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Malifaux single miniatures

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Simple question (sorry if already asked, found nothing on the subject): does any online store sell single miniatures from crew boxes?


Not that I know of. Sometimes, you can find these things in the trading forum.

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You will probably also be told to check the ebay (secondary) market to locate models that are only available in the crew boxes. Problem is there really isn't one for those models, at least not that I have found (and yes I have been looking for a large number of models that are wholly unavailable any other way for crews that I already own in metal for years now).


This thread pops up about every 3 months, generally riles everyone up (usually with those asking for single models being ostracized as being unrealistic) without ever seeing resolution other than the "check ebay" or "just buy the crew box and sell off what you don't want" recommendations. You might also hear the "Use a Proxy" recommendation as well. I am hopeful that eventually there may be a method of purchasing these models at least via Wyrd's online web store but it is in a long line of hopes.


Good luck though.

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Thanks for replies. In fact, Malifaux looks like a difficult game to play and collect, now... Looking at Wyrd online shop, there are more crew boxes than single mini/squad boxes...


It's pretty easy to collect, if you start out. Just prioritize Crew boxes whenever you want one model out of them. Never buy even a Minion alone if it's included in a box!


My problem is more that it's so easy to collect....

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Thanks for replies. In fact, Malifaux looks like a difficult game to play and collect, now... Looking at Wyrd online shop, there are more crew boxes than single mini/squad boxes...


That's because the crew boxes are where most people are going to start buying Malifaux minis, so it makes sense for Wyrd to prioritize them. Wyrd has started releasing certain minis separately from their crew boxes. Also keep in mind that Wyrd has only just recently started replacing their entire mini line for 2nd edition. Give them time and you can get what you want without having to buy the entire crew box or resorting to Feebay.

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That's because the crew boxes are where most people are going to start buying Malifaux minis, so it makes sense for Wyrd to prioritize them. Wyrd has started releasing certain minis separately from their crew boxes. Also keep in mind that Wyrd has only just recently started replacing their entire mini line for 2nd edition. Give them time and you can get what you want without having to buy the entire crew box or resorting to Feebay.


We'll see. They sell the Minions separately, but not the Rare 1 models, and they have done that from the beginning of 2E. I don't see a reason for them to change that. I think we have to get away from the mindset that crew boxes are starter boxes, as well.

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We'll see. They sell the Minions separately, but not the Rare 1 models, and they have done that from the beginning of 2E. I don't see a reason for them to change that. I think we have to get away from the mindset that crew boxes are starter boxes, as well.

Not entirely true, there are Rare 1 models that are available seperately.


Also why would Crew Boxes not be intended to function as Starter Boxes? Aside from a few that require additional purchase to even function, most are suitable for low SS games while learning the system.

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Not entirely true, there are Rare 1 models that are available seperately.


Also why would Crew Boxes not be intended to function as Starter Boxes? Aside from a few that require additional purchase to even function, most are suitable for low SS games while learning the system.

There is one rare 1 model available in both a crew box and separately, Cojo. So they did it once at the start of M2E and haven't done it again, a failed experiment perhaps?


Crew boxes works well as a primer for a crew. Sure, that is one possible definition of "Starter", another is something suitable to introduce players to the game. Apparently Wyrd doesn't think they are really up to this second definition as they intend to put out something different for that purpose. As has been mentioned on a podcast by Justin it will be one box with a couple of Neverborn and Guild models. I don't think he said anything about what there will be in the way of rules, scenarios or other stuff, so it will interesting to see.

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There is also the fact that at a first glance you should buy a starter and then stuff that works with that Master and then somewhere down the road buy a second Master. Or that's how it would intuitively work. But due to how crew building in Malifaux works, you are actually better off buying a couple of Masters and expanding like that. But this isn't easy to communicate to new players.

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Crew boxes works well as a primer for a crew. Sure, that is one possible definition of "Starter", another is something suitable to introduce players to the game.


Yeah, that's what I meant. The master box sets are not like the starters for WM/H that get you started with an army, but don't have further purpose once you have one.


Math nailed it!

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Also, for someone like me, who have played GW games for a long time, it's pretty ingrained that "Starter Box" means something with two opposing forces, randomization devices, measuring whips sticks, rules, scenarios tailored for said forces, and possibly some terrain. Crew boxes feels more like battalion boxes in that context.

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There is also the fact that at a first glance you should buy a starter and then stuff that works with that Master and then somewhere down the road buy a second Master. Or that's how it would intuitively work. But due to how crew building in Malifaux works, you are actually better off buying a couple of Masters and expanding like that. But this isn't easy to communicate to new players.

This is so true.


It's also difficult because even though the game is relatively cheap compared to some others.....and you could basically buy several "starter boxes" for less than one solid army in some other games....people still look at you like "why would I buy all the Ortega's when I just want 'Cisco?" The argument of 'well it would cost you at least that much to get just one unit for game X' doesn't work for everyone.

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