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Hamelin and Killjoy delivery system...very naughty


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Hmmmm, not seeing it.


Tara can fling a Fast Killjoy into the enemy's deployment zone, and let him activate immediately.


Molly can get Killjoy to just about any point on the board in first turn, and give him and extra AP immediately, and let him activate immediately after due to accomplice.


I'm not totally familiar with Hamelin's 2E mechanics, but exactly how is utilizing a Rat king to launch a Killjoy the enemy has a chance to react to before he goes more brutal than Tara or Molly doing the same thing, but better?

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It seems like most factions have a ridiculous Killjoy delivery system. I was recently on the wrong end of the pigapult version, which is 24" turn 1 and only requires the pigapult to activate. And since it was gremlins I was way out activated so didn't have a chance to respond either by the time he pulled the trigger.

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Considering Hamelin's ability to pretty much out activate everyone it's a pretty brutal trick. But at least the opponent can burn soulstones for damage prevention against him. Decaying Aura really sucks. ;)

On that note, it's partly why i think Tara is the best Master for doing horrible things with Killjoy. As a resser she can give him Decaying Aura and as an as an Outcast she can guarantee out activation with Rats. But the fact that she can pull him off the board if things get dicey makes him especially brutal.

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On that note, it's partly why i think Tara is the best Master for doing horrible things with Killjoy. As a resser she can give him Decaying Aura and as an as an Outcast she can guarantee out activation with Rats. But the fact that she can pull him off the board if things get dicey makes him especially brutal.


In particular, the fact that she can continuously redeploy him where he'll do the most harm is huge. Once most crews get Killjoy out, he's not especially difficult to avoid or kill after his initial rampage. With Tara in play, that becomes nearly impossible.

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This came up at one point during the beta with Justin asking people to specifically test it if I remember correctly.  I run lists like this on occasion, and I really think its a noob-hammer.  The first time people experience it, they'll get absolutely wrecked, but it generally doesn't have the same effect after the first game.


The one big advantage you have if your opponent has Killjoy with any of the delivery systems is that you know exactly what your opponent is going to do, so you can react accordingly.  Admittedly, that's tough if you get severely outactivated, but you can at least deploy in a way that forces Killjoy to attack a model you don't mind losing.


An interesting "meta" move that I've learned when running Killjoy with Tara is to be predictable and spend your first turn unleashing a Fast Killjoy into the enemy crew.  Next time you play that opponent, wait until later in the game to bring out Killjoy and use him more like as assassin to take out specific models.  Often your opponent will turtle up because they expect to see Killjoy turn 1 again, which can really hurt their board position in certain strategies.  Of course, you always have the option to slingshot Killjoy into an important model turn 1 if your opponent deploys poorly.

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What do you mean by turtling up?


I find the best strategy against Killjoy is usually to spread out and feed him expendible models to prevent him charging anything more valuable.


It could just be my group, but often what they do is create a "ball" of models placed in such a way that Killjoy can attack one or two models (that will most likely survive or are expendable) on his first activation.  Then their entire crew is able to eliminate Killjoy before he can act again.


Spreading out is definitely a good strategy too!  My group just tends to do the former more than the latter.

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Gotcha.  ;)


I mostly use Killjoy as a big horrible distraction to keep the opposing crew back near their deployment zone where they can't score, so spreading out works a bit better against that. If you know they'll turtle up and kill him it could be a great opportunty to Frame for Murder! Then again, last time I thought that he finished the game on full health...


You've totally got it right on the noob-hammer element. Most people aren't used to a beatstick to the face on turn one and lose sight of their objectives in panic. Once they know what he can do and where he can come from he won't have nearly so big an impact, but still definitely serves a purpose in certain scenarios.

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You've totally got it right on the noob-hammer element. Most people aren't used to a beatstick to the face on turn one and lose sight of their objectives in panic. Once they know what he can do and where he can come from he won't have nearly so big an impact, but still definitely serves a purpose in certain scenarios.


Completely agree, and I like the Frame for Murder idea!  My friend often uses Howard and/or the Rail Golem with Ramos or Hoffman like this to really pin you back into your deployment zone until you deal with the threat.  I'd wager a guess that crews that are naturally OK with being spread out can deal with this sort of threat better than ones that like to clump up, but I have no evidence to back that up.

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From what I have seen/experienced - Hamelin gains a good benefit from delivering KJ because it also allows him to get a head start on his summoning engine BS while the oponent is dealing with the monster distraction. Getting a solid turn 1 and 2 without too much interference gives Hamelin a great advantage.

Much like any other Outcast master... you don't have to play completely in theme to get the most out of a master. I don't run "pure" builds for any master I dabble with, really ( and you can sprinkle Freikorps on any damn thing if you need a quick fix ;) ). I know a lot of you guys are fluff bunnies but bringing deuce trappers/killjoy or any other crazyness instead of an entire crew of rats will only help your crew. Hamelin lacks big models with staying power... take them! (even if it means bringing a strange unfluffy choice like Strongarm).

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Hamelin likes Ashes and Dust too as a beat stick imo, with screening rats to prevent charges the Mercenary Gunslinger can also toss some decent ranged death out since he is an Obey Master.


The best part of Hamelin is that really his core fluff crew doesn't take up many points imo. You have quite a chunk to play around with. :)

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