursts opponents down like a LoL assassin, the damage that she can deal over the course of a game is pretty staggering, and she has the same sort of high risk-high reward options LeBlanc and Ahri have. The damage she deals increases proportionally to how much danger you put her into, and finding that balance is deep and rewarding. Thanks to Fading Memory, she is terrifically mobile, and she can take a list with her that can get pretty much wherever you want it to go whenever you want it.


Plus she is pretty much the meanest master in the game, literally fueled by the tears of those who dare stand before her.

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Right kind of master, wrong faction, my friend. Mass Teleport, Ahri, Leblanc, Protoss, Rogues, and NoD all bring with them the gift of asymmetrical combat. You get to choose when you go in, and from what angle, and the enemy just has to deal with your choice. You approach from angles the enemy just doesn't have the ability to cover. That is 100% Neverborn play, right there.


Combine that with the predilection for pure spellcasting and burning enemies to a crisp, and I'd say you should take a look at Pandora. While I wouldn't particularly say that she bursts opponents down like a LoL assassin, the damage that she can deal over the course of a game is pretty staggering, and she has the same sort of high risk-high reward options LeBlanc and Ahri have. The damage she deals increases proportionally to how much danger you put her into, and finding that balance is deep and rewarding. Thanks to Fading Memory, she is terrifically mobile, and she can take a list with her that can get pretty much wherever you want it to go whenever you want it.


Plus she is pretty much the meanest master in the game, literally fueled by the tears of those who dare stand before her.


I'd say you were very good! I am currently moving to Neverborn and Pandora is actually pretty high on my wishlist and I am looking forward to try her!


Thanks :)

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I'll have a go with this


Favourite Game: Shogun Total War - Shimazu Faction for the strong starting position on the map

Favourite Game Scene: Dishonoured, Within the Golden Cat Club

WHFB - Chaos Dwarfs

40K - Sisters of Battle

Magic: I played a Blue Cephalid Deck


Chaos Dwarves and MTG Cephalids are united in a theme: Power at the cost of lives. The Chaos Dwarves most famous weapon is a cannon infused with demonic energies that occasionally eats one of its crewmen, while the Cephalids erode your deck to power their magic. There is a strong theme of self-sacrifice in the Sisters of Battle, and the Shimazu are known for loyalty unto death, as well. Meanwhile you also have Corvo discovering the embarrassing excesses of the Golden Cat Club and the Cephalid's secondary trait, beyond cruelty: a love of secrets.


My recommendation is Neverborn Lucius. With Hexed Among You, you can claim a commanding portion of the table with Silurids or Gupps, and use Lucius' What Lackey's Are For to ferry the slower parts of your crew forward while the Silurids Leap back to position. Lucius also brings the firepower of the Guild Guard with him, and is not afraid to squeeze his minions for all they are worth using Devil's Deal.


So what was the consensus on your personality zinc?


Truth be told, I only have four votes right now and each one names a different master. I'm going to leave it going until I catch up with the backlog of requests I have piled up. We're two for two on Arcanists and Neverborn right now, though, so it looks like I am going to be drifting into a third faction...


A Malifaux player's collection is never complete.

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Chaos Dwarves and MTG Cephalids are united in a theme: Power at the cost of lives. The Chaos Dwarves most famous weapon is a cannon infused with demonic energies that occasionally eats one of its crewmen, while the Cephalids erode your deck to power their magic. There is a strong theme of self-sacrifice in the Sisters of Battle, and the Shimazu are known for loyalty unto death, as well. Meanwhile you also have Corvo discovering the embarrassing excesses of the Golden Cat Club and the Cephalid's secondary trait, beyond cruelty: a love of secrets.


My recommendation is Neverborn Lucius. With Hexed Among You, you can claim a commanding portion of the table with Silurids or Gupps, and use Lucius' What Lackey's Are For to ferry the slower parts of your crew forward while the Silurids Leap back to position. Lucius also brings the firepower of the Guild Guard with him, and is not afraid to squeeze his minions for all they are worth using Devil's Deal.



That is interesting I have never considered Lucius as a master, I will bear him in mind and have a look into him, thank you

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Truth be told, I only have four votes right now and each one names a different master. I'm going to leave it going until I catch up with the backlog of requests I have piled up. We're two for two on Arcanists and Neverborn right now, though, so it looks like I am going to be drifting into a third faction...


A Malifaux player's collection is never complete.

You should have one from me that is neither Arcanist nor Neverborne.

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I will put you to the test ;)

Game: Planescape Torment. Its such a gem. Its a game whose emphasis is to actually tell a story more than anything else. The mechanics are manageable, but quite out of date. The combat system especially (I'll try to get through without much fighting as often as I can). Nevertheless, the game have a rich story, manages to develop meaningful relationships with the protagonist with his supporting cast, and it the protagonist is shaped by the players actions. The world is different, yet very believable. (Honourable mentions: Elders Scroll III: Morrowind (fantastic world, history, tons of exploration), The Witcher (like the protag), and Mortal Kombat 9 (such a fun fighter))


Character: Plenty to choose from. NPC:s, your party, as well as the protagonist are all good picks. I will go with the protagonist though, the Nameless one. His past is unknown (he suffers from amnesia), filled with choices both good and bad, and his future is for the player to decide how it should be shaped. His goal is to end his life, that is all I will say ;)

Most memorable moment: Its a toss up between a couple of scenes, but I will go with the meeting with Ignus. The lunatic, deranged, Wizard that is constantly ablaze. He shares a past with the protagonist that is very telling, and interesting.


"The thing": The emphasis on telling a good story, as well as implementing mechanics of how the story can be told through gameplay. Too many games fail on this, even those who try valiantly.


Really looking forward to hear the answer!


Holy crap! I forgot you on the first page of my thread! Sorry!


You already hit on the master I would recommend though: Jack Daw. Not just because you have Tormented in the title of your favorite game. Jack Daw is an immortal creature of Malifaux that draws people together from all over the Malifaux universe. Papa Loco and Jaakuna Ubume rub shoulders with Freikorpsmen and the minions of Tyrants. Plus, he gets a band in Wave 3. How cool is that?


So, I am going to recommend Marcus, instead. There is no master in the game whose role and ability can change from turn to turn like Marcus can. He is really flexible enough to do anything you want to do with him (aside from just shooting people to death. He has buffs for that, though). His crew draws beasts from every faction, allowing him to bring the flavor of other factions to the table in new and interesting ways, and he buffs beasts so well, they frequently work better for him than in their home faction.


He is also a man on a quest, though for the opposite goal to the Namless One: eternal life. He exists in the Arcanist faction, which is full of riotous personalities with wildly different goals and values, who are, at the same time, united to the union cause. There's a lot more reason to see Decemberists in a Marcus crew than, Freikorpsmen running with Jack Daw.


You should have one from me that is neither Arcanist nor Neverborne.


I don't know how I missed that, either! Not doing so great tonight, I guess. Make that two Neverborn, Two Arcanist, and one Outcast, then  :P

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Holy crap! I forgot you on the first page of my thread! Sorry!


You already hit on the master I would recommend though: Jack Daw. Not just because you have Tormented in the title of your favorite game. Jack Daw is an immortal creature of Malifaux that draws people together from all over the Malifaux universe. Papa Loco and Jaakuna Ubume rub shoulders with Freikorpsmen and the minions of Tyrants. Plus, he gets a band in Wave 3. How cool is that?


So, I am going to recommend Marcus, instead. There is no master in the game whose role and ability can change from turn to turn like Marcus can. He is really flexible enough to do anything you want to do with him (aside from just shooting people to death. He has buffs for that, though). His crew draws beasts from every faction, allowing him to bring the flavor of other factions to the table in new and interesting ways, and he buffs beasts so well, they frequently work better for him than in their home faction.


He is also a man on a quest, though for the opposite goal to the Namless One: eternal life. He exists in the Arcanist faction, which is full of riotous personalities with wildly different goals and values, who are, at the same time, united to the union cause. There's a lot more reason to see Decemberists in a Marcus crew than, Freikorpsmen running with Jack Daw.

Great stuff, Marcus has always intrigued me. Really smart link about the opposite goal!

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This seems like a really interesting topic so I think that I will join in


WHFB: I play an aggressive Dwarf Strollaz List, all infantry and all with Great Weapons, everything vanguards forwards in the first turn so the opponent has a large array of GW wielding (Stubborn) Dwarfs in his face turn 2, it often throws people off guard as they expect me to play the Gunline archetype.


WH40k: I play Crimson Fists, specifically the 2nd Company of Crimson Fists using the Sentinels of Terra rules, typically the army includes multiple drop pods supported by combat squadded devestators (I don't play any of the Centurions or the New Stalkers/Hunters) as I prefer the pre 6th edition units/squads and usually ignore the new toys (except the Sergeant Garandon a Squad Leader and tactical Squad as a warlord is ace!)


MTG: I played a Red Deck that focused on burning lands and bringing out Goblins


PC Games: I don't really play other then Football Management games where I run Portsmouth FC (lifetime supporter and cannot bring myself to manage any other team)


PS3: I love the Fallout Series, Fallout New Vegas is by far my favourite for the fact that I can modify guns and create ammunition, personally I prefer the Cowboy Repeating Rifle and when that runs out of ammo or when things get too close the Super Sledge and or Grenades to take out enemies.


Gameboy: I still Play the original Pokémon games on the Gameboy, Pokémon Yellow is by far my favourite as it is most closely related to the first couple of Pokémon series that I actually bothered watching.

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Lets see what you come up with for some more esoteric choices.  I will use my favorite games when I was a kid.


I remember when the Nintendo Entertainment System came out - I was 7.  I was not able to convince my parents to get me one until 1987.  When I did, my Dad took me to Toys R Us and gave me the choice of either purchasing the set that came with Super Mario + Duck Hunt, or the set that had no games and I could choose 2 games.  I chose the basic box and then wandered around for a while before finally settling on Metroid and Mega Man 1.


Those 2 games blew my mind.  Mega Man was the first game I can ever remember where the levels were not presented in chronological order.  In that game you chose the order that you fought the first 6 robot master levels.  When you defeated each boss you received the ability to use their weapon, and the game really rewarded you for finding more optimal paths through the games as you could find secrets using the weapons in different levels and bosses all were weak to certain weapons.  I remember playing through the game repeatedly to try using different weapons on different bosses and trying to see what the best pattern would be.  Eventually, Mega Man became one of my favorite game characters of all time (I just dumped a stupid amount into the Mega Man Board Game Kickstarter) and I got most of the games (although I never played the 3d ones that were on the Playstation).


Metroid was also completely different from other games at the time.  The game simply dumped you into a massive world with no levels and said "go forth and explore".  It had no clues or hints, and the game was a very creepy and lonely experience.  However, it was absurdly full of secrets.  Like with Mega Man you gained items and weapons that allowed you to access other areas and the game required you to explore and backtrack constantly.  I spent untold hours with that game, and Metroid is probably my overall favorite video game series ever made (although I do really love Zelda as well).  In an era where most games are now played through once and then discarded, I find that I can pick up and replay just about any Metroid game and it is just as fun as when I first played them.  I really love the puzzle aspect of the game which gives you few hints and requires you to think your way through the problems.


I could give you a big list of games I have played and enjoyed since that time, but those are the 2 games that truly got me hooked on playing video games many moons ago and I still love them.  I am curious to see what connection you can make from those to Malifaux.


Well, both the games you named are about exploration, so how do you feel about Malifaux's resident explorer, Lucas McCabe? His upgrades are literal items that he has picked up on his adventures, and his game revolves around passing them around the crew to solve problems they might encounter. He's just a big old tool box with something different for every game.

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After reading your recommendations, I'm intrigued. I'm not necessarily going to act on your opinion, as I am quite... strict about my Master purchases. But I'd still like to hear it. So, ignoring what you know about my faction affiliation, what would you recommend for a player with this profile:


Favourite video game: I'm a RPG player, almost exclusively. I quite enjoy the Witcher games for their world building and compelling characters, the Dragon Age series, and Mass Effect. My all time favorite is still Baldur's Gate II. The only game I enjoyed nearly as much that isn't an RPG is Heroes of Might and Magic 5.


Favorite characters: Hard to decide, as characters are my main reason to play games. I very much enjoyed Morrigan from Dragon Age, Garrus and Tali from Mass Effect, Jaheira and Minsk from Baldur's Gate. I liked the Illusive Man as a villain. Geralt of Rivia tops Commander Shepard as my favorite protagonist.


Memorable moments: I'm usually one for the climax. The Suicide Mission in ME2, the defense of Kaer Morhen, the battle of Denerim. My most memorable moment of all time was a minor scene in Baldur's Gate: Throne of Bhaal, though: The army of Thetyr tries to apprehend the protagonists for their dangerous power and agenda while on the way to defeat a major threat. My desperate struggle to convince them to let me pass and fulfil my mission, not worrying about my goals but about the lives of this whole army, was heart breaking. I knew I could kill them all, but I didn't want to.


Playstyle: I go for mages/biotics, and dialogue options. If a skill has an effect in dialogues, it gets picked first. When selecting Hero classes, I usually go for something with a straight forward strength and a subtle alternative. The Vanguard in ME3 for example: Charging in and blasting everything is powerful, but if it's not feasible, the biotic powers give plenty subtle alternatives. I'm not good with games; I prefer games which let me pause and think. Tactical Pause is a feature that makes games infinitely more appealing to me. In Heroes, I preferred the Dungeon faction.


RPGs: Yes, I mean the Pen&Paper variant this time. I'm a big fan. I especially like the nWod games for their inclusive approach and subtle horror. My favorite ones are Demon and Mage, and my favorite character is Wolsey from DaveB's first Actual Play "Broken Diamond". If you haven't read it, do it now.


What do you think?

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Not another one!


Yes, yes another one! I am so looking forward to Pandora :D Big question Pandora or Lilith first ;) But I think I will follow The Zinc Lichs recomendation here. Paralyzes everywhere! ;)



If a skill has an effect in dialogues, it gets picked first


Mr. Tannen? ;)

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My favorite video game was probably fallout, new vegas. The character type didn't really matter, eventually I used a lot of different builds. I believe my first build was a scientist/engineer build with lasers for weapons.

For mmorpgs I've played EQ (enchanter), WoW (all of them, but I liked the healing shaman and the corruption warlock the most.

Pen and paper RPGs: Shadow run is my favorite. I tend to play a physical adept (fast), or a fomori (troll variant) bear shaman (hard to kill). I have more experience with D&D though and my favorite characters where a half-farspawn totemist (2-4 tentacle attacks, 2 gorrilon arm attacks, a bite,a sword, and a shield) and a shadow creature catfolk warlock.

Other wargames: in war machine/ Hordes I play trolls. That's my competitive game, so I play what will work the best at the moment (Calandra EE is causing a few tears at the moment). Fluffwise I really like epic Doomshaper, but I'm not a fan of his play style or his theme list (and I really like theme list). If I were to play 40k, it would be tyranyds. Mainly because I dislike box shaped vehicles. There is another faction with vehicles that aren't shaped like the Nissan cube I drive, so I could play those, but the Tyranids look cooler to me.


Well, of all the things that you mention, DPS is not one of them. Trolls and Tyranids are typically melee attrition armies, and all your favorite MMO classes concentrate on winning the long game. As I've said before, that pretty much spells Resserectionists, to me. Seeing as you have also shown 0 desire to play humans, I'm going to recommend Horror Molly to you. Make your stuff better, make their stuff worse, and always, always have more stuff than the other guy.



I am an enormous fan of Mass Effect. Liara is easily my favourite character from that series. Jack is a close second.

I main Viktor and Riven in league of legends.

Warhammer 40k: Adeptus Mechanicus. All of them. Skitarii, Knights and Cult. I like the min/maxing that that army does -- they are high damage and either high survivability or high speed.

Warhammer Fantasy: If I ever started playing that game, I would play Skaven.

Warmahordes: I played Convergence of Cyriss for a while before I discovered Malifaux.

MagicTG: I play white/black. Taxes, Discard and Removal.

Tabletop RPG's, I tend to play characters with a decent amount of board control,  whether that involves being able to clear areas or obstruct / tarpit them depends on the character.



Skaven relies on strength of numbers and indiscriminate murder, while Convergence protects its sensitive internal mechanisms with waves and waves of disposable, recyclable troops. Most telling, however, is how you describe the kind of board control you want: either blow them off the table or bury them under your minions. That sounds like Gremlins to me!


I'm going to recommend the ORIGINAL Gremlin master for you, the great Sommer Teeth Jones. He can flood the board with bodies, or he can guarantee Dumb Luck triggers to turn those disposable bodies into unholy engines of violence (who then die afterwards). He is also brings some classic Taxes as one of the most dangerous hand-destroyers in the game thanks to BIgger Hat. Riven and Viktor are both bullies, going in with shields to do damage and push the enemy off of their objectives. Sommer has a big gun and the aforementioned ruthlessly powerful Bigger Hat to threaten the enemy master with, while he brings intense healing and automatic Squeels to make the trade always go in his favor.

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Well, both the games you named are about exploration, so how do you feel about Malifaux's resident explorer, Lucas McCabe? His upgrades are literal items that he has picked up on his adventures, and his game revolves around passing them around the crew to solve problems they might encounter. He's just a big old tool box with something different for every game.


So here is an interesting story.  When 10-Thunders came out in 1st edition I bought almost all of them.  Since I really like Indiana Jones and I have a St Bernard named Luna, I decided to put together McCabe's crew first (not to mention I really like the Wastrel's homage to Charles Bronson, Clockwork Orange, and Bill the Butcher).  But, while I was putting them together I lost the odd neck piece that goes to the dismounted McCabe.  The parts then sat on my desk for a while and eventually I lost both the mounted and dismounted head.


So I put the parts into a storage bin and left them.  About 2 weeks ago I finally found an ebay seller that is buying Malifaux crew boxes and selling the parts individually.  So I bought McCabe for relatively cheap to replace the parts that I had lost rather than purchasing a whole new crew box.


So now I have the parts to finish assembling him and I was probably going to finish off that crew after I finish with Yan Lo. 

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