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Malifaux Moments - Adepticon 2015!

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Disclaimer: Someone asked for a tournament report for Adepticon 2015 in another thread. As such, I was thinking that this post will be a bit of a hub for experiences at Adepticon for anyone who went, if you feel like sharing. It will be directed at those who couldn't make it or those who have never gone but are interested, in order to promote interest in the event for future years (or otherwise make them feel really bad for not going!). If you have a link to a blog, post, battle report, podcast, etc. post the link here. Otherwise, perhaps you could make a quick post detailing some of your favorite parts of the convention.



Just a few quick things from me...
Favorite Moments and Misc. Thoughts:
- Brawl Before Bragfaux: In an 8-man Brawl - Little ol' Raphael LaCroix stomps out such big hitters as Howard, Izamu, Rogue Necro, Hooded Rider, Killjoy, and Peacekeeper to a 17VP victory! He one-shotted Killjoy twice hitting for 10 and 12 dmg a shot. >8)
- Mr. Westerland has officially converted me over to the gremlins... I may play outcasts, I may enjoy Outcasts, but I am now firmly transitioning towards a more green approach to this game.
- Portello's!!! It's sad that I have to drive 20hrs to get a good sandwich. American food is off the hook! The chocolate cake shake kicked my ass.
- Nova Open's Matt Stanley showed Wyrd's Mason (piloting the Viks) why Jack Daw is the scariest guy around in a friendly pick up that was really awesome to watch play out. It ended in an 8-8 draw... and I was most pleased to see Jack stand up so well against such a beaty master. I also talked Jack with Matt afterwards and he is just as nice in person as I thought he would be. Thanks!
- "Masters - Adepticon 2015; or, How I learned that the name of the new 8th faction in Malifaux is 'Leveticus.' "
- Oh, the Deception!!! I actually played two more (or less) deceptive players than myself! Master R3 found myself facing off in a Levy-off against an opponent who played as much outside of the game as he did inside... and it was GREAT! He used such techniques as over-information, off topic conversation, "thinking aloud," speaking and playing fast, and giving "helpful advice." He even forced an awkward situation by having me play sideways on the table with a terribly one-sided deployment zone - something I did not expect nor had ever done before. Unfortunately, you can't con a con'er... or something like that...I picked up on his aggressive style of deception almost immediately and countered with one of my own favorites: "pretending I am a whole lot dumber than I am" - there is nothing a confident deceiver likes better than thinking his deception is working. Besides, the fact that I truly am terrible at math, especially while multi-tasking, adds to the legitimacy of this approach.
*I believe that this is exactly what Mike from Gaming Done Right was talking about when he said simply knowing about deception can help oneself avoid being con'ed by it and in my mind, when I was thinking back about that game, not a more perfect example can be found. I "gave it away" that I might have distract ("You have to be "base to base" to interact with a model, right?") only to reveal I declared Take Prisoner on Hannah at the end to gain the victory. Outside of the game he was a perfect gent and really nice guy to talk to. Good game, sir!... and one of the best of the weekend. I was able to turn what might have been a negative play experience for most other people into what was one of my favorites of the weekend.*
Of note, Wyrd's own Mason con'ed me into attacking his Blood Vik who had Frame for Murder... and I fell for it! Luckily I was being dumb and not channeling with Levy - my stupidity saved me. As soon as I realized that he had given me that helpful information which deceived me I was mighty pleased. :) Good show, my man!
Some Notes and Considerations:
- I spent way too much time painting and not playing in preparation for Adepticon - I hadn't played a real legit game of Malifaux (standard format and in the competitive spirit) for at least 3-4 months before. I found myself forgetting a lot of stuff and getting bogged down with strategy within time constraints. 
- I ended Masters at 3-1-1 ranking 25th (I believe it should be 15th-ish due to calculation errors in TP). The plight of the denial player = it appears to be very difficult to rank high in terms of vp/diff in domination format with my style of play and Masters R4 is a shining example of why I shouldn't try to play aggressively in order to maximize my VP accumulation if I want to win (he was a really good opponent and likely would have won anyway ;) ). I screwed up and he outclassed me, 'nuff said. Next time, I will just have to stick to my strengths instead of gambling for extra VP above what I need to win. 
Otherwise, I will just be happy with my W-L record alone rather than concerning over VP/Diff since I will likely find myself at the very bottom of the 4-1's or 3-1's or whatever. I was hoping for for 2-3/3-2 with no blowouts and giving a really good effort towards the best appearence award in masters... so I exceeded my goal regardless and can't ask for more. :)
- I did end up scoring best appearence in masters which I was extremely happy about. Thank you to everyone for your compliments... I will have something way better in store next time! :) I am also really glad that Sean did seperate awards for each event and that there were no repeat winners. I really wanted best in masters so that's why I put in for that specifically - it gives the awards a real "top 3" or "best of" feeling to the entire convention instead of the same person winning each event.
- I placed 2nd in Bragfaux - ultimately getting beat down by James K. who outclassed me the whole weekend. In R5 of Masters, knowing he was a better player than I, I threw a suicide/disruption list at him in order to be disruptful enough to squeak in a tie. However, the tips/tricks and brush up on my outcasts game that he gave me before masters would prove to be well worth the loss in Bragfaux in order to bolster my game for Masters the next day.
- Story Mode I went 1-0-2... I really suffered with my limited crew that I brought within the parameters of the strategies and had to make due with some really janky lists and practically negate the strategies all together to make it by. The third round saw me squaring off against Ron Overton piloting the Viks - I took a list with a 20SS handicap (He declared Outcasts and I immediately thought Levy/Hamelin so I took nothing but A&D and Miners to prevent "Awwwww Schucks"). It felt like Levy's last stand - I just turtled and killed anything that came close while threatening "Awwww Schucks" with my 0SS Waifs - hilariously the most dangerous models in the encounter. It actually felt really epic. I learned that day that taking A&D with Levy in itself is good enough for a tie. It was actually a crazy game and one of the funniest of the weekend. :)
Big shouts out to:
- Adepticon Sean! It was a fantastic event and both the masters and story mode were practically dead on time. I could tell he looked totally exhausted but it seemed like he was still happy to be there. Really nice guy. I can't remember the name of the young fella who assisted and did the paint judging at masters but same goes for him! 
- Dexy from A Wyrd Place! (I lost your email address dude - PM me). He put on a great side event - it was fun and relaxing while everyone else was straining long and hard over the team events. He mentioned something about a HH or Brawl side event next year - make sure you hold him to that! It would be great for all the pickups and people who want something fun and crazy instead of just exploiting game mechanics with broken teams. ;)
- James K. - a great player who played a mean Outcasts game and went 200% beyond what a normal player would do in the way of sportsmanship. If there was a prize for sportsmanship he would have gotten it. My tape measure broke and he gave me another for the rest of the tourney - he reminded me of things that I was forgetting if I did forget and gave me a number of helpful hints (during the game and even when it was crucially to his disadvantage!). It was like getting an advanced demo/refresher just before masters when I was fairly rusty with my master. Anyway, James is the reason I went 3-1-1 in masters and not 1-3-1. Thanks!
- Mr. Westerland! We talked Malifaux 1-3 hrs a night and an hour in the morning most mornings before events - late to bed, early to rise or something like that? A proper gent, as it were, and all that - if he is a representation of the UK malifaux scene then I have no problem with them invading from across the pond and I would be glad to assist in the assault on the yanks. We never did get to play but I'm sure he would have given me the royal treatment and a proper smashing with his flying pigs and silly roosters. Gremlins represented in the top 5 at Masters!
- That Wyrdo Mason - First person in the world to get the new plastic Johan, right? >8) Thanks!
- Cheatedfates Joe - Super friendly guy and a blast to play against. He gave me the tightest, scariest and hardest game of the weekend with a "Joel Henry styled" Lilith. I took his suggestion of going to Portello's from his podcast but he kindly informed me in person that I failed the duel because I didn't also get the chocolate cake shake. I burned a stone and flipped for a Maxwell Polish and a shake on my way home. Glad to have met you.
- Crissy DuBois (and all the terrain people) - really friendly and did a ton of terrain and demos... but then did a disappearing act like her big sister Colette on Friday and was nowhere to be found. Could very well still be sleeping off a hangover. ;)
- All the judges and my opponents - Everyone was great - didn't have a bad game and had a lot of fun. I know my serious face looks really grumpy like I'm about to Donkey Kong fist pound the table but that's just my "serious mode" because I'm thinking really hard. I hope no one thought I was actually upset ;)
Final words - I really had a great time and I met nothing but the nicest wargamers in the hobby. Malifaux is the only reason I still tabletop.
If you play Malifaux and you don't go to Adepticon, the only thing you're cheating is yourself.
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Big shouts out to:

- Adepticon Sean! It was a fantastic event and both the masters and story mode were practically dead on time. I could tell he looked totally exhausted but it seemed like he was still happy to be there. Really nice guy. I can't remember the name of the young fella who assisted and did the paint judging at masters but same goes for him!

If you play Malifaux and you don't go to Adepticon, the only thing you're cheating is yourself.

Thanks man! The young fella is Brendan most likely. He was my most overworked minion. Glad you had a good time. I just got my tote from my friend with the van. So I will look into the scoringbissue. Thanks for the heads up.

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Aww, no mention of the *heroic* Malifaux Child ;)


In retrospect, I kinda wish I had taken power ritual.  When I saw your crazy list, I got the distinct feeling that being on your side of the table was a VERY bad idea and it scared me off it. A shot at 1 point there over the shoot the moon Take Prisoner was probably the better call.


Either way a great, weird and seriously entertaining game! Definitely one of my con highlights.  Thanks again!

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That's right! Malifaux Child gets MVP by saving the day by tying up not one but two SS Miners!!! Grrrrrrrr.... haha!

That's the only time 0SS waifs are the scariest things on the board! lol It's like playing Malifaux in reverse.


Yes, Brendan sounds familiar, I'm sure that's him. He looked absolutely exhausted by the end - I should have bought him a beer before I left. Thanks Brendan!

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- Nova Open's Matt Stanley showed Wyrd's Mason (piloting the Viks) why Jack Daw is the scariest guy around in a friendly pick up that was really awesome to watch play out. It ended in an 8-8 draw... and I was most pleased to see Jack stand up so well against such a beaty master. I also talked Jack with Matt afterwards and he is just as nice in person as I thought he would be. Thanks!

Thank you for the compliment. I'm filing this away for when my friends accuse me of being a knee-biting jerk. :)

And that game against Mason was a nail biter! It goes to show that even if you lose your master on turn 2, you're still very much in the game. Mason was a tough opponent to play against, and I know he won't fall for that trick again. I feel bad for the next Daw player he plays. :)

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That enforcer brawl was nuts (I played the Hooded Rider). Raphael was nuts... even late in the game when we would kill him to try to narrow his lead, he would just show back up on his next action in the perfect place to murder Izamu and Killjoy! Remind me not to underestimate the power of a suicidal gremlin...


Great playing with you and congrats on the award!

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I only accuse him of being a knee biting jerk when he:


A) runs a jack daw crew

B) Turn 1 Summons a Rouge Necro.

C) Picks the same person for both Frame for Murder and Vendetta.


Ok so pretty much all the time.


But on a more serious not Matt is a great asset to the Malifaux Community. He is more than willing to help anyone into the game. Playing a game with him is always fun.


I think I lucked out in my area I have two really dedicated henchmen.

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Cheatedfates Joe - Super friendly guy and a blast to play against. He gave me the tightest, scariest and hardest game of the weekend with a "Joel Henry styled" Lilith. I took his suggestion of going to Portello's from his podcast but he kindly informed me in person that I failed the duel because I didn't also get the chocolate cake shake. I burned a stone and flipped for a Maxwell Polish and a shake on my way home. Glad to have met you.


Guilty as charged. Was a lot of fun Glad you got the shake on the way home!

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Molly with mortimer - corpse bloat, and one canine remains.


Mortimer spleens 1 corpse marker and digs one up. Canine remains finds one corpse marker. Molly summons a model that dies because no enemies are within 3 and it drops one. Last comes the Rouge with the spare parts upgrade

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Molly with mortimer - corpse bloat, and one canine remains.

Mortimer spleens 1 corpse marker and digs one up. Canine remains finds one corpse marker. Molly summons a model that dies because no enemies are within 3 and it drops one. Last comes the Rouge with the spare parts upgrade

Oh cool. Cheers!

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