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Ressers in M2E


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With the greatest respect Polish if McMourning is not doing well in your meta then the players do not know how to play him properly.  Sure he benefits from a crew that can support him with poison but all those things are also good in their own right (Sebastian as a support summoner, aura to help against shooting and sacking off almost dead models for SS/card; Nurse for being awesome, Canine Remains for running schemes, Autopsies for schemes and ranged support, Flesh Constructs as tar pits).  His ability to hand out consistent damage and get two model swings by turning them into Flesh Constructs or Canine remains is very powerful and ignoring HtW/Armour means he can comfortably take on most things.  Df/Wp 5 do make him a little vulnerable but with the highest Wd count in the game, ability to use SS, HtW, being able to heal 5 wounds a turn from Ml attacks and 5" push when taking poison damage allowing him to push himself in and out of danger comfortably if he is regularly getting killed then people aren't playing him properly!


TL; DR - he is comfortably a top tier Master able to do well in any strat/scheme pool.


And that is the problem with it, if you look at all the other resser masters they have range options readily available without the chance of placing themselves in the middle of danger. Mcmorning has to get in the thick of it to use all those abilities he has to their maximum potential. I even ran him with a papaloco/ francisco /witchling/nurse combo to make him a unkillable combat monster.... just not worth it.

(dont use belles as a mitigator as all ressers can use belles)

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And that is the problem with it, if you look at all the other resser masters they have range options readily available without the chance of placing themselves in the middle of danger. Mcmorning has to get in the thick of it to use all those abilities he has to their maximum potential. I even ran him with a papaloco/ francisco /witchling/nurse combo to make him a unkillable combat monster.... just not worth it.

(dont use belles as a mitigator as all ressers can use belles)

If Belles can't be used as a mitigator don't use Guild models in a Resser thread! :P


McMourning excels at being in the thick of it.  That's why you take him.  And Belles are the obvious answer if you don't want him off without his crew (as they are for so many other Resser Masters).  I run McMourning off on his own all the time and have never had any issues with his survivability.

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And that is the problem with it, if you look at all the other resser masters they have range options readily available without the chance of placing themselves in the middle of danger. Mcmorning has to get in the thick of it to use all those abilities he has to their maximum potential. I even ran him with a papaloco/ francisco /witchling/nurse combo to make him a unkillable combat monster.... just not worth it.

(dont use belles as a mitigator as all ressers can use belles)


But, but, you say don't use Belles as a mitigator while complaining that he has to be in the thick of it! With Belles, he doesn't have to be!


Granted, all other Masters can use them as well, but in this special case, they are the solution to the problem you put forward. If we cannot use them as an argument, then you are right, of course.


Also, Sonnia can never see through walls, by the way. Don't use Withcling Stalkers or Samael as an argument! Every Guild Master can use those after all.

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This has been a fantastic thread! Much love and appreciation everyone! I literally want to play all the masters now haha.

I think I'm going to pick up killjoy with necrotic preperation. Even if I don't bomb him in he seems like a great piece to kill whatever's giving you problems no matter where you are.

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So what about:




+maniacal (I really want to raise some zombies lol)


+ Necrotic Protection

The Valedictorian


Rotten Belle


Seems low model count. Viable to paint up while learning the game?


Your list could work, in some games, but it is more fruitful to tailor you list to a specific game's opponent, strategy, and schemes.

If you want to ease into the game, I would suggest that you start out with smaller games and slowly increment the amount of soul stones. If you do that, you also will the time to paint a solid roster of models for larger games!

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I agree. If you are just learning the game, and I apologize if this isn't the case, I'd play some henchman led games first, perhaps with no upgrades. Then add the master, then add upgrades, then increase stone count.

As for the list... I'm not sure I'd bring Killjoy and the Valedictorian in the same list. That is a lot of points tied up in just 2 models. Especially since the Valedictorian doesn't have 3 AP.

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What other models have 3 ap innately?


All Masters, and all models with specialized AP, like Izamu or Bishop. One could make a case for models that can use their AP more effectively, like Shikome (who can charge for 1 AP) or Rogue Necromancy (who can attack and Walk out of activation).

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So I think I'm going to switch directions a bit and start out with Nico.  He seems to fit a style more similar to the type of list I'm constructing. I'll jump into Molly once I get a bit more experience.


The core list:

Nico (7SS Cache)

+Maniacal Laugh

+Reaper Grin



Graveyard Spirit


Izamu the Armor

+Unnerving Aura



+Corpse Bloat

+My Favorite Shovel




The remaining 9 SS plus the graveyard spirit will be adjusted for schemes and strats.  Then I'll play the typical buff boss and summoner (depending what I need as the game unfolds).


Gives me a good range to paint and I think a good core.

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Bete is a bit controversial. She is a fun piece, but alsways playing a 10 short is a price not everybody is willing to pay.

This isn't quite true. Or it is, but it isn't the whole truth. I know that I'm like the designated Bete defendant on these forums but I just used her last Tuesday and she was, once again, awesome.

1) She doesn't need to be on the battle field to affect the game. Being buried, your opponent needs to always consider Bete when they plan on killing something. This can affect their game a lot in some situations. No 10 needed.

2) She doesn't need to appear if she doesn't want to. You can bring her out only when it is safe - in other words, when there are no unactivated threats around her. She is Ht 2 and 30mm base so can often be hidden. She also excels in one-on-one duels (especially against Living opponents). No 10 needed.

3) She is squishy but she doesn't die to a stiff breeze, actually. She has a very good Df stat and Tenebrous Aura and four wounds is more than most things do with a weak damage flip. No 10 needed.

4) You don't need to save her. Save her if it is advantageous but models die. Just accept it. If she has fulfilled her role, leave her to the vagaries of fate and try top-decking the 10. No 10 needed.

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I agree with you, Math, and I like her a lot. But she is controversial, and that is one of the most often used and easy to understand arguments against her, so I pointed it out. That's all.


In fact, I think she is one of those Papa Loco pieces: Great fun, but not always successful. On the other hand, that's true for a lot of models.

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