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Vendetta and Scoring 3VPs.



OK, so this just came up in another thread and I (we) have a question about Vendetta.  I've always thought that the only way to get the full 3VPs from Vendetta is if your noted models first attack was against the noted enemy model and your noted model killed the noted enemy model.


However, having checked the wording for Vendetta it states 'If the noted enemy model is killed by the noted friendly model, score 3 VP (whether or not the scheme was revealed' (Big Rulebook, page 70, my emphasis).  Now, as the scheme specifically states it may not be revealed at the start of the game and the only way to reveal the scheme is if you noted models first attack is against the noted enemy model does this mean that it's possible to score the full 3VPs for Vendetta if your noted model only lands the killing blow to the noted enemy model?


I had always thought that this was not the case before but having read Vendetta again it seems like you could and whilst risky makes scoring 3VPs from Vendetta a lot easier.

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You can get the 3 vp for getting the kill shot regardless of anything else you do.

It isn't a case of scoring +1 vp if the noted enemy model was killed by the noted friemdly model, it is Score 3 vp.


So the scoring is exactly

1 VP if first attack is against target

2 vp if first attack against target, and target is not on the table at the end of the game

3 VP if model killed target (regardless of if its first attack was against the target or not)

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Its an interesting structure, my thoughts:


1) The noted model's first attack is against the Vendetta target , score 1 VP. If the target dies, score another VP. If noted model kills, get the final VP.

2) Noted model kills the target, 3 VP awarded.


The only way to get 2 VP is to reveal it is if the noted model's first attack is against the target, otherwise if the noted model doesn't kill the target you don't get any VP.


I think option 2 is valid when you are unable to make the noted models first attack against the target - still giving you a chance to get the scheme points.

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I think option 2 is valid when you are unable to make the noted models first attack against the target - still giving you a chance to get the scheme points.

It is weird that you can potentially never score from it if the first attack is not against the chosen model but seems like the chance to get three VPs is very easy.

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