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Funny rules interactions

Math Mathonwy

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The Silent of Silurids protects them while buried from Void Wretches' Void Maw attack since the Wretch needs to target them yet can't ignore the need for LoS. I can imagine a very nervous, very silent Silurid floating in the void while a Wretch is all "where'd he go?"


That... is... hilarious! Thanks for making my day.


Best thing I've come up with is Sonnia making a Stalker out of Leveticus. And again, and again, and again.

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I think we've had a topic or two of these but I couldn't find the latest one, so maybe another is in order.

The Silent of Silurids protects them while buried from Void Wretches' Void Maw attack since the Wretch needs to target them yet can't ignore the need for LoS. I can imagine a very nervous, very silent Silurid floating in the void while a Wretch is all "where'd he go?"

What have you got?


This is awesome :D Really amazing.



Only thing I can think of is cursing a model with "Suffocating Injustice" and dropping it down a shafted marker. 

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So taking Levi against Sonnia could *ahem* backfire as S could use L to summon multiple stalkers over the course of the game?


It could, if she gets Burning on him. It also doesn't work if he sacrifices, for a Waif for example.

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I find that ability-copying tech tends to be great for this.  Have Cassandra study under a Malifaux Raptor to learn how to fly!  Have Hannah grab a Rotten Belle's ability to Undress... whilst she's still in a 5-meter-high robot suit.


But really, to me, the funniest example of this sort of thing is also the most common.  "Alright, I'll make a new entry - I think I see how they're incanting those Ancient Words!"  "Um, yes, Hannah.  I'm sure you do know how I'm doing that, since YOU ARE MY BOSS, THE HEAD OF ORDER, AND THE ONE WHO TAUGHT ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!  What do you even mean, 'new entry'?  You've done this, like, twenty times!"

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Doesn't the stalker thing work with Bete Noir also?


Speaking of making stalkers, the Witchling handler has a trigger after reducing a model to 0 wounds to discard a soulstone to summon a stalker, if the target is on fire and near Sonnia, could you get 2 stalkers off one target?

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Doesn't the stalker thing work with Bete Noir also?


Speaking of making stalkers, the Witchling handler has a trigger after reducing a model to 0 wounds to discard a soulstone to summon a stalker, if the target is on fire and near Sonnia, could you get 2 stalkers off one target?



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