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Proxy Policy for Set-Only Models


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I know part of this topic has come up time and again, but I'm wondering about a specific quirk of etiquette related to an issue.


Let me start with my own individualized gripe then the resulting question...


Figures like Barbaros are unavailable to anyone who bought into 1E unless they spend $40 or so on a new plastic boxed set...


I REALLY HAD hoped to complete a set of every faction (I'm up to 134 models so far), but their change in production philosophy has likely cost them business from me due to my oddness...


I say that because now that I realize I can never complete this collection without buying boxed sets that are 80-90% duplicates of models I have, I've basically given up on completeness, and will slow down my buying substantially. 


I'm just one odd dude who tends to dive in full speed, so not enough to make them reconsider, but it was also a bummer to know that I'm done trying to hit 100%, and so now I'm only going to buy the few models remaining that interest me.  This change in distribution likely made sense for them and their trade partners, it just killed my momentum/interest in completion.


With that in mind as an unchangeable barrier, my question:  What is the policy for proxies, and how does it change - if at all - for models in this particular predicament?


If Wyrd is as decent as they seem to be, I would assume (hope) that you can freely proxy about anything in as one of these models...?  Or am I wrong, and they make no special concession for these corner cases? 


Obviously this applies only to sanctioned play..now that I know my collection is impossible, I'm going to rely on arsenal boxes and interesting figures I can find online to represent them in our friendly games.


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Bummer... related questions - one for the friendly folks of the board, one for Wyrd if they monitor these boards:


1) Realizing that not everything has been released (has it?) do we have a list of which models SO FAR are like Barbaros - available in boxed sets only?  I'm just annoyed that when I first started buying, and didn't know what was available, I ran into the OPPOSITE problem...I bought figures that WERE in single packs, then found a boxed set that I wanted... with duplicates of those models.  Just trying to be an informed shopper on which are known to be boxed set exclusive.


2) For Wyrd:  I absolutely get that you want to PLEASE your trade customers, KEEP your trade customers, and make life easy for your trade customers.  This issue is almost exclusively limited to people with 1E models... so...


Recognizing the nightmare of SKU management, and the strain and cost it imposes on your trade... but why would you not, for CUSTOMER goodwill, offer DIRECT SALE of these models from your site?


The trade doesn't have to worry about multiple SKUs and inefficient inventory.  You could argue they would see this as competing with them, but if it is limited to these box-only models that impact is limited.  Only if your dealers actually wanted you to FORCE people to buy a whole new set for one model would it be an issue, and honestly would you want to deal with shops that had that stance?


In addition, the threat to the trade could be managed by pricing of these individuals - sell them in a plastic envelope with no card (arsenal packs), and charge a figure that makes it not abusive, but is non-competitive with the full box from the trade...$15-$20 for a Barbaros for example.  If a model is only cast/shot along with other models, there is waste, but I'm thinking you could easily just tuck these away, sell them to the trade somehow, give them away at shows, etc.

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Remember too that Gaining Grounds also only applies to tournaments that choose to use it, and that the proxy rules only apply if the con organizer chooses to use that section. There are no proxy police. If you play with friends or cool/understanding tournament organizers you can use whatever proxies you and your opponents agree to. Personally, I would let you use just whatever looks cool as long as I know what it is.

Unfortunately you are correct about lack of availability of certain models outside of a crew box, but Wyrd was pretty hell bent on getting rid of metal figures and and seems to be pretty determined to only make certain models that are the only models guys who have metal models really need only available as part of a bigger crew box. We are pretty much stuck with it. Has very little to do with SKU management, accounts tend to care less about number of SKUs than they do about whether those SKUs sell.

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Models which only exist in currently reprinted plastic boxes (Ie never had a metal version)


Dashel (although it depends on how you want to count the old Captain and Sergent)


Expected models in the future which will only exist in the same way

Firestarter (predicted Kaeris box)


Funny Case

Wong already exists, but Lightning bugs, Lovely assistant and what ever else is in his box doesn't. (unless its Burt)

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Dont forget several Totems for last editions Henchman.


As far as Kirai you could probably also add the Sheisin since the box set comes with 2 while she can have 5 (Skeeters are similar with Som'er).


If watching the company for the last five years has shown me anything, its that if enough people vocalize an issue it will be addressed (even if a vocal opposition refutes everything). I am still holding out hope that these models will be available some day as a "Web Only" purchase on the Wyrd Store (where they seem to want our money but just dont want to provide a viable outlet for us to willingly give it to them). The options that have often been suggested are not viable at all.

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Thanks to everyone who's chimed in so far.


I am admittedly new, and most of the old timers probably have way more than this, but here is the state of my collection right now:


Guild: 7 models, Res: 16 models, Arc: 30 models, NB: 42 models, Out: 34 models, and 7 Ten Thunders.


The point is that a LOT of those are from older editions - things I bought because I loved the sculpts.  While I'm willing to pay a premium if they can come up with a single model option that works, I will also say that if they offer a Barbaros or any other of these after I've put any work in on a proxy, I'm not going to bother.


The Good news (For me) is that I've talked to everyone I might conceivably play with, and none have an issue with ANY proxies - even characters who are available (good sports!). I really WANT to field all Wyrd miniatures, but anything they only offer as full sets with models I already have is a non-starter now.  I've only been in this for about four months, from the list it should be clear I'm a LEETLE bit obsessive.  It just feels like they are leaving lots of money from KNOWN LOYAL customers on the table.

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 It just feels like they are leaving lots of money from KNOWN LOYAL customers on the table.

As some one who has virtually every model available from first edition I am in complete agreement with this statement. Not looking for a handout or freeby, would love to provide Wyrd a suitable amount of money for product. If retailer's dont want to carry individual models (due to SKU volume concerns) then offer it exclusively on the web store and net the entire profit instead of sharing it with distributors and retailers.


Additionally, it would be neat if perhaps future completely new releases (wholly unavailable in metal but tied to a crew that was) could omit "Lynchpin" models from crew boxes and sell them separately.

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Dont forget several Totems for last editions Henchman.


Good point. That adds Steam trunk, Scribe, eternal flame.


8 (7 1/2) models that will involved you duplicating most of a crew box. (Dashel sort of existed in Plastic, and anyway comes in the box with the scribe).

Loverly Assistant, Lady Leliga, and possibly the Guilty and Ligntening bugs that will come in a crew box where you could already own the Master. Montresor technically had a First editon model you can use for him, and we don't know what else will be in Wongs Box.

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