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Holy pandora

Peanut Butter dude

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ok, just getting into pandy I wanna see what you guys think of my current build. I'm taking


2× insidious madness

2× stitched together

1× tucco

1× teddy

1× primordial magic


*on dreaming wings

Used for extra cards mainly

Sub note that's still in discussion

+ can she use flight while doing her push?

*ather connection

Used for damage reduction with +1 to all stone damage reduction

*fuguee state

Allows for control of enemies scheme runners

*set up

Use tucco to bully people turn one

Teddy with insidious madness as scheme runners with a strong control of will power duals. Teddys hug becomes much more viable it seems when 2 cards would be needed to cheat :) or by using the madness attacks to drain wp.

Two stitched to just do what stitched do lol great models...lots of fear and if close enough to pandora can allow you to draw cards while handing out damage

Pandora- I mainly use her to deny scheme runners first turns and push around and incite so I can activate her again early in the proceeding turn to do the same and gain up to 4 models, generally half a crew, worth of my opponents choosing to activate.

Primordial magic hangs back and get me cards till about turn 3 then rushes forward to be used as scheme marker.

Any thoughts on things to change or models to switch out or anything would be a great help

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Can you elaborate on what exactly this list is for? What do you hope to achieve? How will you score VP and for which objectives? Do you know your Strategy, Schemes, suspected opponents etc? We need more information to really give you honest critique or advise.


As it stands though this list will undoubtedly do very well or fall flat on it's backside, schemes and strategy dependent of course. Malifaux is about tailoring your list after the Strategy and Schemes have been decided. You tailor your crew accordingly. Pre-made lists only really work if you already know the objectives available to you, if you do not know what objectives you are facing using a pre-made list can really handicap you. Usually every list is different every game becaus as I'm sure you are aware you need to pick 2 out of 5 schemes and build a crew accordingly to suit not only your chosen scheme but the strategy as well. I don't mean to sound harsh and apologies if I do, it's not my intention but all-comers / pre-made lists in Malifaux aren't really a thing like 40k, Warhammer, Warmahordes, Infinity etc. Give us a bit more detailed information and we will be more than happy to offer suggested changes etc. 

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It's almost an all encompassing list. I've found the damage to be high enough to kill off models quick enough when playing strategies that deal with table control and strong in denial. The ability to see 10 cards on a draw phase and managing them well gives the ability to get a lot done my play style is more aggressive then most and seeing that many cards on the draw phase allows me to tailor my hand to get a lot of what I need from my triggers to maximize my models I've played almost 200 games total to date and found This build to be extremely potent for nearly everything. I agree with your statement of selection of crew based on strategy and schemes but this crew is granted strange but very well rounded

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maybe in other games or with other master.

but it doesn't matter. Now I talk something...

Pandora's usual problem is getting VP.

For Example, against summoning crew in recon.

And her crew may be too pandora-centric.

If your opponent deny or kill her, what is your next plan? I think you must think about these situation.

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Also, you are denying yourself a lot of her power by not taking one of her two limited upgrades. Voices and the Box Opens are big style changes for her, adding Paralyze or giving her a bit of resilience in Terryfing checks. I feel aether connection isn't a very useful upgrade when you have many more powerful ones. My best thoughts on Pandora are to make a small core crew of say 3-4 models that work well and then have some situational choices. My personal preference with her are Candy with Fears Given Form to control an entire vector of the board, and Insidious Madness to run schemes and provide extra WP duels for her to toss MIsery around. The rest can vary depending on strategy and scheme. Pandora's crew usually has no problem killing things, even if she's not the one doing the killing, but she suffers when the crew has to spread out for Recconnoiter or Interference. Turf War is her favorite game by far and she excells at it.

Good options to run with her are:
Coppelius (my new favorite lately)

Widow Weaver

Baby Kade and Teddy

The Illuminated (go to beat sticks for Neverborn)

Insidious Madness

LIlitu/ Beckoners

Candy Candy Candy Candy....maybe I said it enough, she's awesome.

Primordial Magic



If you have a revolving set up that uses a core strategy and expands for situations, Pandora is a very powerful master to have in your arsenal. That being said, she's one of the few neverborn masters that I see certain games and am ready to just leave her in the box. She doesn't deal with summoners well, Widow Weaver can help but thats only one model, and she doesn't do very well in situations where she has to cover large portions of the map. If you are looking for an all rounder in Neverborn I'd swing towards Zoraida, Lynch, Dreamer or Lilith.

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Ok but then dont build a death ball? Build a crew that can spread out more and focus Pandora on where she can do the most disruption maybe?


Death Ball seems like the supported play style out of the box, but it's not the best thing she can do anyway.


My opinion.

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I never build the death ball, the problem is, when you start building a crew that can spread out, you realize there are masters that better support this style of play than Pandora. Even if you aren't building a death ball, to get the most out of incite, paralyze, and misery you wanna play fairly close (within 10 inches or so). VS Summoners, Pandora has a hard time with anyone who hangs way back and has little access to marker removal.

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Pandora is perfectly capable of spreading out, or be a stand alone model. One way of playing her is to either go after or shut down everything big, important, or nasty in the opposing crew; depending on which of the limited upgrades you pick. When Pandora runs at full gears her crew is mostly a cheering section. Try to use her as a stand alone, you won't be disappointed!

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I never play Pandora as a deathball, nor bother with Sorrows or Poltergeist. If the opponent is a summoner I tend to take the fight to them or else block off their access to any areas I dont want them in by using Pandora and Candy as blockers. Works fine so far.

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Dusted off the Poltergeist for the first time in an age today. I still feel there's a place for him, I know its hard to look past the primordial, but, I feel the poltergeist is a little underestimated.

He can put out some hurt. Built in slow on his pretty accurate attack, very mobile, obviously goes down easily to ca actions and big beaters but he is a totem afterall.....

Anyone had any Joy running him often?

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I have played it once, it performed very well. You can sneak around with it to set up a deadly blow from Pandora. Much like I played with Hamelin and Nix in 1.5 (erratad, so no long looks please). The thing is though that I have such a hard time not to hire the Prim Magic. If the Poltergeist were I regular minion, I would hire it almost every game, but no it competes with the most solid 2ss in the game. Its hard to win that fight.

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Everything for 5 SS goes down fast to something. The Poltergeist is an annoying bitch to play against. (Not when I play Sonnia, but Sonnia is generally great against Pandora.)


Yeah, a friend of mine more or less threw out all of Pandora's spirits after playing a few games against my Sonnia, think it was an over-reaction.


The Poltergeist is a bit over-hated I think. He tends to die early but that's because if you don't kill him you'll lose everything around him. Also, his :melee attack is actually pretty cool but I've no-one ever seems to mention it. 

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Yeah 1/1/5 with built in slow is amazing if the opponent has no way to avoid the - to wp duels. Can hit surprisingly hard with a couple of good cards or flips.

If already in melee, slow them and then use magical extension if they're a big hitter to do some proper damage.

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